The Will of Margaret Looney als Hutchin.
hath DECREED her Children
namely John William Robert Daniel Esther Margaret
and Isabel Looney
John Looney Senior 1745 - 1805 and Margart Hutchin.
had a Son named Daniel.
The Will of John Looney (Boshin) in 1836 - makes no mention of a son named Daniel.
Yet - he is alive and well in the 1841 Census.
John Looney Senior - in his Will in 1805 - has a Son named Daniel.
The Will of John Looney (Margaret Hutchin) - died 18th Day of November 1804.
At a Chapter Court holden in the Parish of Lezayre on the 22nd Day of October 1805 _____
John Looney of the Parish of KK Maughold.
having departed this Life on or about the 18th Day.
of November 1804 Intestate and the Court having.
received Intelligence thereof hath DECREED his six.
Children namely John, Robert, Daniel, Esther,.
Margaret and Isabel Looney.