These pages contain full text versions of various books and/or documents relating to the Isle of Man.
Volumes in the Manx Society Publications are covered elsewhere though edited editions
of previously published works are included in the list below.
All are now out of copyright. The texts are from my personal library and are chosen to support pages concerned with social
history etc.
In some cases only relevant chapters/sections are given. Please note these texts are chosen on various grounds and do not
reflect the latest research on any one topic.
For those with frames-enabled browsers frame-based table of contents pages are available
which may make browsing easier.
In date order
- A Short-Treatise of the Isle of Man.
J. Chaloner, 1656 (Manx Soc vol X)
- An Account of the Isle of Man
W. Sacheverell, 1702 (Manx Soc vol I)
- A Description of the Isle of Man,
G. Waldron, 1726 (Manx Soc vol XI)
- House of Stanley J Seacombe, 1737
- A Short View of the Present State of the Isle of Man,
[Charles Searle]. 1767
- A Tour through the Isle of Man,
D. Robertson, 1794
- General View of the Agriculture of the Isle
of Man B Quayle 1798
- A Tour through the Island of Mann,
1797/8 J. Feltham, 1798 (Manx Soc vol VI - 1861)
- Memoirs of Bishop Hildesley W. Butler 1799
- A Sketch of the State of Manners and of the present
Condition ... 'W' 1802
- Account of the Isle of Man, N Jefferys
- An Account of the Isle of Man... G.Woods
- General View of the Agriculture of the Isle of
Man T Quayle 1812
- An Accurate Description of the Herring Fishery
..Douglas &c T Callister 1815
- History of the Isle of Man ... H.A.Bullock
- A View of the Principal Courts ... James
Clarke 1817
- Lex Scripta 1819
- A Description of the Western Isles J. MacCulloch
- The Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws M.A.
Mills 1821
- A Historical Sketch & Description S Haining,
- The Stranger's Friend C Hulbert 1822 (IoM section
- Directory ... of the Isle of Man Pigot and
Co. 1825
- A Memorial of the Isle of Man Lady Sarah Murray
- A Short History of the Transactions (Blue
Book) [Roper], 1825
- Poems; principally on Sacred Subjects Robert
Brown, 1826
- Thomas Kelly and Famaly's Journal 1827 (1937) (note
the authorship of much of this is questionable)
- Howard's Vade Mecum 1830
- The Isle of Man Charities 1831
- The Isle of Man New Guide (3rd Ed) H.R Oswald
- Poetical Guide [T Stephen] 1832
- A Dictionary of the Manks Language A Cregeen
1835 (intro only)
- A Six Days' Tour through the Isle of Man
[J Welch] 1836
- Directory ... of the Isle of Man Pigot and
Co. 1837
- Isle of Man and Diocese of Sodor & Man
Wm.P. Ward 1837
- A Continuation of A Home Tour G. Head 1837
- Illustrated Guide (+ Trade Directory) J Quiggin
1839 (1841 printing)
- Island Minstrelsy E Nelson 1839
- A New Guide and Visitors' Companion... Wm
Cannel, 1843
- Mona's Isle Wm Kennish 1844
- Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle
of Man J. Train, 1844/5
- Traditionary Ballad in translation due to Train,
- Advocates Notebook J.C.Bluett, 1847
- Letters from the IoM 1846 [Dr J. Platt]
- The Isle of Man, its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical
Civil and Legendary J.G.Cumming, 1848
- Legends and Recollections of Mona 1849
- Johnson's Guide J B Laughton 1850 (orig
- The Mormons ... J.W.Gunnison 1852
- Story of Rushen Castle J.G.Cumming, 1857
- Legends of Manxland E. Cookson 1859
- Guide & Directory F. Leech 1861
- History & Directory of the Isle of Man
William Thwaites 1863
- Manx Antiquities R Paterson 1863
- Manxland (+ Manx Home Missions) B Stowell
- House of Stanley P. Draper 1864
- Ab-o'th' Yate at the Isle of Man B Brierley
- Manxiana J.E. Pattison 1870
- Lancashire Worthies F. Espinasse 1874
- Practical Guide H I Jenkinson 1874
