Now with all this new information that you kind people are providing me with, I am reviewing all my previous notes to try and put thing in order, and what do I find. Something that may or may not be relevant, or just coincidence.
Paper past, Star Newspaper 29 May 1895 (out of Wellington) MARRIAGE Dumbell- Craddock.- May 22, at the residence of the bride's parents, St James St, Linwood. by Rev F.W. Isitt, assisted by Rev H.R. Dewsbury, William Davidson, second son of Rev J. Dumbell Wellington, to Annie M., eldest daughter of W. Craddock, Christchurch. Now here is that name Davidson again, and the paper says he is related to Rev.J Dumbell. The date is 1895 and Rev. J is 65 yrs old. Does anybody think that this fellow could have come from his Maternal side of the family? Maybe a nephew, if his Mother had brothers, but hardly the Rev's son. The paper says its a Dumbell - Craddock marriage but calls him Davidson in the text.