
Manx Genealogy

Re: 5th July
In Response To: Re: 5th July ()

Dear Ms. Coakley,
Forgot to mention in YOUR NEW C D and I must hurry, we lost a dear friend of 30 years and will be leaving within the hour, to Florida, I found ADAM CAINE FATHER OF ADAM CAINE, in the land records, I would most interested, it was in the Ballaugh year of land records of 1691, I believe,the papers are in my office, have much I want to discuss when arriving with you and Ms.Thirkettle, perhaps all three could have Tea together. I want to go over our data and your data. So must go, I was told PEEL had an excellent book shop,. Suppose I WAS GIVEN WRONG INFORMATION.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa