[From Manx Note Book vol II]

Notes from the Registers The Parish of Ballaugh



THE REGISTER OF THE PARISH OF BALLAUGH, being the oldest will, therefore, have the first place in our series. The earliest book, which seems to have been a transcript of the original, is now in a state of pulp. Fortunately, however, it was beautifully copied, some fifty years ago, by the Rev. Thomas Howard, Rector.

It is entitled-

A few of the early entries are appended.


Anno Domini



Averick Steane, daughter of Thomas Steane, buryed the 17thJune, anno Pdto,


Jony Kneale, all Steane, wife of the above sd Thomas, buryed the 22nd June.


Ann In..illworrey, daughter of Tho: Mcylworrey, buryed the last of June.


Jon Quayle, infant son to Donold, buryed 22nd August.


Christian Cowley, uxor Don Quayle, buryed 22nd Sepber


Kathrin Kneen, uxor Tho: Kennall, buryed 2nd October.


Harry Mcylworrey, buried 13th December.


John Thompson, infant, buryed the 23rd December.


Jony Stephan, daughter of Jon, buryed 25th December.


Christian Illerea, buryed the 2d January.


Jon Kneen, infant son of Jon, buryed 8th January.


Kathrin Callister, daughter of Wm. buryed 7th February.




ffinlo Quayle, infant, buryed ye 25th March,


Anna Steane, daughter of Tho: buryed 20th August.


Jony Quayle, infant, buryed the 12th Septembr.


John Thompson, infant, buried the 25th September.


Jony Christian, buryed the 10th October.


John Teare, buryed the 12th October.


Kathrin Corraige, infant, buryed 12th November.


Margtt Kneen, buryed the 22nd November.


William Quayle, buryed 5th December.


Eliz: Kneen, buryed ye 9th December.


Jony Craine, buried 16th December.





Ellinor Foster, daughter of Patt: Foster.


Bessy Kelly, daughter of Pattrick.


N.B.-The other names in this year are worn out




Jon Gawn, son of Dolling, baptized the 12th Aprill.


Dollin Cannell, son of Jon Cannell bap


Jony Kew, daughter of one McKew, de K.K. Michell, bap: the 6th of June and buryed the 7th of the same month att Ballaugh.


ffin: Craine, son of William, bap: ye 11th of June.


Kathrin Quayle, daughter of Jon, bap: ye Ist of July.


Christian Corraige, daughter of James, bap: 1st July.


Thomas Thompson, son of Nicho: Thompson, Parson, baptised the 24th July 1608, and was born into this world upon the thursday before, being the 21s of the same month, about eight a clock in the morning.


Christian Curlett, daughter of Phinlo: bap: 21s Augt


Jon Corlett, son of Jon, bap: within 27th August and buryed the same day.


Mally, daughter to Wm Cowley, bap: ye 6th of Septembr


Margery: daughter of Jon Curlett, bap: 7th January


Jon, son of Thomas Curlett, bap:13th of January.


N.B.-The remainder of the names in this year are worn out.


Marriages are not entered till 1695.


October ye first, Anno Domini 1600.

" The order of the Division of the Church-yard ditch beginning att the entrance in and goeing about sun-way as every Treen is appointed in their course. In the whole eight Treens and an halfe & halfe a quarter by itself besides, A.D, i.e. a half (demi) Treen for the court belonging to the Lo: Bpp: next the Entrance, & now lately made by the cotters."

We find a little further down that the Treens were- " Marked out as followeth in order by the most ancients men of the Parish, in anno 1600."

Then follow the names of the Treens.-The owners of these divisions were obliged to keep their portion of the church-yard and fence in order. To this effect is appended the following passage in the Register:-

"Note that there is [20] tie yeards for every whole Treen, that is for every quarter five yards, excepting the *Court Treen, & a quarter of Ballabegg where ye entrance is, which hath noe more but the way in coming in & ye 2 sides or cheekes, some 2 sodden broad on either side or thereabouts."

1606 " Anno hereto, was buryed 2 twins, sones to Donold Macylrea, wch were baptized within, and the 3rd son being baptised aft ye Church the same day, was like wise buryed the 9th day of the same month, all three being born att one birth the said day of January, ano preto."

*Note in Register.-" The court Treen or ye Lo Bopps parte of antiquitie belonging to that place, upon ye: east side of the entrance."

Anno preto, i.e. the aforesaid year; within, i.e. in the house, privately.

1607. " Note that the 28 of October, in anno preto, was born ii twines, a son and a daughter, children to Thomas Twatch. The daughter was baptized within & buried the 28th day of ye same month, the son being baptized in ye Church the said 28th of October, in anno 1607, & named Philip Twatch."

1609. " Cally Pharick Ine Gawen, Irishwoeman, buryed 23," (sic).

Cally Pharick, i.e. St. Patrick's handmaid. Ine is a shortened form of Inny ("daughter.")

1611. " Was baptized Ellin Thompson, daughter to Sr Nicho Thompson, Parson, the 21 of February, preto, and born into ye world upon Friday, the 19th of the same month, about .... in ye afternoon.'

