[From Pigot & Slater's Directory, 1843]
[please note under construction - the copy is not very easy to scan]
DOUGLAS, the most considerable town and seaport in the island, is 10 miles N.E. of Castletown, 11 nearly E. of Peel. 16 s. of Ramsey, 72 N.W. of Liverpool, 40 SW of Whitehaven, 75 N.E. by E. of Dublin, and 144 S. of Greenock. This town is delightfully situate on a river and at the south-eastern angle of a bay of the same name, fronting to the eastward ; and is connected in civil matters with the parish of Onchan, and ecclesiastical with that of Braddan. The old streets are for the most part singularly irregular, crooked and though they contain many excellent houses, shops and inns; all the modern streets, terraces, &c.are however, pleasant and tasteful. The general shape of the town is triangular, and, in this respect, it has been compared to the Manx Arms, which are three legs, with the appropriate motto of 'Stabit quocunque jeceris' referring to its insular situation regarding the three kingdoms. Douglas is well supplied with water, from a reservoir constructed a little above the Crescent; and efficienttly lighted with gas, by a company whose works are situate on the south quay. The harbour is esteemed the best dry one in the Irish sea, and admits vessels of considerable burthen-the depth of spring tides, being from twelve to twenty feet. Several surveys have been made, of late years, with the design of making Douglas bay a harbour of refuge for vessels navigating the Irish sea:. Sir William Hillary, Bart, has written several pamphlets upon this important subject. In 1842 proposals from Captain Tayler were submitted to a public meeting for the construction of a floating breakwater ; the expence of which was estimated at £20,000 ; the government was memorialized on the subject ; and there are well-founded anticipations taht so desireable an improvement will at no distant date be carried out. It has been proved that a very large amount of property, sometimes exceeding £50,000 annually has been lost between the coasts of Britain and Ireland, from the destitution of an asylum to protect mechandize and life A new jetty, from the opposite shore to the harbour, was erected a few years since ; it projects about two hundred feet, now extends a sheltering arm to the present Pier In 1833 a Tower of Refuge was erected on St Marys rock, as a beacon and also a retreat for mariners shipwrecked in the bay of this coast. One of the most attractive features in the contour of Douglas is the beautiful stone pier, erected by government, about fifty years since, at an expense of £22,000 ; it is five hundred and twenty feet in length and forty in breath well flagged, and its eastern extremity ornamented by a beautiful and serviceable lighthouse ; it is the favourite promenade. At low water the walk along the north shore is extremely pleasant; and at flood tide the goodness of the sands, and the uncorrupted purity of the ocean wave, render at one of the most agreeable bathing-places in this part of Europe. The climate is, in general, much milder than in the surrounding countries of Great Britain and Ireland. Bathing machines are provided by different parties, and there are hot cold shower and vapour baths. Castle Mona Hotel once the princely castle of the Duke of Athol, is now fitted up in a style not excelled, probably, in the empire ; it has accommodation for one hundred and fifty visiters at the same moment-and the woods, lawns and gardens are proportionally extensive : the castle is nearly a mile north of Douglas, bordering on the beach. The town contains many other convenient and respectable inns and hotels ; and, for those who prefer a private domicile, lodgings of the most genteel and comfortable character may be readily obtained. Douglas supports public libraries, news-rooms and billiard-rooms ; and dancing and card assemblies are frequent ; and a close approximation to English sociality was formed hereto 1829, by the establishment of a United Service club. The neighbourhood of Douglas is well wooded, and embellished with many elegant mansions-affording pleasing and varied landscapes, although limited in extent. Boating parties are numerous and frequent, and a regatta occasionally takes place in the spacious bay.
The manufactures of Douglas are not of much importance, except the long-established one for linen and sail-cloth of Messrs Moore ; another, for coarse and fine woollen cloths and blankets, at Union Mills, about three miles on the road to Peel, now worked by Messrs Dalrymple & Co. ; and a third, for paper, about four miles north . Among the leading branches of trade are an iron foundry, two extensive ship-building yards, several tanneries, breweries, and a soap rnanufactory. From the Douglas press issue four newspapers weekly, and one monthly ; they are generally well conducted, and deservedly well supported. As this is the only port into which wines, spirits, colonial produce, &c. are allowed to be imported under the present fiscal laws, the town, and especially the pier and quay, generally present a scene of considerable bustle and activity. The vessels belonging to the port at the present time, are numerous and of considerable tonnage, trading with France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Prussia, the Hanseatic towns, &c. The custom-house was formerly the insular residence of his Grace the Duke of Athol, Prior to the erection of Mona castle. The court-house, which is situate on the pier, is a plain substantial edifice : in it the southern deemster holds a court once a fortnight, and the vicar-general once within the same period ; the high bailiff holds his court every Saturday, and courts baron are held in the spring and autumn.
