Dear Ms. Mary,
Thank you for replying, and giving me the basic of Manx greetings, I hope I can master some of the language before coming, as stated, very few speak the language, I have plans to meet with a MANX up in age, and want to be able to talk and understand what is being spoken to me, it is not a language often spoken by what I read, but as stated is now being taught in school there, which I think is wonderful, for language of any nation and cultural rituals should be passed to future generations, or that language is lost and the cultural, while living in HAWAII, we went to classes to learn of the HAWAIIAN cultural, we learned how they made natural dyes and clothing, we made a sample and games, which I still have, the language, I even tried their native dances, which I did NOT master, I learned while there, just by being with the Hawaiian people, and made friends with the locals, which we were called "Hallies" by the locals,some who would post on the NORTH SHORE, actually, HALLIES GO HOME, MANY HAWAIIANS DID NOT LIKE HOW WE TOOK THEIR LANDS AND MANY MADE THIS KNOWN, BUT MANY OTHERS SHARED AND CARED AND LOVED, WHICH THAT IS THE EXPERIENCE WE HAD; we learned much about their heritage and ate their foods, wonderful days of our youth in the military. So. I am excited about getting the MANX language book, and take the challenge to learn as much as I can, as fast as I can. Thank you again for giving the basic greeting words, I have printed down your post so I can start early.
Kindly yours,
Mrs. Rosa