Dear Ms. Coakley,
Thank you for replying back, I am also still researching this marriage, I still wonder how this could have been missed in our research and the genealogists, but you are the expert and we accept your research. May I state some history about the Isle, I have read, there were many intermarriages on the Isle, and many , many children that was born without fathers, many who did not know if they could have been marrying there half-sisters and half-brothers, this was common on the Isle, by history. The background of this was even put into the Parrish records, but perhaps many times it was kept secret. The intermarriages were, it seems, because they only had there relatives to marry and I do not believe they did this to keep the bloodline pure as others have done. Am I correct in this or was there others reasons they intermarried? I am trying to find out how Phillip and Patrick would have come off this marriage, truely, you are an expert, this changes our whole tree. Which, that is why you are there on this board to help give the completeness of our trees, we may think we have the completeness of our trees, but then we have someone of your expertise that shows us more of our line, the Mormon files as you stated, said ABT, not absolute, so I thank you for your research, and to know that I have someone with your background of the Manx people reseaching , I know I have received the best there is for research, so again I thank you, we have got to figure out how ADAM was married to a different women, or how there was a PATRICK in Anne Corlett's will, you are right I am sure, for you have the actual Parrish records, so we must now add this into our tree, but where did the sister Alce come from that left with Patrick, we thought she was off Anne Corlett-Adam Cain connection, quite frankly I am just proud to be a MANX descendant and I am so proud of the accomplishments they made when they came to AMERICA, and I am very grateful for your research. You have given us a new line, STOEN, which now we must try and research about her line. I have read the recent rhetoric of the ROYAL MANX, I do hope that postee knows to whom he is speaking to when he writes to you, he may be new to the board, but he must have respect in addressing you, I was not a sharer when I came on, but never disrepectful, but never have I seen such disrespect in a post. I know you have done research for years and have done so much on the Manx families and your research has been tireless, hard work, so I must chide the new postee, that he should be told to whom he speaks too , that he should have the upmost respect when addressing you. I hope I have not offeneded you by defending you, and your works. Thank you again for researching for me and giving us this new information about ADAM CAIN.
Kindly yours,
Mrs. Jonnie Rosa