
Manx Genealogy

Re: Lib Vast etc
In Response To: Re: Lib Vast etc ()

I have been very grateful for and interested in all the replies in this thread, though I expect most people will have had enough of it by now, especially as it stretches the display so much.

My original query wasn't so much about deciphering the script, though that can be tricky enough - I've got a couple of scanned wills that I can hardly read at all, and suspect I may not even have all the pages - but rather what the words mean: what's the story with rents, compounding, alienation and the rest. I wanted to feel that I would get the significance or implications of what I read. With all the donated wisdom in this thread I'm sure I can make a summary that will help me through - when films, free time and I all collide!

Once again, thanks to all who have patiently and generously added to this thread.