- Scheme for the Extensive Reparation of Peel Castle
R. Anderson 1877
- First Report of Archaeological Commissioners
- Brown's Isle of Man Directory 1881
- Smith's Commercial Directory of the Isle of Man
; 1883
- Douglas and Other Poems J.M.Sutherland [1885]
- Brown's Popular Guide [1887]
- The Deemster (a Novel) T. Hall Caine [1887]
- Hugh Stowell Brown W.S.Caine 1888
- Porter's Directory of the Isle of Man, 1889
- Shadowland in Ellan Vannin I.H. Leney 1890
- Surnames and Place-Names of the Isle of Man
A.W. Moore 1890
- Folklore of the Isle of Man A.W.Moore 1891
- John Heywood's Illustrated Guide 1891
- Little Manx Nation T Hall Caine 1891
- Diocesan Histories: Sodor & Man A.W.Moore
- The Land of Home Rule Spencer Walpole 1893
- Brown's Isle of Man Directory 1894
- Little Man Island Hall Caine 1894
- Manx Recollections Katherine Forrest 1894
- Morals of Douglas T Rippon 1894
- Mona's Isle F.E. Longley c.1895
- Ellan Vannin W.T.Radcliffe 1895
- Manx Tales Egbert Rydings 1895
- Thomas Howard Gill Eliza Pollard 1895
- Manx Ballads and Music A.W.Moore 1896
- Manx National Songs W.H.Gill 1896
- Harry Druidale, Fisherman from Manxland to England,
H. Cadman 1898
- Manx National Music W.H.Gill 1898
- Causes of Consumption ..IoM C. A. Davies
- From King Orry to Queen Victoria Edward Callow
- Handbook en Route John Quine [1899]
- Isle of Man Illustrated Mates/Quine 1899
[ed of 1902]
- History of the Isle of Man A.W.Moore 1900
- Letters of T.E. Brown ed Sidney Irwin 1900
- Manx Sun History of Dumbell's Bank 1900
- Mercantile Manxland 1900
- Priory of Whithern T Talbot 1900
- Manx Worthies A.W.Moore 1901
- Reminiscences of Notable Douglas Citizens etc,
J. Cowin 1902
- Abel Heywood's Illustrated Guide 1903
- Geology of the Isle of Man G.W.Lamplugh
- Ireland and the Isle of Man [Roman Catholic
History] Dean Walsh 1903
- Extracts from the Journals of the Self-Elected
House of Keys, A.W.Moore [?1904]
- Manx Notes and Queries C. Roeder 1904
- The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company 1830-1904
A.W.Moore 1904
- Illustrated Notes on Manx Antiquities P.M.C.Kermode
& W.A. Herdman 1904
- Traces of Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man
P.M.C. Kermode 1904
- Birds of the Isle of Man P.G.Ralfe 1905
- Manx Proverbs and Sayings S.Morrison &
C. Roeder 1905
- Manx Yarns A.E. LaMothe 1905
- Castletown a Hundred Years ago Flaxney
Stowell 1906
- Drink (a Novel) Hall Caine 1906
- Buck Whaley's Memoirs [1797] 1906
- Recollections of an old Manxman William Hudson
- Manx Crosses P.M.C. Kermode 1907
- Old Church Plate E.Alfred Jones 1907
- Isle of Man Album: 128 Selected
Views J. Valentine [c.1906/7]
- Manx Cookery Book S. & L. Morrison 1908
- Manx Wild Flowers [Ralfe& Morrison]
- "My Story" Hall Caine 1908
- Collected Works T.E.Brown
- Contributions to History of IoM Frederick
Swinnerton 1909
- Isle of Man W Ralph Hall Caine 1909
- Isle of Man John Quine 1911
- Manx Fairy Tales Sophia Morrison 1911
- Manx Reminiscences J. Clague 1911
- William Cashen's Folk-Lore W. Cashen 1912
- Nessey Heywood A.W.Moore 1913
- Manx Antiquities (2nd Ed) P.M.C.Kermode &
W.A. Herdman 1914
- Drama of 365 Days Hall Caine 1915
- High Baliff Laughton's Reminiscences 1916
- A Book of Manx Songs [1916]
- The Isle of Man and the Great War B.E. Sargeaunt
- Isle of Man Water-colours A Heaton Cooper
- St Stephen's House Anna Braithwaite Thomas
- Amusements in Douglas [Derby Castle &
Palace] IoM Times 1921
- Manx Melodies (Collected Poems) J. Kermode
(Cushag) 1922
- Manx Fleet in the Great War C.J.Blackburn
- Story of S.Matthew's H Taggart [1923]
- South Ramsey and its Churches M W Harrison
- Short History of Irish Sea Herring Fisheries
W Smith 1923
- Manorial Roll trans by T. Talbot 1924 (original
roll of 1511-1515)
- Vocabulary of the Anglo Manx Dialect A.W.
