
Manx Genealogy

Re: What do the people of IOM look like?

Dear Lisa,
I want to thank you for starting the discussion on." WHAT DOES A MANX LOOK LIKE?" In this thread many have replied. I came to the board years ago, around 2006, I believe, actually, came on looking for my CORLETT roots, not my CAIN/E. Had that done all the way back to 1600, but the CORLETT'S' I knew nothing about, I put ANNE CORLETT'S will on the board, and I got much conflict, because of ADAM CAINE being her husband, still it was stated that I am NOT OFF THE ISLE by some,even though I gave proof of when PATRICK CAINE came in AT AUGUSTA COUNTY, VIRGINIA.AMERICA; but we agreed to agree not to go there anymore, I live by my 42 years of research with much help from genealogist and family members, and a BIBLE stating we came off the Isle of Man, WHICH HAS GOTTEN LOST, and still we have not found. I was in LEICESTER IN 2006 as stated and did not make it to the Isle AT THAT TIME, DUE TO AN ACCIDENT of MOTHER in the Bed and Breakfast, we brought her home at 79 years old, 60 years later, she was a WAR BRIDE, and she passed away 3 months ago. I have contacted in the past different CORLETT'S, but they never could tell me very much about their line, and I have contacted CAINE'S which are in my line, and I plan, if GOD WILLS, to see them when we arrive.. Which has been postponed so many times that it has quite difficult to conceive all the maladies we have had.

Yesterday, I took a chance and called a phone number concerning a business on the Isle, it had to be FATE, for this was so extradinary, that it gave me GOOSE BUMPS, I explained about my CORLETT HERITAGE, and believe it or not, I had no idea this person was a CORLETT, we talked for quite some time, this family is a CORLETT in our line, and they have traced the tree all the way back to l500, this person gave immense data about the CORLETT family, which now I have reset for OCTOBER. Which now this even makes the trip even more fantastic, we plan to stay in the area nearby. ' I explained, many of my woes, and we discussed the CORLETTS, believe it or not, even, what we looked like, I actually asked, which I had stated in my thread that I THOUGHT would be rude, but somehow it was like I was talking to someone I KNEW ALL MY LIFE, I felt so comfortable with this person as if GOD HAD SENT THIS PERSON TO ME TO SOLIDIFY MY FINDINGS OF MY GENEALOGY THAT HAS BEEN SO CONTESTED.

Now, I know where my brother's jet black hair came from, FOR THE CORLETT I spoke with, their line have dark hair and blue eyes, which my brother had green, and he was drop dead gorgeous, tall and always kept a tan, he passed away two years ago,but his hair was beautiful black and the person stated they were tall, all their line. So now I HAVE FOUND A PERSON THAT GIVES ME, NOT DNA, BUT WHAT IS CALLED, COMPARATIVE SCIENCES OF GENO CHARACTERISTICS and a TREE we have discussed. I was so excited it took my breath away, when finding out about this PERSON BEING A CORLETT. which makes me know that this was not my plan, but higher up, above, that we came together in such a weird circumstance of a phone call, to a business. SO BRICK WALLS GET BROKE DOWN IN MANY WAYS, THAN DNA, AND BIBLES.

I thank you again for beginning this thread, YOU GAVE TO COURAGE TO GET BACK INTO THE GENEALOGY HUNT, for the doldrums had set in on the CORLETT SIDE, for they are the ones I needed to complete the puzzle of the CAINE side, we never know what is waiting behind a door, and now behind my door is sunlight, of finding that puzzle piece missing for so many years. Be vigilant and you will find your roots, the needle CAN BE FOUND IN THE HAYSTACK, piece by piece, day by day and month by month and year by year, and finally EUREKA, you get the piece and the puzzle is complete.

The CORLETT' AND CAINES HAVE BEEN INTERTWINED SINCE THE 1500's, ON THE ISLE , HELD MANY LANDS AND STILL DO. I am very proud of my ancestors on the Isle and now with your thread you have given me the boost to get on with opening doors and firing up the genealogy passion again that took a big hit from many stating I could not be off the Isle, WHEREYBY WE SHOULD NEVER ALLOW ANY THING TO STOP OUR RESEARCH WHERE RECORDS HAVE PROOF, WHERE RECORDS ARE FOUND, TO PROVE THE FINDINGS TO COMPLETE A TREE. I worked hard, as many others in my family, many much harder than I and I know that this phone call was not my doing but something much higher, now perhpas the refutation can be put to rest forever, and I can enjoy my MANX FAMILY MEMBERS AND THE BEAUTIFUL GOD GIVEN PARADISE, THE ISLE OF MAN. AS THE MOTTO OF ISLE STATES, "ANY WHICH WAY YOU THROW ME, I SHALL STAND!!!!!!!!!!


Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa