Hi Sue,
Just to bring you up todate since yesterday and my phone calls to the IofManFHS regarding these messages. I know I have strong copyright on my web -site, but it did not help me in anyway when I went into Genealogy.com quite a few years back ,to discover my great grandparents tree quite by accident. I contacted the submiter and asked for it to be removed. I cannot find it now so I assume it was done.
We all share our research and finds here on this board ,which is open to everyone even if not a member True? The Isle of Man F.H.S. Message board is for members only True? one needs a password to enter.
My original reply to Sandra was to help her find some information on 19 burials in St Georges Burial Yard ,this was out of 500 approx burials recorded in that FHS publication only. I would like to quote out of all my FHS publications on burials and Mi's not one has copyright printed on the covers. I have always respected any article and book re: copyright.
As I said yesterday to all that replied here I heard from a comittee member today and the reply was. " If it helps your neighbour/ family/ or visitor then they do not mind copying of entries so long as it is not pages or the whole publication "
I was also told today the new IofMFHS web-site is www.iomfhs.im they also told me the Kirk Braddan Book 2 of Burials has just been started and will eventually be on this new site.
I hope this clears up all messages here by non-members and members. "Oh and by the way Sandra if you read this I am willing to help with your 19 names if you want me to"
Best wishes.... Brian www.kneen.com