If you want to trace the family of the Eleanor Gick b 1756 Santon who married Robert Craine in 1785 Santon, the following information might help, because if you use the search facility and find the huge number of Gick messages posted under a wide variety of subject headings, you'll come across a lot of misinformation in the earlier messages, and you're likely to feel confused and frustrated.
So, copying this from some information sent to me by a Gick researcher a couple of years ago, your Eleanor Gick b 1756 was the daughter of Christopher Gick b 1723 and Joney Cannell b 1725 who married 15 Jan 1754 Andreas ( but the IGI entry for this marriage is a patron submission).
Christopher Gick b 1723 had several siblings and children, including these:
1) a brother William Gick b 1735 Santon, who married Jane Moore b 1744 (4 Jun 1765 Braddan)
2) a son William Gick b 1761 who married Jane Moore b 1758 (11 Aug 1781 Santon)
These 2 William Gick/Jane Moore couples produced several children each, and although their families didn't overlap, it gave rise to some confusion in the messages.
Are you a direct descendant of Eleanor Gick b 1756 and Robert Craine ?
Jean C