Dear Sir,
You stated you were new to the board and you wanted to give a free line to those who thougt they may be in your line by sending to an e-mail address of your ROYAL LINEAGE. Perhaps you must understand that this is a respectful board, and harshness of your address to FRANCES COAKLEY, is unacceptable to me, I too was new to the board at one time, I was not disrepectful, I was not a sharer, though, I had to learn how to share with the board, you must know to whom you addressed the post (FRANCES )is a researcher of great honor and her research on the MANX people surpasses any , for her hard work and tireless research and her Manx research site it endless of her works. You may not like what she has to say and perhaps as you stated you do not agree, sir, but you may not be disrespectful to such a researcher as Ms. Coakley, I must come to her defense, and I believe an apology would be in order, I thought I had all of my tree, but Ms. Coakley has given me the REAL TREE of my family, so please know that this board is for helping one another in sharing and giving, so we may find any and all ancestors that are in our lines.
Please know that this is a chide to you, and that IF you are of ROYAL MANX BLOOD, THEN CONDUCT YOURSELF IN THAT FASHION.
Kindly yours,
Mrs. Jonnie Rosa