
Manx Genealogy

Re: Adam Caine family of Kk Michael

Dear Ms. Coakley,

I did read properly all of the board messages, I think you have connected the dots, you found the line of ADAM on both sides and with John his brother. You did have other children with ELINR STOEN,which intertwine with our ADAM, so it appears, the intertwinement would be of two marriages. The lands of Bishp Demense could not have been, as I had stated, they were on the island in the 1600's and the NAME O'CATHAIN, Ulster Gaelic, and we have done much research, but somewhere in our research we did not go deep enough, but years ago we did not have such technology as the computer, we did it all by mail and court house, Mormon files and finally the Isle opened up so much that the whole world wanted to know where and what about their lives off their descendants, but somehow perhaps those records were not compiled when we did our Isle researching. The records of the Isle have now been so transcribed, as you and other compilers are doing, and even MORMON files are not always right. The compiling shall be an everlasting, ongoing project for so many even on the board are still searching for their roots. As you stated, with some records you they are gaps and records so damaged they cannot be transcribed, so the puzzle may never completly come together, but what we do know they were land owners and they were MANX and some descendants did leave the isle and come to start their line here from which I descended from that line off ADAM AND PATRICK CAIN(E). So for now I will have to wait until I make my journey for the what is missing, if it can even be found. I don't plan to live between the Museum walls though, for I want to go to where they lived and worked, loved and worshipped and hope to worhsip at BALLAUGH AND KIRK MICHAEL, so I CAN FEEL THEIR BLOOD RUN THROUGH MY VEINS. I am so proud to be a MANX descendant, my GRANDMOTHER CAIN was a formidable force and she lived to be 92 and her mother 102 and they have long life lines, and I have much to pass down to my children and grandchildren and I am already observing which one will be the ancestry hound, so they can carry on the search.

I am as stated ever grateful, but how ironic in the end your findings and our findings do intertwine, and that shows we both are right in our findings.

Thank you again.
I must rest, heart is tired. I shall say with this old ticker, it may have to be the genes of the CAIN'S that keep it going, for this birth defect is not in anyone in our line, but me, so thank God, not genetic, only congentitial.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa