wish they were easy - put up a few more Taggart + Hanton wills in Santon, Malew (+ marown) - Ballacorris in Santon should be easy to trace but seems a key step missing -
1648 lib vas Knocksheming 13s 8d Gilbt Hampton dead without issue - bro Robt gets land
(Gilbt will - d 1 Nov 1647;bro Robt + sis Margt jt admrs (Margt ua))
1649 Robt Hanton - d 26 Aug 1649;Robt Hanton the younger;half sister Margt Clucas als Hanton;owne natural sister Margt Hanton;uncles Robt + Gilbt Kissack ;his brother? William Moore by mother;stepfather William moore (half money in his hands between his gmo + his sd sis-i-law);uncle John Kissack exor;witt Jo Cosnahan, Robert Boordman, William moore
1656 lib vas Knockshemmag 13s 8d Robt Hanton drawn [name lost] is dead and Will Taggart entered by heirship
but in 1665 Robt Hanton dated 6 Feb 1664;ch Thomas(eldest son - all grounds due by death of my father), Robt (round I took from ye mountains rent 6d);unnamed wife(half my brewing pan);4 ch Robt, Margt, Mary + Anne jt execs;paid 10s unto Philip Moore of Douglas for shopwares [] ;wants Robt Moore + Robt Hanton supvs of ch - count notes Robt Moore dead and Christian Hanton sworn in his place - the execs being ua;witt John Kinley, Robt Hanton, Hu Cosnahan;
?how did it get to the Taggarts ?