I've been trying to sort out which Jane Moore married which William Gick.
Please could someone tell me if I'm right so far ?
This is the William Gick ( son of Christopher Gick and Eleanor Bridson ) who married Jane Moor on 4th June 1765
3. WILLIAM GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Marriage: 04 JUN 1765 Braddan, Isle Of Man, England
WILLIAM GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 13 MAY 1735 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
and his burial
GICK, William San 13 Oct 1792
and his will from Brian's list:
I William Gick Senior of the parish of KK St Ann in part of Ballavartin
being advanced in age but blessed be God of a sound mind and understanding,
and considering the uncertainty of this mortal life do
make this my last will and testament in the following manner.
First I commend my soul to God who gave it humbly relying on the
mercies in Christ Jesus my Blessed Redeemer for the pardon of all my
Also I give and bequeath to my son Thomas five shillings.
To my son William five shillings
To my son Christopher five shillings
To my son John Five shillings
And to my daughter Margaret five shillings
Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my loving wife Jane Gick alias
Moore to be whole executrix of this my will and residuary legatees of all
my houses and lands, and all the rest of my goods and effects moveable and
immoveable of what nature or kind soever.
Note before the signing of this will but if the executrix Jane Gick do
marry a second husband then my children's legacys are to be in these
different sums Thos my eldest son five pounds, for my son William
thirty pounds to my son John five pounds do to Christopher five pounds and
to my daughter Margaret ten pounds.
Also I do appoint my loving wife Jane Gick to be whole executrix of all
my houses and lands moveable and immoveable of what nature soever.
In witness whereof I have caused my name to my mark to be put hereunto on
the twelfth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety two.
William Gick my mark
Jno Crebbin
James Skillicorn my x mark }
John Boyde }Jurati
At a Chapter Court holden at Castletown Nov 8th 1792
Executrix sworn in court in form of law and hath given pledges for
payment of debts and legacies namely the witnesses of the will.
This is the Jane Moor who married William Gick 1735-1792(, possibly her father was Philip Moore / no mother's name)
5. JANE MOOR - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 23 APR 1732 Braddan, Isle Of Man, England
and her death:
GICK Jane 88 San 14 Jan 1821.
Administration thing since she died intestate--- transcribed on Brian Lawson's IOMFHS list.
GICK/JICK, Jane 1821 San MOORE E 1 0106422
Jane Jick or Gick alias Moore having departed this life on or about the
14th Jan 1821 last intestate and this court having received intelligence
thereof hath decreed her children Thomas, Christopher, and John
co-administrator of all and singular the effects of their intestate
mother and Christopher being absent they the said Thomas and John are sworn
in trust co- administrators well and truly to administer the said estate to
exhibit inventory pay debts and be true and just to each other and their
absent co-administrator in the division of the residuum and to these ends
they have given pledges in form of law namely John Quine and Thomas Quilliam
both of Santan.
Decretum est T. Stephen
These are their children from IGI:
. WILLIAM GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 14 FEB 1768 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
2. ROBERT GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Death: 27 JUN 1779
3. ROBERT GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 17 MAR 1773 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
4. THOS GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 20 JUL 1766 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
5. MARGT GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 17 MAR 1773 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
6. CHRISTOPHER GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 11 NOV 1770 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
7. JOHN GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 21 MAY 1775 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
8. William GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 14 FEB 1768 St Sanctain'S,Santon, , Isle Of Man, England
9. Christopher GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 11 NOV 1770 St Sanctain'S,Santon, , Isle Of Man, England
Now William Gick of Cordeman who married Jane Moore:
. WILLIAM GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Marriage: 11 AUG 1781 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
Is this his christening ? Parents William Gick and Catherine Christian ?
. WILLIAM GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 13 JUL 1760 Malew, Isle Of Man, England
GICK, William 76 San 9 Jun 1837
and from Brian's will index ( will not transcribed yet):
GICK, William 1837 Mal E 1 0106437
Is this his wife, Jane Moore, daughter of Thomas Moore of Ballachrink and Dorothy Bridson ?
JANE MOORE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 23 JUN 1758 Santon, Isle Of Man, England ,
and are all these their children?
1. ISABEL GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 09 NOV 1800 Malew, Isle Of Man, England
2. ELIZABETH GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 30 MAY 1784 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
3. JUDITH GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 10 APR 1796 Malew, Isle Of Man, England
4. ELLINOR GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 07 JUL 1782 Santon, Isle Of Man, England
5. DOROTHY JICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 10 JUL 1789 Saint Mathews, Douglas, Isle Of Man, England
6. JANE GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 12 FEB 1792 St Geo, Douglas, Isle Of Man, England
7. JANE JICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 12 FEB 1792 Saint George, Douglas, Isle Of Man, England
8. WILLIAM GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 11 FEB 1787 St Geo, Douglas, Isle Of Man, England
9. ESTHER GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 25 OCT 1793 St Geo, Douglas, Isle Of Man, England
10. Dorothy GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 1790
11. William GICK - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Birth: 1785
Ray quotes an MI of Jane Kelly nee Gick b 12 Feb 1792
"Jane Kelly alias Gick wife of William Kelly, late of Ballalonney in this parish, who departed this life the 15 March 1825, aged 33 years. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above, who died July 24, 1843, aged 22 years."
Is this grave in Old St Runius church yard ?
Does anyone have other MIs from OSR which might tie in with this family?
Jean C