The places of worship are numerous and respectable. St. Matthew's church was built in 1711, and contains nearly three hundred sittings; St. George's, situate on an eminence behind Athol-street, will accommodate a congregation of upwards of eight hundred ; St. Barnabas', erected in 1833, and ornamented with a handsome spire, one hundred and forty feet highh, possesses twelve hundred sittings, seven hundred free ; and an old man-of-war, fitted up as a Mariner's chapel, affords convenient room for upwards of two hundred hearers: the livings are all curacies, in the gift of the bishop. The dissenting chapels are for independents, Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists, Presbyterians, Mormonites, Plymouth Brethren, &c. ; the Roman Catholics occupy spacious chapel in Athol-street, formerly used for the purpose of theatrical representations. The educational institutions of Douglas are most efficient, particularly the boarding, classical and commercial seminary of Ealter Forester, A.M. in Athol-street. There are several other boarding schools. The national school, built in 1810, can accomodate one thousand pupils; a school of industry, for boarding and educating eight girls was established in 1836 and an excellent one for infants in 1837. There are amny charitable Institutions in the town the Douglas Medical Dispensary and Casualty Hospital , supported by voluntary contributions, contains three wards fitted up for accidents only. The dispensary is open daily from nine to eleven o'clock . The average number of patients attended annually is from seven hundred to nine hundred ; the average expenditure from one hundred to one hundred and fifty pounds per annum. The inmates of the House of Industry , averaging from seventy five to eighty, are attended from this institution ; J. H. F. Spencer ,M.D. is the surgeon who was appointed when the dispensary was first established in1840. This is the only dispensary or hospital in the island. The institution for the preservation of life from shipwreck, founded by Sir William Hillary, bart been the means of rescuing great numbers of persons from an ocean grave. The House of Industry, or workhouse, is a handsome and extensive structure, with a square tower in the centre ; it was completed in 1837, partly by means of a grant from government, and partly by subscriptions. The market-place, erected by a company in the same year, is very spacious, with an extensive range of stalls on each side of a spacious area. The Odd Fellows Hall, situate in Athol-street, is a large and handsome building, with two fine Doric columns, and handsome portico in front ; it contains an elegant hail for the meetings of the order, capable of seating five hundred persons ; it is also occasionally hired for public concerts, &c. The building was erected in 1841, at an expense of upwards of £2,000. by shares. The market, which is held on Saturday, is well supplied with provisions of all kinds ; and fish may be had any day of the week at very reasonable prices. An annual fair is held on the 12th November.
The parish of ONCHAN lies in the same Sheading division as that of Braddan ; it is of more regular form howeverextending, from north to south, about four miles, and five from east to west. The parish church, rebuilt in 1833, is dedicated to St. Peter, and situate in the village, about two miles north-east of Douglas; the living is a vicarage, in the patronage of the crown. The Wesleyan Methodists have a small chapel in the village and one about a mile to the north of it. KIRK ONCHAN village stands pleasantly on the east road from Douglas to Ramsey, and contains a considerable number of handsome and comfortable houses. There is an extensive and beautifully-situated nursery (planted within the last four years), the property of Alexander Spithall Esq. and under the able management of Mr. Lyle.
POST OFFICE Thomas-street, DOUGLAS, William Henry L'Estrange, Post Master.Letters from LIVERPOOL arrive (by steamer) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening in summer, and are despatched the following days, the time being regulated by the tide; and in winter they arrive every Tuesday and Friday evening, and are dispatched every Wednesday and Saturday eveningLetters to CASTLETOWN, PEEL, RAMSEY, &c. are despatched (by horse post) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning in winter, and arrive both in winter and summer in time for their despatch to LIVERPOOL.
Abbott Mr. Christphr Athol Terrace
Abbott Mr. John, Athol terrace
Allec Captain , Kirk Onchan
Allison Mr. William, Victoria Terrace
Anderson Capt. West George St
Andrew Mr. John, Stanley terrace
Angus Mrs. , Stanley terrace
Bacon Captain Cæsar, Seafield
Banks Miss Catherine, North quay
Banks Captain John, Kirk Onchan
Banks Mrs. Robert, Mona terrace
Barkey Mr. Samuel, Athol st
Bayley Mrs. Ann, Victoria place
Bellhouse Mr. Henry, Harris terrace
Blake Mr. Nicholas, Harris terrace
Bleakman Mr. George, South quay
Boardman Mr. Robert, South quay
Brereton Mr. G.Strathallan crescen
Bridson Miss Mary Ann, Athol st
Bristow Miss Ann, South quay
Brooks Mr. Richard, Falcon cliff
Broughton Mr. William, South quay
Brown Mr.Allen G. Thornton lodge
Brown Mrs. Margaret, Victoria road
Brown Rev.Robert, Braddan vicarage
Brown Mr. Thomas, Derby castle
Brown Mr, William, Victoria road
Brown Mr Wm.Strathallan crescent
Buckingham Mr. George, Barrack st
Buckley Mrs. Mary, Finch road
Buckley Mr. Thomas, Harris terrace
Bullock Mr. Alexander, Church st
Bulteel Mrs. Eleanor, Prospect hill
Byne Mr. Francis Basil, Burleigh
Cain Mrs Margaret, North Quay
Cain Rev. Thomas, Ardwhallan
Caine Mr. John, Bibaloe
Callow Mr. Charles, Mona terrace
Cannel Rev John Woodbourne terr.
Cannell Mr. Robert, Great Nelson st
Carige Lieut. John, Athol terrace
Carpenter Rev. Wm. D. D.. Hermitage
Case Mr Edward, Strathallan crescent
Chapman Mr. George, Stanley terr
Charlton Lieut. Henry, Kirby cottage, Braddan
Chipendale Mrs. , Strathallan crescent
Christian Mrs.Catherine, North quay
Christian Mr. William, Finch hill
Chubb Mr. Charles, Kirk Onchan
Clague Miss Dorothy, Athol terrrace
Coates Mr. James, Victoria road
Cochrane Mr. Robert, South quay
Colclough Mr. Sarsfeld, Strathallan terrace
Cook Mr. John, Quarter bridge cottage
Corlett Mr. Robert, Athol st
Corran Mrs. Mary Ann, Thomas st
Cox Colonel Thomas, Crescent
Craine Mrs., King st
Craine Mrs. Ann, Douglas bridge
Craine Rev. Edward, Kirk Onchan
Crellin Mrs. Charlotte, Athol St
Cross Mrs. Sophia, North.quay
Cubbon Mrs. Elzabeth, Fort st
Cubbon Mr. Robert, Drumgold St
Dale Mr. Thomas, Leece lodge
Dickson Mr. James, North quay
Diggles Mr. Joseph, Kirk Onchan
Dixon Mrs. Mary, Queen st
Douglas Mr. James, Spring. valley.
