Hello Frances, If Will Taggart is entered by Heirship - it has been passed down to him. - [name lost] must be a Taggart.
1656 lib vas Knockshemmag 13s 8d Robt Hanton drawn [name lost] is dead and Will Taggart entered by heirship
Extract from A Manx Notebook - www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/famhist/genealgy/wills.htm
Land which is sold is on the other hand no heirship to the purchaser, not having come from his ancestors. Accordingly, like chattels, it became in Man the joint property of man and wife, to be divided and disposed of with the rest of the personal property, until this was modified by Statute in 1662. When it had once passed by succession it became land of inheritance.
mills, cottages, and intacks are to descend and pass three descents not reckoning the purchase or enclosure of them . . . but are to be reputed as chattels and bequeathable and dividable as other goods till then."