
Manx Genealogy

Re: Frederick Brew
In Response To: Re: Frederick Brew ()

Frederick Brew
Hi Sue, many many thanks; I had seen some data, that I was not happy about suggesting a birth several years later. The data you give is what I felt was right, but not specialising in this gentleman, I felt I wanted some further guidance, as I know hoe easy it is to jump to conclusions. My main reason for researching Frederick Brew is that I am working on a book on IOM Shipping, which includes the Ramsey Steam Ship Co, of which he was chairman in the 1920s and up to his death. The RSSCo was formed in 1913 by Frederick Brew and Captain J T Kee, who was married to my Mother’s Aunt Eliza. Johnny Kee was a blue water master, and you did not get to be that in the 19th century without being tough and capable. Eliza Kee, who was born Eliza Brown was from a Manx/Scots family from Bride/Andreas. Eliza had to look after the home when Johnny was at sea, and so was used to be the captain in the home. When Johnny retired from the sea, they found that two captains on one bridge was a bit crowded, so J T Kee went out and founded a shipping line as something to do. Frederick Brew probably provided the financial brains and John Brown Kee (JT & Eliza’s son) ran the show.

AS to the Joughins of Andreas, my mother’s mother was Christiana Corrin, her mother was Mary Ann Joughin born 1835 in Peel, her father was John Joughin, (1803-1868) a Peel man who owned a fishing lugger and was the father of John Joughin MHK the owner of the Peel fgishing net factory,. John Senior’s parents were Philip Joughin of Andreas (the 1770 one, as there was another one of 1768), who married CHristian Lace. Philip’s father seems to have been John Joughin of leodest, Andreas bap 30-08-1716; who married Ann(e) Joughin (bap 9-5-1731, and bd 22-2-1785 Andreas. I believe her parents were Charles Joughin ( bap Dec 1701, who married Mary Cleator on 13-11-1722. It will be interesting to see of Frederick Brew’s Joughins tie in with any of these groups !!