Douglas Mr. Alex. Stanley terrace
Drinkwater Sir George bart. (justice of the peace) Kirby
Drinkwater Mrs. William, Leece, Kirby
Drury Mrs. Mary, Snugborough
Duff Mr. James, Woodbourne terrace
Duggan Mr. Thomas, Spring valley cottage
Duke Mr Jon Marshall, Victoria place
Dumbell Mrs Jonathan, Athol st
Dutton Mr Samuel, Marina cottage
Ellis Mr Lister, Crescent
Evans Mrs Rebecca, Victoria place
Faragher Mrs Esther, Gt George st
Fell Mr Thomas, Hannover st
Fletcher Capt James, Victoria road
Foote Mr Randal, Harris terrace
France Rev William, Harris terrace
Fraser Mr Alexander, Union Mills
Gallagher Rev. John, Athol st
Garrett Mr. Philip, Athol St
Gelling Mrs. Ann, Church st
Gellng Mr. Daniel, Prospect hill
Gelling Mr. John, Great George st
Gilliard Mr. Charles, Ballacain
Goldie Lieut.-General Alex.Nunnery
Graham Mr.Thos. Finch hill cottage
Grant Mr. George, Stanley terrace
Grantham Mrs. Ann, Athol st.
Grave Mr Peter Lawrie, Post Office la
Green Mr. , Kirk Onchan
Greenway Mr. Charles Finch road
Haining Rev. Samuel, Atholl st
Hampton Mr. Matthias,Southampton
Hanby the Misses Stanley terrace
Harrison Mrs. Alice, Woodbourne
Harrison Mr. Thomas, Woodbourne
Hartwell the Rev Vicar General Francis B. A.B. Finch road
Haworth Mr Robert, Harcroft
Hay Capt. Archibald, Crescent
Hay Mr John, Woodville
Hemsworth, Lieutenant Christopher, Finch road
Heywood Captain Calcott, Glencrutchery
Heywood John Joseph (the Hon Deemster) Bermahague
Highton Mr Geo Hampton Court
Hillary Sir William,Bart,Athol St
Holder Mrs. Harriet, Ballaughton
Hodgson Mr James, Mona terrace
Horan Mr William, Mount Pleasant
Horne Mr Moffat Jas, South quay
Hulme Mrs Emma, Finch road
Hulme Mr John, Kirk Onchan
Hunt Mr Samuel, Mill mount, Braddan
Hutchinson Mr John, Taubman terrJackson Mr _, Derby terrace
Jacobs Mrs. Franchwaite, Taubman terr
Jefferson Mr George, Stanley terrace
Johnson Misses Jane and Elizabeth, Taubman terraces
Jones Mrs Captain, Finch road
Jones Mr Frederick, Crescent
Jones Mr John, Marina terrace
Jones Lieut. Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Joplin Rev. Thomas,Shaw's brow
Kayll Mr John James, Castle st
Kelly Mr John, Wellington square
Ker Mr Richard, Mill mount cottage
Kewley Mrs _, Athol st
Kewley Mrs. Margaret, Fancy st
King Mrs. -, Athol st
Kirk Capt. Richard, Mount Vernon
Kirkby Mr. Samuel, Marina cottage
Kirkham Mr. William, Brook vale
Lace Mr. Stanley, Finch road
Lapenotiere Mr. John Good, Strathallan crescent
Laughton Mr. Edmd. Callow terrace
Laye Captain Frank, Athol st
Lee Captain Edward, Glyndoo
Leonard. Geo. Strathallan terrace
Magrath Rev. Peter, Athol st
Main Mrs. Rachael, Wellington place
Manson Mrs.Margeret,Callow place
Martin Captain James, Woodville
Mearns Mrs. Isabella, Bath place
Mills Rev.-, Victoria road
Mingey Mr Rivoire,CastleMona lawn
Mitchell Mr. Forbes, Woodville
Moore Miss Catherine,St.George's pl
Moore Mrs. Christian, Prospect hill
Moore Mr. John, Pulrose
Moore Mrs. John, Pulrose
Moore the Misses -, Woodbourne; terrace
Moore the Misses :Margaret and Catherine,Athol st
Mosley Mr. John Edwd. Stanley terr
Murray Hon. Col. Richard, Athol st
Myers Mrs. Elizabeth, Stanley terr
Newham Mr. Daniel, Harris terrace
Nicholls Mrs. Sarah, Harris terrace
Nicklon :Mr. Richard, Boodle
O'Beirne Mrs. Louisa,WestGeorgesti
O'Rielly Mrs. Susan, Stanley terrace
Ormsby Mr;. Frances, Finch road
Patterson Mr. John, Victoria terrace
Pennell Capt. Follett, R.N.Victoria rd
Percival Capt. . Castle Mona lawn
Perrie Mrs. Elizabeth, South quay
Phipps Mr. Issac Barry Crescent
Pickard Mrs. Sarah Athol st
Pidgeon Col. , Derby terrace
Pizey Mrs.Caroline,Taubman terrace
Pollock Major Saml.Strathallan lodge
Poole Mr. W. B. Kirk Onchan
Power Capt. Thomas, Prospect hill
Pritchard Colonel , Kirk Onchan
Putnam Mr.Jno. Strathallan crescent
Quane Mr. William, Ballapadeg
Quayle Mr. Thomas, North St
Quirk Mr. Thomas, Lord St
Read Rev. Thomas F. St. George st
Reeves Lieut. Lewis Buckle, Stanley terrace
Rickards Capt. Henry, South quay
Rigby Mr. Thomas. Athol st
Roche Mr.Henry Andrew,Victoria st
Rogers Mr. Saml. Sandiland,Athol st
Roskell Mrs. Elizabeth, Fort st
St. John Miss Maud, Taubman terr
Savage Mr. Christr. Strathallan terr
Schaw Mr. John S., Laureston
Servantes Capt. William Thompson, Strathallan crescent
Sharpe Mr. John, Mill mount, Braddan.
Shaw Mr. , Ballaquayle
Shum Col. Henry, Marina terrace
Simpson Mr. Richard, the Cliff
Skattowe Mr. William, Stanley ter
Smith Mrs. Frances Victoria place
Snead Mr. , Oak hill
Sparrow Mr.William Wynne,Strathallan crescent
Spurner Mr.Thos. Henry, Mona terr
Stacpoole Mrs. Col. Crescent
Stacpoole Mr. John, Crescent
Stephens Mrs.Hannah, Spring valley
Steward Capt., Ballacreetch
Stowell Mrs Mary, Bond st
Stowell Mr. William, Ellenbrook cottage, Ballacreggan
Suckling Mr. Henry, Woodbourne ter
Stitter Mr. , Mill mount
Tallan Major Joseph, Athol st
Tallan Capt.Lawrence,Athol terrace
Tate Rev. William, Harris terrace
Taubman Mrs. , Woodbourne ter
Taubman Col. Goldie, Rock villa
Taylor Mr. Samuel, Woodville
Tenison Capt.Barton,West George st
Thomas Miss Louisa, Harris terrace
Thompson Captain , Harris terrace
Thompson Mr. Richard, Marina ter
Thomson Miss Barbara, South quay
Thomson Mr. Saml. Glencrutchery
Timperley Miss Sophia, Athol st
Tobin Mrs. Ann, Middle Braddan
Travers Lady , Castle Mona lawn
Tupper Mr. Carre Cook, Hague Kirk Onchan
Tupper Mrs. Emily, Callow place
Vandaburgh Mrs. Louisa, Athol terr
Waigh Mrs. Arabella, Athol terrace
Wardell Mrs. Sarah, Victoria terrace
Watterson Mr. Thomas, Factory lane
Weathesall Mrs.Eleanor, South quay
Webb Capt. John, Castle Mona lawn
White Mr. John, mount pleasant
Whitty Mrs. Mary Ann, Castle Mona lawn
Wiiders Mr. William, Victoria road
Wilson Miss Eleanor, Athol st
Wilson Rev. William, Finch road
Wingfield Captain Svatkiii, Stanley terrace
Wood Lieut. George Horsley,Woodbourne road.
Wood Mr. William, Stanley terrace
Wulff Mrs. Elizabeth, Mill mount
Yates Mr. James, Bath place
Young Mrs. Mary Jane, Stanley terr
Younghusband Genl. Belhaven cotge
Avard Theodore John, Victoria terr
BRADDAN PAROCHIAL, Ballakennish John Creer, nuaster
Cain Matthias, Baldwin
Cannell Claudius Thomas, Bath place
Christian Margaret, and Nessey and Isabella, Muckles gate
Corteen Robert, Athol terrace
Costain Charlotte, Shaws brow
Cubbon John, Society lane
Dutton Misses (ladies boarding) Villa Marina
Forrester Walter, A. M. (boarding & day) Athol street
Glendenning Mary, Thomas St
INFANTS School, Barrack st.Ann Jane Dowling, mistress
INFANTS SCHOOL, Thomas stAnn Watkins, mistress
Kay James, Strang .
Main Amelia, Wellington place
Moffat Samuel Well rd.
NATATIONAL,Athol StJames Cretney,master ; Jane Kneale,
Oman & Clucas (ladies) Fort st
ONCHAN PAROCHIAL, Kirk Onchan Robert Gall, master
Pearson Colin, Barnabas square
Read Rev. Thos. F. Great George st
ST.BARNASASSCHOOLS,North John streetHubertus Dubois,
Mary Pierrepoint, mistress; Agnes Coole, mistress of Infants
SCHOOL of INDUSTRY, Finch roadEllen Scarborough, mistress
Steele Alexander (gent.s boarding Crescent Academy
Stowell Ellen (ladies brdng.) Athol st
Thompson Margaret & Mona (Ladies boarding) Finch road
WESLEYAN SCHOOL, Thomas st. Mary Ann Hodgson, mistress
Pickthall Robert, North quay
Adamson Lawrence (English solicitor, and master extraordinary in
the English court of chancery) Athol lane and Woodvile cottage
Bluett John Courtney, Athol st
Craigie Lawrence, Great George st
Dumbell Geo. Wm. West George st
Fleetwood E. Caryl, West George st
Haining Thomas, Athol st
Harris Samuel, jun. Bond st
Harrison Ridgway, Duke st
Heywood John Joseph (Hon. Deemstercommissioner for taking
affadavits in the English court of Queens bench), Bemahague
Howard Thomas, North quay
Kelly Robert, Parade
Kelly Robert James, Parade
Kewley William, Ballanard
Moore John George, Douglas bridge
Quirk Jas. (& high bailiff & resident attorney-general)
Barnabas square
Quirk James, Jun. Finch road
Watts Henry. Bloomfleld,Victoria terr
(See also Auctioneers ; and also Fire
&c. Office Agents.)
