Hi Sue,
I recall in one of your postings, you mentioned the difficulties you had had with the surname of "Joughin". I have been trying to trace back the ancestors of the Charlotte Kewney/Kennah/Kennaugh/etc. line. I have come to the following children, born to a John Keaney and Ann Joghyn: John Keaney, chr.16 Dec.1736,Lezayre,IOM, Father: John Keaney, Mother: Ann Joghyn. Batch#C03648-1. Film source number: 106727. LDS, IGI, familysearch.org website.
Jane Keaney, chr: 27 Apr.1740, Lezayre, IOM. Father: John Keaney, Mother: Ann Joghyn. Batch C03648-1. Film source number: 106727. LDS, IGI.
William Kewney, chr:19 Apr.1744,Lezayre, IOM. Father:John Kewney, Mother: Ann Joughyn. Batch C03648-1. Film source number: 106727. LDS. IGI.
Catherine Kewney, chr: 20 May 1747. Lezayre, IOM. Father: John Kewney. Mother: Ann Joghyn. Batch C03648-1, Film source number: 106727. LDS. IGI.
I found an Anne Joughin, Chr. 07 March, 1705, Andreas, IOM. Father: John Joughin. Batch C03575-1, Film source number: 106705. LDS. IGI.
I am very new to the intricacies of genealogy. I was wondering if you might be able to help me with this Ann or Ann Joughin or Joghyn or Joughyn. Could this Anne Joughin born in 1705 be the wife of John Keaney or Kewney and the mother of these children. I hope that I am not asking the impossible. I have been trying to trace back my Charlotte Kewney, which you found for me in April, 2011, born in 1810 in Lezayre, IOM, and who married my paternal gg-grandfather, Richard Matchett (b.1802 to 1809 in Ireland), and they were married in 1830 at St,. Peters church in Liverpool, England.
Thankyou very much for any help which you can give me. I really appreciate your using your extensive knowledge of genealogy to help me with this somewhat amateur question. I live in Canada, so I am not very familiar with the geographical areas of the Isle of Man. I emigrated to Canada as a very young child.
Thankyou, Sue. If it had not been for you, David and I would never have found the correct Charlotte Kewney, so I owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
Kindest regards,