Thank you Frances. I have started searching for Edward having been busy with his wives. The first was Elizabeth Gawne daughter of James Gawne Commercial Traveller* of Kirk
Maughold. had serious heart & kidney problems & died 1883 aged 27yrs. Apparently no children. Then Edward married an English girl over visiting family living here briefly, named Alice
Jemima STARLING from Suffolk/ Norfolk. She was the daughter of a fisherman [ GENTLEMAN on her marriage certificate!! ] When her folk living near bakery left she stayed on at 58
Finch Road. Census says she was a dressmaker but I imagine she needed to learn to bake quickly. This becomes a tangled tale as my aunt married Edward's son & we already had a connection
to Maughold Kerruishes who claimed to come from Ballasloe Beg although I was unable to prove it. Sue & others helped with my longrunning Kerruish string a couple of years back on this
Board.My Kerruishes wrote to current owner who had done history of his property & welcomed enquiry. But they didn't like nil result.28 of them returned on a visit. I shall look further at your suggestion.
* I wonder does anyone know what James sold? Yeast , & baker's Supplies????