Armstrong John (general, & valuer and agent for Faulders
ale), St Georges place
Clark John (steam packet), North Quay
Duggan John, Bond St
Johnson Robert Heywood (to J. & J Ainsworth, booksellers,
Mancheser), Duke street
Kneale Daniel, Well road
Moore Edwd. (steam packet) North Quay
Moore John (to Lloyds) Douglas bridge
Pickthall Robert (general agent) North Quay
Stephen and Kissack (for Ashtons patent silk hats), Duke
Taylor Richard, Athol St
Wood Peter Cranke (estate) Castle Mona lawn
Armstrong John, St. Georges place
Duggan John, Bond st
Jones Richard, Castletown road
Lane Luke, Parade
Bridson Robert, Great Nelson st
Bridson Thomas, James st
Cain Edward, Strand st
Cain Matthias, Bond st
Cannell William, Bigwell st
ChristianWilliam, Strand st
Cleague Thomas Duke lane
Corkhill Edward, Bigwell st
Cottle Edward, King st
Douglas Mary, Church st
Kissack William, Kirk Onchan
Kneen Thomas, Strand st
Lawson Edward, King st
Moore Samuel, Lord st
Moore, William, King st
Muir Robert (& fancy biscuit) King st
Shimmin Robert, Strand st
Whiteside Henry, Duke st
Holmes Henry & Sons, South quay(draw on Masterrnan,
Peters and Co. London)
ISLE OF MAN COMMERCIAL BANKING Co. Prospect hill(draw on
Prescott, Grote & Co. London William Dickie, manager
Williams, Deacon & Co. London R. W. Fletcher, manager
SAVINGS BANK, Great George st (open every Saturday morning and
evening)Jas. Haining, secretary
Heron George, Castle Mona Hotel
Hill Wm.Crescent Hotel Douglas bay
Ruler Eleanor, Strand st
Heron George, Castle Mona Hotel
Wallace Henry, Castle road
Heron George, Castle Mona Hotel
MKenzie James, Parade
Bridson Christopher, Strand st
Clucas William, Strang
Costain Henry, Castle st
Cottier Walter (and coach spring) Parade
Cubbon Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Gaill Philip, North John st
Lewin Edward, Douglas bridge
Lewthwaite John, North quay
Millburn John, North quay
Quayle Thomas (& bell hanger) Bigwell st
Stephen John, Church st
Wilson John, Fort St
Cain John (and paper ruler) Great George street
Cannell William (and paper ruler) Duke st. & Parliament st.
Ramsey )
Dillon William, North quay
Mylrea John, Duke St
Stewart Robert Smith (and paper ruler) North Quay
Ashcroft John George (old) Duke st
Cain John, Great George street
Cannell William, Duke street and Parliament street, Ramsey
Dillon Wm. (and circulating library) North quay
Johnson Robert Heywood, Duke St
Mylrea John, Duke st
Quiggin John Custom-house quay
streetElizabeth Robertson
Braid Joseph, Duke st
Bridson William, Great George st
Cain John, Kirk Onchan
Cain Robert, Duke st
Callow Edward, Union mills
Cannell Robert, James st
Carefull William, Great George st
Clague Thomas, Fancy st.
Clucas Robert, New Bond st
Collister Edward, Prospect hill
Comish William, Strand st
Conroy Daniel, Cattle Market
Corkill Robert, Great Nelson st
Corkill William, Kewague
Corlett John, Athol st
Corran Robert, Bigwell st
Corrin Daniel, Kirk Onchan
Craine Charles, King st
Cubbon Edward (& leather cutter) Duke st
Cubbon John, Post-office lane
Curphey John, Athol st
Edwards Rowland, Strand st
Ewbank William, Hanover st
Fargher Charles, Church st
Gafney William, James st
Gelling Thomas, Strand st
Gick Robert, Strang
Gick William, Duke st
Joughan John, Castle st
Kelly John, Duke st
Kelly Robert, Lord st
Kewley John, Factory lane
Kewley Thomas, King st
King William, Great Nelson st
Kneale John, Kirk Onchan
Quayle Mariaret, Athol st
Quiggin Daniel, Factory lane
Quiggin James, Church st
Quiggin .John, Church st
Quine Edward, Strand st
Quirk John, Great Nelson St
Taggart William, James st
Tate Thomas, Strand St
Ward John, Duke st
Woods Robert, Fancy St
Carren John, Duke St
Gelling E. & Sons, Market place and South quay
Mills Alexander, Barracks st
Mills John, Duke st
Mills Thomas, Fort St
Seddon Thomas, North quay
Alexander Henry (ale and Porter) Castle hill Brewery ; (orders
taken at the Castle Mona lodge)
Garrett Thos.& John,Cattle market
Hogg John, North quay
Kelly William, Hanover st
Killey Philip, Castle st
Radcliffe John, Strand st
Cain Robert, North quay
Moore John & Co. Douglas bridge
Quiggin Wm & Co. Douglas bridge
Robinson John (and
architect) , Victoria terrace
ThurburnWilliam, Victoria road
Alexander John, Church St
Aspell James, Wellington market
Aspell Walter, Wellington market
Cain Thomas, Wellington market
Christian Robert, Wellington market
Davis Henry, Duke st
Hampton William, Fancy st
Kay Robert, Drumgold st
Kewley Hugh, Wellington market
Moore John, Strand St
Procter John, Great George st
Redfern Thomas, James st
Roberts Richard (pork), Strand st
Sayle William, Strand St
Spencer Ann, Strand st
Teare John, Duke st
Bell James, Castle street
Caley John, Prospect hill & Lord st
Cleator Charles, North quay
Cowell Thomas, Lord st
Kelly Thomas Fort st
M'Caughern Andrew, New road
Maxwell Joseph, Athol st
Moore Phillip, Parade
Cottier Walter, Parade
Cowen Thomas Kirk Onchan
Kelley Robert,Barrack st
Kelly Thomas, Strang
Bregazzi Sebastian, James st,
Cashen Philip,South quay
(See also Earthenware dealers):
Bevan James, -(glass) Duke st
Hellawell David, King st
Walker & Co. Duke st
Corrin Richard Henry, Duke st
Gell William, North quay
Higgins Robert, Duke st
Kelly Robert Gordoa;
Lamplugh John, North quay
Manson Wm.(seedsman) ..
