sorry don't have in in my backlog (tho there some 4000 others there!) - marked as 'want' when next in Museum which I hope will be end of week after easter. Think I've summarised all the Taggart wills I had copies of - also all the deeds tho several of these are in Braddan - one of which is the funniest I've so far encountered:
Old Braddan #73 - dated 26 Feb 1720;John Garret(Vollan, Lezayre) having purchased a parcel of qtrland from Chrostopher Taggart senr (Braddan) called Ballechrink and in respect that Christopher Taggart who was then dimsighted and now in greater want of both sight + all other endorsements than was expected have out of tenderness to his defficiency and respect to his age which is generally attended with many + several more infirmities, have granted following deed to Christopher Taggert + wife Joney als Garrett ...