Hello Frances,
NOT William, it is Thomas Garrett Will in 1863
GARRET, Thomas 1763 - 3 Maughold E w 0106386
re the Will of Thomas Garret - that mentions Joney Calcot als Garret.
There is a change-over (I think) from Jim's website to Ian's website.
Jim's Will update has disappeared.
Here is the link to the information I gave on - Thomas Garret 's Will.
Here is what I posted -
Submitted by: Jim Smith
GARRET, Thomas 1763-3 Maughold E w 0106386
At a Chapter Court holden at Lezayre 19th Oct: 1763
The Exec’r is Sworn in Court in form of Law & hath given pledges
for the paym’t of Debts & Legacies namely Mr. Edw’d [Allen]
& Tho’s Corlet Loughyn y [Giy] –Two of the Children viz’t Wm & John being under age,
Robert Colcat Husband of Joney Colcat als Garret Sister of the Dec’d is Sworn Supervisor
who consents that the Children under age with their Goods
shall be comitted to their Mother the Widow
Bequeathed to his three Children, Namely, Jane, Wm & John Garrett,
Burial, IOMFHS CD - GARRET Thos ( Rangy ) from Kk Maughold 08 June 1763