
Manx Genealogy

Re: Frances and Donna Course???
In Response To: Frances and Donna Course??? ()

The book that Frances mentioned is a "must have" for Manx genealogists. I started out with it when it was in its First Edition!

I think that being on this very Genealogy Message Board is one of the best instructors for us all. There are so very many knowledgeable people who participate on a regular basis. Everyone is interested in Manx genealogy, are all terrific people and everyone is interested in giving and receiving assistance from each other.

Frances' Manx Note Book online is a treasure trove of information and it is added to on a regular basis. Her CD which is available for purchase has the latest info,

I'm sure that Frances and I and everyone on this board are more than willing to try to help you. Let us know what you're researching, what your questions are, etc.

who is still learning about Manx genealogy every day