Part Nine,
1832 John Looney Senior a Settlement to John Looney Junior
31 Maughold
Jno. Looney Senr.
Jno. Looney Junr.
O 1832
Be it known to all men by these
presents that I John Looney of the
Parish of KK Maughold divers
good Causes me hereunto moving but
Chiefly and more especially for and
in Consideration of the love and
affection which I have and do
bear towards my dutiful Son John
Looney Have therefore hereby Given
Granted Assigned made over And
Settled and by these presents Do
Give Grant Gift make over and
Settle upon the said John Looney
and his Heirs Executors Administators
and Assigns All and Singular
a certain Concern of xx crossed out xxx
Lands Situate in the said Parish
at present in my own possession
being part of Ballagilley Intacks
having the annual Lords or Chief
Rent of one shilling and eight pence
and adjoining on the south and
West Banool the property of General
Goldie on the north Ballure Curagh
and on the East the property of
Hughan Looney and ___ Clagues land
as the same are at present bounded
To have and to hold the said Lands
Houses and premises unto the said
John Looney my Son and his Heirs Exors.
Admons. And Assigns forever Commencing
possession thereof Immediately upon my
decease He or they yielding and paying
the Lords or Chief rent and doing
and performing all other dues and
duties annually or otherwise Incumbent
on the said premises And Whereas
I the said John Looney being now aged
and infirm and unable properly to
attend to my own affairs I do
therefore hereby Appoint Authorize and
empower my said Son John my true
and Lawful Attorney for me and in
my name place and stead to arange
transact and negotiate all and Singular
my affairs generally of whatever
denomination or description, who is
to render an account to me of
his transactions & proceedings in the
premises. And the said John Looney
is hereby further Authorized and empowered
to adopt proceedings at Law or
otherwise to protect my rights and
to defend me And for the true
and faithful performance hereof
I the said John Looney do hereby bind
and oblige myself and my Heirs Exors. &
Administrators in the Penalty of Five
hundred pounds British that I shall
adhere to this Instrument and not
invalidate destroy or revoke the
same or any part thereof. As
Witness My Subscription this
29th day of June One thousand
Eight Hundred & thirty one
John Looney my X
Signed & Delivered At Ramsey 3 July 1831
In the presence of James Killip and
William Kelly the
James Killip Witnesses to the
Willm. Kelly foregoing Instrument
made oath on the Holy Evangelists
that John Looney the party
thereto duly executed the
same in their presence
Before me
John Cas Gelling
Know all men by these Presents that I
John Looney Senior of Boshin acknowledged
to have given an Heirs bargain to my son John
of a parcel of land commonly called Gob - ny -
Schoot joining the rent of General Goldie
on the west and south the rent of William
Kerruish on the north and of Evan Looney
and Clague on the east this bargain bears
date the twenty ninth day of June one thousand
eight hundred and thirty one the lands to be
posessed on my decease and I now give
him possession of the same to ma
. The
.. according to his own [liking] and to take
possession in all the easements that are
belonging to the said Lands this the nine
[teenth] day of December 1831 my X
John Looney
Witnesses present
Wm. Kelly
Wm. Kerruish
At Ramsey 13th _ day of
July 1832
John Looney the
William Kerruish one of the
Subscribing witnesses to the execution of the
foregoing paper writing made oath on the
Holy Evangelists that John Looney duly
signed & executed the same in his presence
and in presence of Wm. Kelly the other subscribing
Before me J. Christian
At a Court Baron holden at
Ramsey the 25th Octr 1832
The foregoing Deed having been
duly attested before a High Bailiff
and Deemster and now openly
published in Court, and no
objection offered against it
The same is therefore Ordered
to be Recorded
J. .
1835 Burial, John Looney Senior 2nd December, [Son of Daniel Looney & Isabel Cashin]
c1840 John Looney Junior Immigrates to McLaren Vale, Adelaide, Australia [Son of, John Looney & Isabel Camaish]
c1842 Rachel Looney als Redhead and Son, John Joseph Looney Immigrate to Australia to unite with
Husband and Father, John Looney [Son of, John Looney & Isabel Camaish]
I have copies of all the original Land Deeds from the Manx Museum
Decendants of John Looney and Margaret Looney als Kelvie
Averil in N.Z. she descends from their Son, PATRICK by his Son, CHRISTOPHER
Laurie in U.S.A. she descends from their Son, PATRICK by his Son, SIMEON
Bob in England he descends from their Son, JOHN by his Son, DANIEL
Bev. in N.Z. she descends from their Son, DANIEL by his Son, JOHN
Ronald's wife in England she descends from their Son, EWAN by his wife, Mary Taggart
and there are more Descendants in N.Z. not listed,