Douglas Elizabeth, James st
Magee Arthur, James st Polin Stephen,Lord st .o
Roy Owen, Duke st
Templeton Patrick, James st
Cottier Walter, Parade
Perry John, Fort st
See Ship Owners
Callow Amelia, Duke st
Carran Eliza, Duke st
Christian William, Strand st
Curphey Elizabeth, King st
Graves Henry, Athol st
Jordan Frances, Lord St
Oates Jane, Great George st
Shipley John (& Temperance Hotel) Duke street
DENMARK, James Moore and Son, Factory lane
SWEDEN & NORWAY, John Stephen, Duke st
Arthur John, North quay
Garrett Philip, Fancy st
Henry Isaac, Factory lane
Stevenson Paul, North quay
Donaldson John and Sons, BALLAUGTON MILLS
Whiteside Henry, New road
Bellis Wm. Andrew, Mt.Pleasant
Curphey William, Fort st
Grandin Stephen J. Church st
Mullin Robert, Lord st
Wright George, Great Nelson st
(See also China & Glass dealers)
Bridson Jane, Bigwell at
Cannell Daniel, Strand st
Graham Elizabeth, Bigwell st
Griiffiths William,.Wellington market
Layfield Richard, Strand st
Radcliffe George, Lord st
Baldwin Wm. Langeghan Onchan. _.
Boyde Thos: Ballacubbon, Braddan
Braid Thomas, Ballavacha, Braddan
Cain Daniel, Bibaloe, Onchan Cain John, Ballig, Onchan
Cain Phillp, Braddan
Marked thus * are Wholesale.
(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
Ash William Bond st
Calley Charles, Lord st
Clague Elizabeth, Chapel row
Clague Norris,Strand St
Clark John, North quay
Clarke Archibald (and wine), King st
Clucas John, Strand st
Crebbin Lewis & George, Duke st
Croughan Andrew, Duke st
*Duff Robert, Market place
*Duff William & Co. Duke st
Fell John, Castle st
*Fleetwood Edward, North quay
Garrett Thomas & Son, Duke st
Gelling Edward, Duke st
Gelling James Shaw, Lord st
Green Henry Birkett, Parade
Heelis Leonard, King st
Lawrence Henry, Duke st
Lewin James, Duke st
Magrath Richard, King st
Radcliffe John, Strand st
Roney Roger, Duke st
Roskell Joseph, North quay
*Roskell Robert, Market place
*Torrance Gavin & Co. Duke st
Brew Robert, North quay
Cubbon Robert, James st
Fielding James, North quay
Kewley Charles, Factory lane
Moore John, New Bond st
Sloan William, Duke st
Younghusband Joseph, North quay
Callow John, Lord st
Cannell Robert, King st
Kenrade Thomas, Queen st
Kerruish James, Duke st
Kissack Thomas, Factory lane
Clague Norris, Strand st
Holmes Henry & Suits, South quay
Albion Hotel Chas.Singleton Parade
British Hote John Nelson, Market place
Castle Mona Hotel, George Heron Castle Mona
Crescent Hotel (late Clokes), Wm Hill, Douglas bay
Cumberland Tavern, Thomas Braid, James st
Redferns Hotel. Redfern, James st
Saddle, Philip Cain, Queen st
Victoria Hotel, Thomas Statham North quay,
York Hotel James MKenzie, Parade
Gelling E. & Sons, Mona Foundry South quay, and Market
MGhie John (brass), Bath st
Torrance Gavin & Co. (iron merchants) Duke street
Gelling E.& Sons (furnishing), Market place and South quay
Sherwood Richard, Fort st
Ward Francis (general furnishing and wholesale), Duke st
Cain William, Kirk Onchan
Cannell Edward, Baldwin
Clague William, Fort st
Cowell Richard, Society lane
Cowell Thomas, Lord St
Cowin Daniel, Prospect hill
Cowley Robert, Post Office lane
Cowley William, Post Office place
Cowley William, Barrack. st
Craine Robert, Cattle Market st
Karran & Quiggin, Prospect hill
Kay Robert, Prospect hilt
Kelly Robert, Barrack st
Kelly William, Union mills
Kewley Thomas, Well road
Killip John, Kirk Onchan
Moore Charles Castletown road
Morrison John Wellington square
Place & Quine Church st
Quayle Thomas,Castle st
Cannell William (circulating), Duke st and Parliament st.
Dillon Wm.(circulating) North quay
Cubbin Henry & Thomas & Richard, Duke street
Harris Samuel, Custom-house quay
Nowlin William, Duke St
Stephen & Kissack, Duke st
Wilson Thomas & John, Duke st
Wood Michael, Chapel row
Braid Thomas (and horse and carriage repository), Parade &
Castle Mona lawn
Buchanan William Henry, Bond st
Cain Philip, Queen st
Hill William,Crescent Hotel,Douglas Bay
Hoult Thomas (and horse and carriage repository), Prospect
Jones John, Castle Mona lawn
Redfern Thomas, James St
Starkey Patrick, Strand st
Adams Mary, Prospect hill
Bather Jane, Mount pleasant
Barker Samuel, Fort st
Bateman Sarah Ann, Prospect hill
Bewley Elizabeth, Mount pleasant
Blake Elizabeth, Post Office lane
Bonnyman Jane. Athol st
Broadfoot Einor, Fort st
Cain .John, Great George St
Cain Matthias, King St
Cain Thomas, Duke st
Caley Esther. Castle Mona lawn
Caman John, Athol st
Cannell Robert, Great Nelson st
Carran Christopher, North quay
Christian Margaret, Shaws brow
Clark Peter, Drumgold st
Corteen Robert, Athol terrace
Cowle Robert, Lord st
Cretney James, Thomas st
Cubbin Esther, King st
Cubbon Margaret, Peel road
Curphey Ann. Mona terrace
Curphey Isabella, Mona terrace
Curphey John, .Athol St
Curphey John, Thomas at
Curphey Peter, Finch road
Davidson Migeret, Church, St
De Chair Miss. Henry W. Finch road
Dickinson Henry, South quay
Dickinson Mary, Athol st
Duff Eleanor, Much road
Edgar Edward, Athol st
Garrett John, Derby terrace
Gawn Ann, James st
Gell Robert, Bond st
Glendinning Mary, Thomas St ,
Graces Henry, Athol st
Hamilton James, Duke st
Hannay Bertha, Castle Mona lawn
Harris John, Mount pleasant
Harrison Elizabeth, Haunter st
Hart Mary, Athol St
Hodson Eleanor, Prospect hill
Hodson Mary Ann, Athol st
Howorth Robert. Thomas st
Hudson John, Finch road
Ivie Ann, South quay
Jolly James, Peel road
Jones Richard, Castletown road
Joughin Elizabeth, Peel -road
Jowitt George, South quay
Kelly Catherine Mona terrace
Kewley James, Finch road
Kewley John, Factory lane
Kinley.John, Heywood place
Kneale Daniel, Great George St
Kneale Henry, Great George st
Kneen Ruth, Victoria terrace
Maxwell Jane, Mona terrace
Meldau Sarah, North quay
Moore Ma;, Athol st
Oates Robert , Great George st
OKeefe Ann, Finch road
Owen John, Castle st
Pearson Mary, South quay
Procter John, Great George st
Quine Elizabeth, Athol st
Quirk Jane, Drnmgold st
Savage George, North quay
Scott Margaret, North quay
Seward Edward, Factory lane
Skillicorn Jane, Mona terrace
Sloane Margaret, Finch road
Stephens George, Victoria road
Stephenson John, North quay
Sutherland James and Alexander Mount pleasant
Taggart J.J. & IL Duke st
Taggart William, Muckles gate
Tattersall Margaret, Athol st
Teare Elizabeth, Athol st
Thomas Ann, Mona terrace
Wallace Henry, Castle road
Warren Elizabeth, Mount pleasant
White John, Mount pleasant
Whitfield Anne, Prospect hill
Williams Margaret, Parade
Williamson John, Great Nelson st
Wright Edward, North quay
Lewthwaite Anthony, Fort st
Topliss William, North quay
Cain John, Kirk Onchan
Cannan Michael, Kirk Onchan
Christian John, Strand st
Corlett Thomas, Great Nelson st
Cottier James, Cattle Market st
Cowen William, Strand st
Creer & Swinnerton, Prospect hill
Creer Daniel, Castle st
Cubbon William, Queen st
Gelling William, Barrack St
Quayle Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Quayle Thomas, North quay
Quirk John, Church st
Radcliffe Philip, Drumgold st
Skillicorn James, Kirk Onchan
Skilllcorn John, Kirk Onchan
Skillicorn John, jun. Kirk Onchan
Duff Robert, Market place
Duff William & Co. Duke street
Fleetwood Edward, North quay
Matthews Francis& Son, North quay
Moore James & Son, Factory lane
Spittall Alexander, Bond st
Torrance Gavin & Co. (commission) Duke street
Clague Thomas, Baldwin
Cowley Robert, Kewague
Dalrymple Wm.& Co.UNION MILLS
Donaldson John and Sons, BALLAUGHTON MILLS
Lewin Robert, CORRANs MILL
Oates Edwd. Lrrrus MILL, Onchan
Oates John, Ballacreetch, Onchan
Oates John, Groudle, Onchan
Whiteside Henry, PULROSE MILL
marked thus * are Drapers.
Cain Daniel (and upholsterer) Lord st
Cain Hugh, Fancy st
Cain Jonathan, Parade
Cain Robert (and upholsterer), Lord st
Cain Thomas, Muckles gate
*Callister Richard, Bond st
Cannell Daniel, Strand St
*Carran John, Duke St
Cottier James, Kirk Onchan
Cottier Robert, Kirk Onchan
Creer William, Duke st
Cretney James, Thomas St
Curphey John, King st
Gamble John, Strand st
*Hales James, Duke st
Kelly Robert Factory lane
Kerruish Hugh, Duke St
Kinley William, Union mills
Kneale Henry (and upholsterer), Great George st
*Kneale James, Duke st
*Morrison George, Lord st
Cottier James, Strand st
Haining John, Prospect hill
Kelly William (and soap boiler), Hanover street
Caine Thomas, Well rd. & Finch rd
Craine Charles, King st
Gell Robert, Cattle Market st
Kennaugh Ann, Strand st
Killey Philip, Castle st
Atkinson John, Chapel row
Brideson John (Douglas Tavern) North quay
Buchanan William Henry (Ramsey Inn) Bond st
Cain Amelia, Post Office place
Caley John, Lord st, Prospect hill
Callow Jane (Blue Bell) Bond st
Callow William (Brown Bobby) Peel road
Canaan Michael, Kirk Onchan
Carroll John, Castle Mona lodge
Carstorphin John (Glasgow) North quay
