Hello Philip,
This is to answer the question that you asked in this posting.
Philip said,
Looking back to your posting of 1/8/2011, 1:28 a.m., this needs to be changed in the light of your last four postings. In the section that starts JOHN 1647 – 1699, we are still happy that 1687 John Lowny married Margaret Kelvie, but we no longer think that c1666 William Looney married Joney Quillease. For now we don’t know who or whether 1666 William married. Without a name for the father in law of Joney Quillease, we can’t relate him to Looneys other than his own descendants, and we have lost the connection between the Bwoaillee Losht and Yack families. Is all that right?
Averil said,
The father in law of Joney Quillease – has been found - and re-connects the Looney Yack family to Bwoallee Losht.
groom's name:Jon. Lowny
bride's name:Ann Costen
marriage date:14 Apr 1689 Maughold