the curjeig - cavendish connection is in Cregeen p 51 (of 1835) "alms dish no doubt from curjeirk (a dish to give alms with) This word is used for the surname of Cavendish (in Manks) but more properly giving-dish"
The 1911 official copy copies two copies- the latter one is a copy by the Browns (father + son - joseph brown vicar from 1818 - has some omissions when compared with 1st )) - the 1st is an earlier 18th century copy - "The old Register Book being abused in the Parliament's time was forced to be transcribed and ye same being written on bad paper severall names have been lost and as many as were legible are transcribed in this Book which was bought upon ye parish charge by ye wardens and the vicar, Mr Norris then in being, in ye year of our Lord God 1712." - see