Christian Eleanor (Odd Fellows inn) Custom house
Christian John (Mitre) Lord st
Christian William(Foresters Arms)Strand st
Clague J Os. (Manchester Arms) Chapel row
Clucas William, Strang
Corlett Elizabeth (Old Inn) Crescent
Cowel James, Strand St
Cowin William, North, quay
Celtin John (Three Cups) Duke lane
Edwards Rowland, Strand st
Ewbank Williiam (Red Lion) Hanover st
Fell Ester (Mona Tavern) North quay
Forster George (Leeds Arms) Bigwell St
Gell Matthew, South quay
Gelling James, Kirk Onchan
Gelling William, Baldwin
Grant Robert (Caledonian Inn) Post Office Lane
Hatt James (Quarter Bridge Inn) Quarter Bridge
Hennedy Elizabeth (Plume of Feathers) North Quay
Hodgson Edward, Shaw's brow
Hodgson Issac (Cumberland Inn) Heywood pl
Kaighin Thomas Bigwell st
Kelly John (Wellington Arms) Duke st
Kelly Josepth, North quay
Kelly Paul (Nags Head) Union Mills
Kelly Wm (Bird in Hand) Drumgold st
Kermode Jno (Macclesfield House) Duke Lane
Kewley Edward, Baldwin
Law Thos. (Foresters Arms) Gt. Nelson st
Lewis William (Crown) Duke lane
Lowe Abrhm (Rose & Crown) Richmond hill
Lowe Jane (Manx Coffee House) Duke Lane
Lycett Philip Edman (OddFellows Arms) North quay
MClelland William (Pough) Queen st
Marlow Philip, Peel road
Mather Sarah (Talbot) Crescent
Miller Mary (Plough) James st
Minto Phoebe, Strand st
Mitchell George, North quay
Moore Charles, Ivy Cottage, Castletown road
Noy John (Fishermans Arms) North quay
Qualtrough Thos.(Bulls Head) Quayles la
Ratcliffe William (Calf of Man Lights) Chapel row
Redfern Martha (Ship) North quay
Robinson Jane, Society lane
Sayle William (Bulls Head) Strand st
Seddon Thos.(Liverpool Arms) North quaj
Skillicorn Margaret (Commercial Tavern) North quay
Skillicorn Thomas (Black Lion) Duke st
Stephen John (Horse Shoe) Church st
Thompson Matthew, Parade
Toplis William (Tower of Refuge) North quay
Wallace Alice, Strand st
Younghusband John, North quay :
Moore John & Co. Douglas bridge
Quiggin William & Co.Douglas bridge
Lewin James (and snuff), Duke st
Roskell Robert, Market place
Walker & Co. (joiners saws, &c) Duke street
Cannell Thomas, Prospect hill.
Qualtrough Thomas (and block maker), North quay
Tear John, Strand st
Tear Robert (& block maker),Queen st
Clucas William, North quay
Curphey William, Duke st
Lemon Abraham & Morris, Duke st
Muncaster William & Son, Factory La
Crebbin Lewis & George, Duke st
Duff Robert, Market place
Duff William & Co. Duke st
Fleetwood Edward, North quay
Garrett Thomas & Son, Duke st
Gillon P. T. North quay
Green Henry Birkett, Bond st
Harris Samuel, Custom house quay
Lawrence Henry, Duke st
Roskell Joseph, North quay
Roskell Robert, Market place
Spittall Alexander, Bond st
Torrance Gavin & Co. Duke at
Bell Hugh (and carder), Castle ward
Dalrymple William & Co. (& dyers) Union mills
Forster George, Bigwell st
Armroyd John, cutler, St. George st
Brew John, customs broker, Shaws brow
Cain Hugh, umbrella maker, Fancy st
Cannell Mr John, Barnabas square
Carran Christopher, sumner of Braddan,South quay
Clarke Thomas, locksmith, Cattle Market st
Cleator Thomas, chief constable, Fort st
Fell Jas. tobacco-pipe maker, Drumgold st
Green Bury, fancy bazaar, North quay
Grellier James, editor of the Manx Sun, James street
Horsley Hudson, clog and patten maker,Duke st
Hunter Michael H eating house, Duke st
James Benj. chair maker. Douglas bridge
Kelly Wm town crier, Cattle Market st
Kneale William, lockman, of Kirk Onchan, Great Nelson street
Lee Jeremiah, weaver, Union mills
Lewen Clifford, custom house broker, Marina terrace
Mackenzie, James, fishery officer, West George st
M'Quillin John Thomas,heraldry painter, Shaws brow
Maley Charles, clerk of St. Barnabas, Barnabas square
Overton Thomas, bookkeeper at Coach office, Market place
Porter Joseph. basket maker, King st
Shimmin William, coal dealer, Great Nelson street
Shirrefs Wm. editor of the Mona Herald,Athol st
Sidebotham William,soda water & ginger beer maker, Church
Stead Mary, cowkeeper, Fancy st
Stowell Thos. fishmongr.Wellington mrkt
Taggart Henry, sexton, Barrack st
Tear Thomas, shoe tip maker, Strand st
Williams Owen, gardener and seedsman, King street
BRADDAN (parish)Rev. Robert Brown,
ONCHAN (parish)Rev.Edward Craine.
MARINERS Bridge stRev. Thomas F. Read.
ST. BARNABAS Fort st.Rev.Dr.William Carpenter
ST. GEORGES. St Georges's Place Rev Vicar General. F.B. Hartwell.
ST. LUKE'S, Baldwin.Rev. Thos Cain.
ST. MATTHEWS Market place Rev John Cannell
CATHOLIC Athol streetRev. Peter Magrath and Rev. John
INDEPENDENT Athol stRev. Samuel Haining
PRESBYTERIAN, Finch roadRev. Wm Wilson
PRIMITIVE METHODIST, Factory lane and Strang
WESLEYAN METHODIST Thomas street Well road Kirk Onchan
Baldwin Cooiland Ballakillmartin
Collector Frederick Cassell, esq.
CoIIectors First CIerk Thomas Jones.
Collectors Second C1erk Thomas Waker.
Comptroller & Landing WaiterKeneth
Searching, Landing and Coast Waiter Henry William
Weigher Michael Kenely.
Tide Surveyor Richard Gallop.
Tide Waiter & BoatmenEdward Skillicorn, Evan Jones,
Archibald Bradshaw Frazer, Wm. Kirkbride, John Croxon, John Harrison
and Robert Ogilvie.
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
Editor |