correction they are still only summarised on the CD (most of a deed is legal boiler plate) - if people need a transcript or want to query my reading of a place name (not always easy as usually only mentioned once) either contact me or pay for a copy of deed from Museum - if you have access to the extremely expensive place name books by George Broderick then he usually gives the deed ref under a placename entry which may give another mechanism of finding a relevant deed.
The index on the CD is complete in all but one or two parishes to 1801, and in the smaller parishes to 1847 when the registration mechanism changed (more will be added during my return to Peel next week to while away time on boat + train) - the Museum has had a team of volunteers working on the post 1880 deeds (to be accessible via iMuseum) and probably will start on the post 1847 books shortly.
I've made a very small start on mortgages - these will be added once the deed index is complete (23,000 deeds pre 1847 with maybe 20% Douglas - there are some 1800 marriage contracts in the deeds) - maybe 10,000 ? mortgages.