Thanks Averil. This I what I know now...
Ann Kneale bought the land at public auction for £54 10/-. William Kewley was the Coroner for Ayre and therefore the person who would have the responsibility for public auctions.
Archdeacon’s Close was put up for public auction previously as the Coroner arraigned the then owner, David Lace, presumably for debt. So there was an auction in 1819 and John Fayle Junior had the winning bid of £57 5/-. He didn’t pay up, and was soon in Castle Rushen Gaol (it appeared he owed quite a few people quite a bit!)
The land was put up for auction yet again, and this time it was Ann Kneale who had the winning bid.
So the deed tells a lively tale but not what I want to know which is where the cash came from.
So now I'm thinking I need to find her parents to see if they left her the money? But there's several Ann Kneales born at similar times....