
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Douglas Borrough Cemetery
In Response To: Re: Douglas Borrough Cemetery ()

Donna. You say you just purchased the Douglas Borough Cem M I's. Try going to B345. I found that the left page filmed by the Mormons ends with B 342 "no stone". I can understand that. People's heirs don't always get around to putting stones in plots. But then of couse, I looked for the next plot number. It appeared as B 354 on the right side page at the top as follows:
"B353 (cont.) wife of Richard/a devoted mother and grandmother/6 12 1947, aged 90 years."
The next entry just below that:
"B354 355 356 "no stones"

It certainly makes one think that something major that was in the original, was not filmed by the Mormons or that the book left out some pages originally intended to be there. Continued from what? Thin air?