
Manx Genealogy

Deed, Skillicorn/Daniel Kermode

Lonan Deeds
NSS Oct 1827 # 43
Philip Skillicorn and Charles Skillicorn to Daniel Kermode

Know all men by these present that
We Philip Skillicorn by and with the
Joint Consent of Isabella Skillicorn otherwise
Callister my Wife and Charles Skillicorn
by and with the Joint Consent of my
Wife Elizabeth Skillicorn otherwise Corlett
Divers Good causes moving us hereunto
But more Especially for and in Consideration
of the Sum of Two pounds Eighteen
Shillings Currency of Great Britain
to us in hand paid by and from the
hands of Daniel Kermode, Have Given
Granted Bargained and Sold and by
these presents Do Give Grant Bargain
and forever absolutely Sell Unto the
Said Daniel Kermode that part of our
Estate Situated near Laxey in the parish
of Kirk Lonan and commonly known
by the name of Garey ne Chibboragh
Running Seventeen yards and a half
North East from Bare E Caley and adjoining
the Kings High road on the South East
and thirteen yards Back from the Kings
High Road Running North West and
adjoining our own Rent at the same
point. To Have and to hold Unto the
Said Daniel Kermode his Heirs Execrs
admors and assigns the Hereby Sold premises
with all ways waters water courses
Easements privileges rights members
and apurtenances to the Same belonging
or in any wise appertaining the Same
Sold premises bearing one penny chief
or Lords Rent annually, or Such Chief
Rent as the Setting Quest of the parish
of Kirk Lonan may adjust thereon, and
We the said Philip Skillicorn and
Isabella Skillicorn my wife other wise
Callister and Charles Skillicorn and
Elizabeth Skillicorn otherwise Corlett my
wife our Heirs exers admors and assigns
Do hereby Bind ourselves by these presents
to awarrant defend the aforesaid Sold
premises in the peaceable possession of
him the Said Daniel Kermode his
Heirs Excrs admors and assigns and
that we the said Philip Skillicorn
and Charles Skillicorn are in full
power to sell the aforesaid premises
and for the faithful performance of
all and Singular We the said
Philip Skillicorn and Isabella Skillicorn
my Wife and Charles Skillicorn and
Elizabeth Skillicorn my Wife Do Bind
ourselves our Heirs Exers admors and
assigns in and Under the penalty
of One Hundred pounds Currency of
Great Britain to be Levied and paid
according to Law as Witness our
Subscription this the 24th Day of
January1822. Twenty two

Signed and Delivered Philip Skillicorn his X mk
in presence of Isabella Skillicorn her X
John Quark Charles Skillcorn his X mk
William Creetch Elizabeth Skillicorn her X mk

At Douglas 29th April

Philip Skillicorn and Charles
Skillicorn two of the executing parties
to the within written deed of Sale
acknowledged the same to be
their proper act and deed

Before me

J. Quirk

At a Court Baron holden
at Douglas the 20th Octr
The foregoing deed having been acknowledged
before a High Bailiff and now openly published in
Court and no objection offered agt it The same
is Ordered to be Recorded

J. Quirk

Messages In This Thread

For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
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Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
Deed, Skillicorn/Daniel Kermode
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Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
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Re: Kermode's of Lonan
Skillicorn of Lonan
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Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Skillicorn of Lonan
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
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Re: Lonan Marriages 1757-94
Re: Lonan Marriages 1757-94
Re: Kermode's of Lonan
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Re: Kermode's of Lonan
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Gregorian ("New Style") calendar dates
Re: For Eric Gelling Skillicorn Kermode
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