
Manx Genealogy

Censuses NSW
In Response To: Re: james radcliffe b1832 ()

Hi again David,

Just a quick note of correction in case anyone is interested in early NSW - there was a full census of NSW in 1828, which is now published in several places. This contained:
- The name and age of the person
- Whether they were free or bonded
- The name of the ship on which they arrived, and the date they arrived
- The sentence they had been given if they were convicts
- Their religion
- Employment status
- Where they lived and in which district
- The total number of acres they owned
- The number of acres they had cleared or cultivated
- The number of horses, horned cattle and sheep they owned.

The next published one was in 1841, as you wrote. The first national census was held in 1911, and this one and those thereafter are kept secret apart from published general statistics.
