Hello Mary,
Here is a Land Deed that mentions Curragh Moar.
Land Deed of, John Looney Senior – Son of Daniel Looney and Isabel Cashin
N S S Maughold 30 – 18th April 1813
Miss Macartney’s } To John Looney Senr. } Sale
Parts or Parcells of the Estate of Magher e Kew aforesaid Commonly Known by the ^ Names of ^ [Croit naping]
and Croit Vally, with the Houses Gardens Hagyard and other edifices, that formerly went under the Name of Boshin
houses and Easements belonging thereto together with a part of that field Called the Curragh Moar that Strikes
to the north west Corner thereof, so that the Hedge that is to be the Boundary between ^ us ^ is to run and
extend upon a Stright and and direct line in – Parrallel with the north Hedge of said Curragh
to the lands of Karran, the said parcells are adjoining each other other and adjoining to the
said Karran’s lands on the south west andto the old road in the west, and northwest north
and north East and to the rest of said Curragh on other sides.