Hello again John,
I thought you might be interested in an update on this KELL(E)Y family.
I wondered whether you know anything about the brother James you mentioned, or where the family were living?
This is the transcript of the (mouse eaten) William Kelley will of which Frances kindly sent a photo:
KELLEY, William 1752-2 Lonan E w 0106380
This is affirmed to b[....
of William Kelley [...
Life about the [...
Being at perfect [...
hereof –
unto god and his [...
Item He Left and bequ[...
Jane Skillicorn fifteen pounds m[anks]
Item He left unto his gran son J[ohn]....
five pounds manks Currency – the for[....
which is Left & bequeathed unto the sd Jane [...
& John Skillicorn is not to be paid unto them until they
arrive to the age of twenty one years of age and the
Sd Legacy is to be Left & Lodge in the hands of there
father & mother untill then – & not to pay any
nstrest out of the fore sd money during that time
– and if the fore said children vizt Jane Skillicorn
& John Skillicorn do happen to dye before they arrive
unto the age of twenty one of age then the fore sd
money is to fall & descend unto their mother
[&] father – Item He Left unto Wm Quayle Senr of
[...]all ina? millen half a crown English – Item
He Left half a crown English unto John Knakill
Item He Left unto his brother James Kelley a pair of
[shoes?] Item He Left unto Ellinr Kelley one
English shilling Legacy – Item He Left unto Wm [blot]
[Ke?]wley of balla Quark one English shilling Legacy
Lastly He constituted ordained & nomenated
his Loveing daughter Margtt Skillicorn als Kelley
and her Husband John Skillicorn whole Executors
of all the Rest of his goods both moveable and
immoveable of what kind of nature so Ever
Witnesses Nicholass Cowin (Quilleash –crossed out) his mark X
Henry Skillicorn his ~ ~ mark X
[Note: Third Skillicorn grandchild Philip was not bapt until 1757.]
Has anyone come across Kelly families at these addresses?
Marriage Lonan 27 July 1718 Wm KELLY & Ann HOGG
Bapt Lonan: 10 May 1719: Margtt, d/o Wm KELLY & Ann – bkragg [FC]
Burial Lonan: 20 Jul 1721 KELLY Ann als HOGG - ballaquark [FC]
Submitted by: Jim Smith
Date: August 2, 2012
KELLY, Anne 1721-2 Lon HOGG E w 0106369
KK Lonan : 1721
This is affirmed to be ye last Will of Anne Kelly
als Hogg, who departed this Life ye 19th of this [just] July
1721. & being in perfect Mind & memory at ye making there:
:of; She first commended her Soul to God & her body
to Christian Burial. Item, She left to her only Daughter
Margt Kelly five pounds. Itm, She left to her Mother ten
shillings, which she owed her. Itm, She left three yeards of
white cloath to her Sister Margt. Itm, She left to her Sister
Marriod a Suit of Cloathes, which ye sd Marriod brought her
from Dublin, if she would accept of it; if not, She left her
three yeards of fine linen Cloath. Itm She left to her Brother
John Hogg, a sheep, Itm, to her Brother Thomas, six pence.
Lastly she constituted, nominated & appointed her loving Hus:
:band Wm Kelly Sole & lawfull Executor of all ye rest of her
Goods, moveable & immoveable whatsoever. She further (torn)
- - declared & appointed yt if her aforesd Daughter should dye under
age, yt then her Husband should have & enjoy ye Legacy bequeathed
to her.
The Exr Sworn in Crt. in
Witnesses form of Law.
Daniel Looney } The 2 uncles Jon Hogg
Wm Quayle }jurati & Philip Tear sworn Super
The Child’s Legacy in ye Fathers
probatum est & hands, who has given pledges
Solvit 1s Dan Looney & Jon Skillicorn
The uncle supervisor Philip TEAR married Anne's sister Margaret in Lonan on 2 Jan 1719 [FC].
2 Feb 1772 TEAR Margaret als HOGG [will] See: lawsonsiom.freevar.com/wills/1772_052.html
This is interesting “Transcribers Note: This will was disputed by a Mary Kewley alias Hogg, claiming that Margaret had initially made a Will naming her Mary Kewley the Executor and Residuary Legatee of her Estate. And that her Husband Philip prevailed upon Margaret to re-write the Will in his favour by means of many threats and menaces. The Will in his favour is as shown above which also accounts for the three big X's through it. Eventually the case was resolved by means of Philip Tear paying Mary Kewley Five pounds”.
I think that Mary Kewley could be the “Daughter Mary Kewley als Hogg” who appears in John Hogg’s 1772 will. [Anne’s brother John Hogg, who was named in her will?]
John HOGG married Joney KEWLEY in Lonan on 14 June 1727, and died in 1772.
His will: lawsonsiom.freevar.com/wills/1772_039.html
Does anyone know anything about this Lonan KELLY / HOGG family?