
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Douglas Borough Cemetery
In Response To: Re: Douglas Borough Cemetery ()

Hello Sarah,
It's always exciting to hear of someone with a connection. Are you able to tell me anything more about William - his parents or any dates for example, to help me see where he fits in? I'm often intrigued by the number of times the name Moore comes into my various family lines and I would love to try and join them all up someday! Do you know when the two names came to be combined - I don't think it's a very common practice on the Island.

I haven't looked at the Clague side of the family for a little while so I need to review my records before I can tell you if I have anything useful to offer. Unfortunately, having had a very idle week so far I now have a couple of very busy work days coming up, but I will get back to you!
