I agree . I was a complete novice just one year ago. Never before been interested in genealogy. If you are on the IOM the staff in the reseach dept at the Manx museum are very helpful. They don't do the research but they have all the films, MI books etc etc & sit you down & get you started. It was a lot easier working the films etc than I had anticipated. Actually it was 'a piece of cake' . Then the iomfhs room in Peel is also useful if you are in the west of the island. Then of course as already mentioned this message board & all the helpful people. I felt a bit lost in the beginning as everyone seemed to know so much & I felt a bit well, stupid, having to ask basic questions, but no worries I very soon got into the swing of things & have made fantastic progress. Just keep asking on the board & someone will offer help if they can.