Dear Ms. Coakley,
Our trip was a return, got ill, did not make it to Florida for the funeral of our friend of 30 years, stayed in bed all day, went back to work today. I have to burn some midnight oil. I received an e-mail from the SHOP that my books have been sent, The MANX BIBLE, and the MANX LANGUAGE book, I am going to try and learn as much as I can,I have not gone to E-Bay for a look, but will to see if a C D of the Manx language is available,it always helps to hear the word pronunciation, but I have managed without for the Greek, I will be meeting with Ms.Thirkettle, I am to call her when we arrive to set up a meeting, at the Museum, so I am looking forward to our discussion on the book. I find her quite kind and she explained the protocols of admittance of materials. She remembered the other books which I sent by you for review and of course, they wanted a more indepth book of the connection of our ancestry which in this book, they shall get, the other book I stated you may keep. I am interested to see the new data you have on ADAM CAINE, as stated in 1691, ADAM CAINE, grandfather of Adam Caine, I have much on your NEW C D to review. You have given a tool of such a magnitude, I have not really scratched the surface of it, so much. You have so much data to consume, there is one area which I see, again the BALLAUGH records, have missing records due to deteriation and missing records, and they are the oldest parish records. As stated I will be glad to see your new data on ADAM CAINE. Thank you for replying back, perhaps by the time I get there, I will have mastered the basics. I have been studying the NATIONAL ANTHEM, in English and Manx, I tried to watch TYNDALD Day, Liz sent the live link, but I could not watch all of it due to leaving for Florida, but I am sure, I will go to E-Bay for a C D if there is one there of the language.
Have a lovely tomorrow,
Kindly yours,
Mrs. Rosa