Moore et al 1924
- The First Century of Presbyterianism in Douglas
1825-1925 [J.D. A.H.W] 1925
- The Place-Names of the Isle of Man J.J.Kneen
- Sixty Years of Banking P. G. Ralfe, 1926
- Castle Rushen Armitage Rigby 1927
- Saint Michael's Church J R Quayle 1927
- 83rd meeting Cambrian Archaeological Association,
- A Hundred Years of Education E.C. Owen 1930
- List of Manx Antiquities P.M.C.Kermode 1930
- Pleasure Island (LMS guuide) 1930
- Yn Lior Aeglagh Vannin 1932
- Bird-Life in the Isle of Man Col H. W. Madoc
- Manx Scrapbooks #1, #2,
#3 W.W. Gill
- Manx Dialect (Manx Scrapbooks #4) W. W. Gill
- Haunting of Cashen's Gap H Price + R S Lambert
- Some Nick Names as used in Ballaugh 1860-1900
J .B. Keig 1933 (pub 1940)
- Mann: Land Tenure, etc R.D. Farrant 1937
- How the Isle of Man is Governed 1944
- The Isle of Man Footpath Guide XXXVI 1947
- Manx Money Maud Lister 1947
- "Quirk" Treljah 1950
- "That Island" 1965
Extracts from longer works (often not wholly or directly connected with Isle
of Man):
- Annual Register for the Year 1765
- Modern Universal British Traveller pp813-5 1779
- History of the People called Quakers John Gough
- Letters from IoM (from Miss Weeton's Diaries)
- Holden's Directory, 1814 (prob 1811 info)
- Memoirs of Count Boruwlaski - [account of Douglas],
- Journal of a Tour in the Isle of Man by Dorothy
Wordsworth , 1828
- Itinerary Poems of 1833 by William Wordsworth
- Sketches of the Coast.. by Lord Teignmouth
- Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man ...
by J.M.N. [John Mason Neale] 1848
- Historical Collections of Ohio by Henry Howe,
published 1849
- Isle of Man from Adam's Watering Places
E.L.Blanchard 1851
- The Manxman and his Visitor Bentley Ballads, 1858
- Seaside Watering Places, 1885
- The Armorial Bearings of the Isle of Man
J. Newton, Proc Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society Vol XXXIX pp
206/226 1885
- Crosby Records T. E. Gibson ed 1887
- The Boy Travellers in Great Britain T.W.Knox
- The Century's Progress 1892
- Appendix on Isle of Man B.A. Liverpool
- Winwick : Its History and Antiquities W Beaumont
- Manxland Epitaths William Andrews 1899
- Lancashire Nonconformity, Vol VI - by Rev B. Nightingale
- Evangelist Montly 1903 - Diocese of Sodor & Mann
- The Investigation of Mine Air (Appendix dealing
with Snaefell Mine Disaster, 1897), C LeNeve Foster 1905
- Ruillick-ny-Quakeryn (notes on the History of
Friends in the Isle of Man) - T Hodkin 1908
- Some Passages in the Life of One of H.M. Inspectors of Schools (Chap
XXIX) E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley 1908
- A L J Gosset Shepherds of Britain: Scenes from
Shepherd Life London:Constable 1911
- Our Centenarian Grandfather [Biography
of Archdeacon Philpot] A.C.Bradley [1925]
- James M. Wilson: An Autobiography - section dealing
with life at K.W.C. 1848-53
- Time stood still P Cohen-Portheim, chapters
dealing with internment at Knockaloe: New York 1932
- Round the World to Freedom P Stoffa, chapters
dealing with internment at Knockaloe: London 1933
- Ciruit Dust Barre Lyndon - chapter
7 dealing with Mannin Beg + Mannin Moar car races of 1933 1935
Although Manx language texts are not a main feature of my site - there are some used to illustrate other themes (generally
an English translation is provided)
A few novels dealing with the Isle of Man are also scanned
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The
© F.Coakley, 2006