The Manx Note Book - A Quarterly Journal of Matters Past and Present Connected with the Isle of Mann

THE MANX NOTE BOOK: Containing Matters Past and Present connected with the Isle of Man. Edited by A. W. Moore, M. A., and illustrated throughout by John Miller Nicholson.
Vol. i (1885), pp. 154.
Vol. ii (1886), pp. 196.
Vol. iii (1887), pp. 198.
Douglas: G. H. Johnson, Prospect Hill. 222x140. Price 1/3d.


According to Cubbon:

The Manx Note Book is the best example of periodical literature we have known in the Island. As Sir Spencer Walpole states in his epilogue in vol. iii, 'the successive numbers have added to our knowledge of Manx traditions, Manx antiquities, Manx history, Manx names, and Manx worthies. Men whose scientific attainments are widely known have enriched its pages with their contributions.... Its numbers will be prized for the beauty of their illustrations. Mr. Nicholson's admirable drawings have given an artistic value which attaches to no other serial.

G. H. Johnson, the printer, had the credit of eliciting from a London newspaper the striking compliment: 'We have no London magazine that could approach it, so far as the printing is concerned.'

Sir Spencer Walpole, in his preface to the initial number, wrote: 'If the Isle of Man has not hitherto produced many men whose names are foremost in British story, it may at least boast that it has preserved its independence unimpaired, and that it still possesses the old Legislature, which had its origin before the Battle of Hastings. Fifty thousand people still retaining their old laws and their old customs in the centre of the United Kingdom is a spectacle as unique as it is notable. Their annals necessarily possess a peculiar interest to the antiquarian and historian; and it should surely be the business of those Manxmen who love their country and are proud of its independence to seize every opportunity of preserving the fading records of the past, just as it should also be their business in the fine language of the Laureate:
'Occasion by the hand, " to take and make The bounds of freedom wider yet. " '


Index (modified from that of Cubbon)

A fuller index is available under each volume.


Antiquarian Discoveries, i, 2; i, 4 (Ballakaighen Canoe);iii, 1; iii, 2.
The Fylfot and its Occurrence on a Sculptured Stone at Onchan (Llewellyn Jewitt, F.S.A.), i, 1.
Armorial Bearings of the Isle of Man (John Newton,M.R C.S.E ), ii, 1.
(Supplementary note to the above, ii, 3.)
Discovery of the Ogams in the Isle of Man (Wm.Kneale), iii, 4.
Memorandum on the Antiquities of the Isle of Man (Sir William Boyd-Dawkins), ii, 1.
Manx Runes (Canon Isaac Taylor), ii, 3.(Reviews of above, ii, 4.)
Ogam Inscription at Ballaqueeney, Rushen (E. B. Savage),ii, 4.
Manx Runic Inscriptions Re-read (Vigfusson and Savage),iii, 1. (Correspondence on the Runic Inscriptions, iii, 2.)
Meayll and its Archaic Remains (Jeffcott), iii, 4.
Ogam (" Why I visited the Manx Mona," Prof. Rhys), iii, 2
Ornamentation in Early Irish MSS. and the Runic Crosses(Sir William Boyd-Dawkins), iii. 3.
Svastika and Triskele, with other Symbolic Sculpture in Stone at Isel Church, Cumberland ( Rev. W. S.Calverley), iii, 3.


The Manx Worthies Series:

The Stanleys:


Old Manx Families:


Ancient Manx Superstitions (Jeffcott), i, 2.
Mammals of the Isle of Man (P. M. C. Kermode), i, 4.
Manx Surnames (A. W. Moore), i, 2 to and including last issue.
Fin and Ossian, Heroic Poem, ii, 2.
Godred Crovan's Victory (Sketch by F. Swinnerton and text from Camden), ii, 2.
Physical Anthropology of the Isle of Man (John Beddoe), iii, 1.
Early History (S. Walpole), iii, 3.
Inhabitants of the Isle of Man and their Language Vicar-Gen. Wilks, 1777), iii, 4.
Epilogue (S. Walpole), iii, 4.
Notes from the Parish Registers:


Ballads, etc.

Creggyn Scarlode (Bishop Rutter), i, 1.
Shee as Maynrys ny Manninee (Bishop Rutter), i, 3.Lesh Soorey, i, 4.
Ushag Veg Ruy, ii, 3.
Carval yn Ullick, iii, 1.Mannin Veen, iii, 2.
Dooinney Seyr v'ayns Exeter, iii, 3.
Manninagh Dobberan Harrish Seaghyn Mannin Veen, iii, 4.


Bishop Samuel Rutter (autotype), ii, 4.
Bishop Wilson (engraving on steel), i, 3.
First Sir John Stanley (collotype), iii, 1.
Professor Edward Forbes, F.R.S., iii, 3.
Thomas I, Baron Stanley, iii, 2.
Thomas II, First Earl Derby, iii, 3.
Thomas III, Second Earl Derby, iii, 4.
William Christian (Iliam Dhoon), ii, 2


Nicholson's Leaves from a Sketch Book

 Manx Note Book


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