I would like to give you a list of the children of John Kennah and Margaret Fayle, whom we have found, so far: (John & Margaret Kennah are my paternal ggg-grandparents):
JOHN KENNAH, Born: 21 June 1806, Chr: 29 June 1806, Saint George, Douglas, IOM, Father: John Kennah, Mother: Margaret Fell. Source IGI, Batch # C038211.
CHARLOTTE ELEANOR KEWNEY, Chr: 10 June 1810, Lezayre, IOM, Father: John Kewney, Mother: Margaret Fayle. Source: IGI, Batch # C036481. (my paternal gg-grandmother). (found at last thanks to Sue and David).
JAMES KENNA, Chr: 11 Oct. 1812, Saint George, Douglas, IOM. Father: John Kenna, Mother: Margaret Fayle. Source: IGI, Batch #: C038211.
NELSON KINNAH, CHR: 13 jULY 1817, Saint George, Douglas, IOM. Father: John Kinnah, Mother: Margaret Sayle. Source: IGI, Batch # C038211.
WM. KENNAH, Chr: 23 Oct. 1819, Braddan, IOM, Father: John Kennah, Mother: Margaret Fayle. Source: IGI, Batch # C038021.
JOSEPH KENNEY, Chr. 9 Feb, 1823, Saint George, Douglas, IOM. Father: John Kenney, Mother: Margaret Fayle. Source: IGI, Batch C038211.
ANN KENNAH, Born: 11 Dec. 1825, Chr. 30 Sept. 1832, (note the 7 years difference in dates) - Saint George, Douglas, IOM. Father: John Kennah, Mother: Margaret Fell. Source: IGI, Batch C038211.
Does anybody know when (or if) John & Margaret Kennah (all spellings included) came to Liverpool. I am asking that because I wondered if their children may have grown up in Liverpool. My gg-grandmother Charlotte was married in Liverpool and I noticed that Nelson was also married in Liverpool. I apologize for not knowing the history of the other siblings, but I am new to this study of genealogy. I was also wondering if anybody has found any more siblings who might have been born between 1806 and 1810, or any siblings who may have been born and perhaps died and are not included in this list.
Does anybody know who each of the siblings married: names of spouses, places of marriage.
This is such a fascinating hobby. Thankyou to everybody who, so far, has been so helpful to me, as a newcomer to this study. I live in Canada.
Kindest regards