
Manx Genealogy

Re: "Robert Wade"
In Response To: Re: Robert Wade ()

I am responding to all of the messaging re: Robert Wade, born on Isle of Man & baptized in Oct, 1835, married to a "Margaret".

A Robert J. Wade, born Oct 10, 1835 -- as cemetery records state, he was born on the Isle of Man -- and was a Civil War vet. He lived with his wife, Maria Jane, and two daughters -- Lettie Amelia (b. 1874) and Mary Ann (b. 1868) -- in Rubicon Twp in Huron County, MI when -- on Sept 5, 1881, according to available records and headstone of the family plot in Rock Falls Cemetery, outside Harbor Beach, -- the entire family perished in the Great Fire of 1881.

I've been to the cemetery, have photographs of the headstone, with names, and have a copy of a newspaper account of the same date, indicating the same fate.

Thus, references in this email chain to a "Robert Wade" puzzle me. Is it possible for two different men with the name, "Robert Wade," to be living in the same general area, born on the same specific date in the same specific place (Isle of Man)?

Very puzzling. Would appreciate some insight from any member of the "Wade" family who might know the answer.

Kind regards,
Carl Reinelt