another batch of Maughold wills added to summaries on MNB inc
1808 A 147 - dated 28 Jun 1807;husb Samuel Corkill exor;son-i-law John Faile(h/o Ellinor)(his share of grass of curragh + what grows thereon during their lease of Barroney), Cath, Jane, Margt(w/o John Coddair), Mary(w/o John Crain)
+ 1804 A71/72 hus + wife Cath + Wm Corkill Port Lewaigue
you also asked re a deed sett NSS May 1787 46 - dated 7 Feb 1769;John Corkill senr(Maughold) settles on son John Corkill the estate known as Balnajora - one parcel rent 1s 5d, other parcel being called Staffland rent 15s 6d (qtr crop, half land + gears now - rest at John senr's death) John junr can mortgage land (with some restriction);Witt Phillip Brew, John Stowell