Hello again,
I thank you all for your comments, Averil for advising about "other", and the references to Quirk would seem to fit in with William Bridson's line.
However, I have been looking at information again, and now I am more puzzled. I discovered that a "Margaret Jane Bridson" was christened on 23 November, 1834 in Ramsey, father's name is William Bridson, however the mother's name is showing as "Elenor Kaighin". Many questions arise, especially why Ramsey, and who is Eleanor Kaighin? I have hunted around trying to find this Eleanor K's birth and it's eluding me. I also cannot locate a marriage for Wm. Bridson and Eleanor Kaighin. So, is this perhaps a transcription issue? I also am unable to locate a death for this Eleanor Kaighin or Bridson that might fit without knowing more.
Next. I checked the census for 1861 and 1871 again. In both of these Margaret is married to John Kennaugh, they are in Castletown, on Malew St. 1871 gives address as 20 Malew St. but this is not apparent in 1861 info.
Now the census confusion...
1861 census has Margaret K. is shows as a Small Shop Keeper, aged 29, born 1832, born in Malew
John K. is indicated as being born in Arbory (in 1804, aged 57)? (Mistranscription of age? I believe he was born in 1824, christened on May 23rd, however, Arbory fits.). He is a "Farmer 20 Acres".
1871 shows Margaret J. aged 46, born 1825. John K. is now 47 born 1824.
So, was Margaret Jane Bridson born in Ramsey to Eleanor Kaighin in 1834, or was she the daughter of Eleanor Radcliffe (Malew, 1826 or so).
The children in both censuses are definitely the family I am seeking as this generation is known by family history to us, so no doubt there
I will be putting a list of items to check together for the FHC. I am also hoping that the iMuseum might assist as well when it is available.
If anyone can give more clues as to the continuing question of MJB's mother I would really appreciate it. Any possibilities will be considered.
Thanks so much!