The hour is illegible. " Sir," was a title applied to priests and curates in general, because they had usually taken the first degree of dominus (or Bachelor of Arts) which was usually translated " Sir," vice Shakespeare, " Sir Hugh Evans, a Welsh parson," " Sir Oliver Martext, a vicar." It is strange to find " Sir" followed here by "Parson." The title, "Sir," in the case of clergymen, was generally restricted to vicars and curates, rectors being styled " Parson," or " Mr" the shortened form of Magister or Master of Arts.

1613 "Nicho Thompson, son of Nicholas, baptized ye 9th day of March anno f relo, being born into this world on Sunday before, being the 6th day of March, a quarter of an hour before ii aclock in ye affore-noon vizt in anno dom: 1613."

1621. "Nicho Thompson, son of Sir Nicholas, buryed the 13 November, intus in chore also Arthur."

The Rector seems to have lost two sons at the same time. The birth of Nicholas is recorded in 1613, Arthur's is not to be found in Ballaugh Register. ''Intus in choro" is within the choir or in the chancel.

1623. " A poore stranger woman, her name not known, found dead att a Ditch-field."

"A Ditch-field" probably means a field-ditch.

1624. " William Davis, de Hawarden, lyeth here buryed on ye north side, close by ye altar in ye chancell of Ballaugh the 13th of August."

Evidently a Welshman, who came from the place now owned by Mr. Gladstone.

1629. " ffinlo Corlod, son of John Curlod, Bap: ye 5th November, in ano: 1629, and also the 6th of November, Margtt & Ellin Curlett Daur & all three Twynes of one Burthen unto the foresaid John Curleod."

This remarkable entry shows the extreme carelessness about spelling names, so general in those times, the same name being indifferently spelt as Curlod, Corlod, Curlett, and Curleod.

1634. " illegible] Thompson, son of Sr Jo: Thompson, deceased, late Vicar of K.K. Braddan, was born ye 27th of August, att 10 or 11 a clock, att night and bap: the 31st of the same month, anno predicto."

Sir John died in June 1634; he was probably son of Sir Nicholas. He was married to Ann Davis (de Hawarden,) sister of the man who was buried in 1624.

1636. "John Thompson, son of Thomas, was bap: the 8th of May, anno domini 1636, being born in ye world upon the 3rd day att night, being Tuesday, much about an hower and a halfe after night-falling. God make him his faithfull servant in Christ Jesus, Amen."

Probably a grandson of Sir Nicholas's.

1640. " Sr Nicholas Thompson, Rector of Ballaugh, buryed in Novr. "

He had been Rector forty-two years. He was succeeded by Robert Parr, Rector 1640-1673.

1644. " Charles, son of Sir Robert Parr, Rector, born March 3. -Richard Parr, Doctr of Divinitie, Parson of Eccleston, in Lancashire, Lord Bopp: of Sodor & Mann, departed this life the 23rd of March, att Bopp's :-Court, & was Buryed in Bopp: Philip's grave, in the Cathedral Church within the Castle-Peele, the 26th of March, 1644."

He was Bishop from 1635-40, and was father probably to the Rector, Robert Parr3

1648. " In this year there was great scarcity of corne."
1656. " Thomas Christian, son of Thomas Christian, of Ballamore, in Jurby, bapt: 17th of ffebruary."

The Christians, of Ballamoore, were a branch of the Milntown family. Mr. W. W. Christian, of Ballacurry, is a descendant of his.

1660. " Mrs Margaret Thompson, aged 100 years or thereabouts, buryed the 13th January."

Probably the wife of Sir Nicholas. Certainly she must have been a personage of some importance, otherwise the prefix of Mrs would not have been put to her name at this early date.

1663. " Thomas Christianus, filius Johannis, de K.K. Marronne, natus primo die Januarii et baptizatus 30 die sequente ano predicto."

The old clerics were fond of a little bit of Latinity.

1673. " Sir Robert Parr, Parson, Buryed 21st August."

He had been Rector since 1640, and Vicar General since 1646. His son, Charles, who became Vicar-General in 1675, succeeded him as Rector of Ballaugh.

1679. " Gulielmus Walker, filius Thomae, de K.K. Christ, Lezayre natus 18th die Februarii et baptizatus fuit 21s sequente, ista prochiale Ecclesia a Johanne Harrison Revsdo Rectore de K.K. Bride."

This John Harrison was Vicar-General for thirty two years. Gulielmus Walker became Rector in 1703. Charles Parr died in 1687, and was succeeded by Henry Lowcay, who had been Master of the Academical School in Castletown.

1697. "Jon Killip, husband of Margt. Kevish of Ballatore, buried March ye 16th''

She was probably an heiress, which may account for the peculiar form of the entry. " Tho: Fleke, ignomine officr, buried May ye 4th"

No such word as ignomine is known to the Latin language. We find ignominia, meaning ignominy, disgrace, dishonour. Can it be that he was a person whose name was not to be mentioned to ears polite, the "Jack Ketch" [hangman] of the community?

(To be continued.)

* Vicar-General Wilks (Rector 1771-1777) writes-"The antient and modern name is St Mary's of Ballaugh. The Etymology of Ballaugh, as I take it, is from ye Mx:-Bal-ny-laghey, which laghey signifies mire or mud where wth this Parish formerly abounded from ye number of quays or mires in ye side thereof."

3 It is proposed to give an account of him and the Rectors under the heading of The Parr Family. [see Manx Wothies chap 1]


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see also Ballaugh Parish and Parish Registers

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