[From Pigot's Directory, 1837]


CASTLETOWN is a well-built respectable market town in the parish of Malew, and is the capital of the island, being the seat of the insular government; it is 12 miles s. of Peel, 16 s. of Kirk Michael, 25 s.w. of Ramsey, 4 E. of Port St. Mary, and 9½ s w. of Douglas. There is little in the way of manufacturing here; but from the frequent sittings of different courts of law, and the number of pupils educated-at the college, the town generally presents an animated appearance. Considerable quantities of agricultural produce are brought to the market-place, which forms a fine area, almost square, ornamented in the centre with a chaste fluted freestone column, nearly fifty feet high, in the Grecian style, erected in 1836 to the memory of the late venerable Lieutenant-Governor C. Smelt; the column will shortly be surmounted by a colossal statue. The town consists of serveral good streets, all clean and in good repair. Over the small river which forms the port is a stone bridge for carriages, and below that is a wooden draw-bridge for foot passengers. The hay is spacious, but rocky; and the harbour is still only capable of admitting small vessels, though in this year (1837) it has received some improvements, and has been deepened about four feet; the pier is terminated by a lighthouse. In the centre of the town stands Castle Rushen, a most noble specimun of Gothic architecture, which, according to tradition, was built by Guttred in 960; the workmen who were making some alterations in the castle in 1815, however, found a beam bearing the date of '947;' it is, therefore, naturally conjectured that the castle was erected in that year. The walls are from seven to twelve feet thick, from seventy to eighty feet high, and the limestone of which they are composed is as fresh as though it had been taken from the quarry only a few years since. Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, besieged this fortress for six months, in the year 1313; it is now used as the permanent prison of the island, and also for holding the insular courts

Those of the chancery and exchequer are held on the first Thursday of every month except January and September, but if necessary special Courts are called; a Court of common law sits in February, May, July and October; a court of general gaol delivery takes place twice a year, and oftener should the lieutenant governor deem it requisite; the deemster's court sits every alternate Monday, the water baliliff's and high bailiff's courts every Saturday, the insular debtors'court in the months of February and August, the house of keys' court once a year, and a Tynwald the 5th July.

The places of worship are the parish church a mile and a quarter north of Castletown - the living is the gift of the crown; St. Thomas's chapel forming part of King William's College; and St. Mary's chapel on one side of the parade; the latter which was first erected in 1698, and rebuilt in 1826, is a chaplainacy in the gift of the governor. The Wesleyan and primitive methodist, and independents each have a chapel; and there is also,one for Roman catholics, on college green, in which service has not yet been performed. Half a mile north-east of the town, and about three hundred yards from the shore, stands King William's College, one of the finest public buildings in the Isle, erected in 1830 in the early English style; it is two hundred and ten feet long and one hundred and thirty five feet broad, including St Thomas's chapel, which stretches from the centre at right angles with the college; from the intersection rises a square embattled tower, ninety-seven feet high. The buildings cost upwards of £6,500.; the accumulated funds left for educational and other purposes in the hands of trustees supplied £2,692. 1s. 5d, and the rest was furnished by voluntary subscriptions, or still remains to be paid. More than one hundred and fifty pupils, chiefly boarders, are educated in the college at present, and are prepared for the British and Irish universities, and for the professions; two students are educated on the foundation for the Manx church. The college contains four spacious class-rooms, and a library is attached to the institution. There is an excellent grammar-school in College-lane, and also a national school; in the latter, fifty boys and fifty girls are educated. Halsall's school, in the same street, is for the education, free, of twenty children; and Taubman's school in College-green, is for teaching twenty five boys navigation, and the usual branches of learning, gratiously. The market-house and assembly rooms were built in 1830 and are situate in the centre of the town. The weekly market is held on Saturday.

BALLASALLA is a village of prepossing and respectable appearance, consisting of about one hundred houses; it is situate in the parish of Malew, nearly two miles northof Castletown, at the point where the Peel and Douglas roads separate. This is the largest and most English-looking village in ther island; the roads in the vicinity are generally lined with neatly cut hedge-rows; and the country around being well sheltered with wood, and varied by gently-swelling eminences, the prospects, though not very extensdive, are pleasing. Not far from Ballasalla are extensive limeworks, and an ochre and umber manufactory; and in the village are a tannery and a brewery. The primitive and the Wesleyan methodists each have a chapel, and Malew parish school is likewise here. Two fairs are held annually, on 12th August and 29th September.

MALEW parish is situate in the sheading of Rushen, in the southern division of the island, and is comparatively very extensive being eight miles in length from north to south. and at least four in breadth from east to west. Besides the parish church, there is a chapel of ease, dedicated to St. Mark, situate about five miles north of Castletown; the living is a chaplaincy, in the gift of the crown. The parish also contains two primitive and two Wesleyan methodist chapels. A great portion of the parish is fertile and the northern part, which is mountainous and not susceptible of tillage, has several slate quarries, and likewise produces lead ore. Two annual fairs are held at St. Mark's—one on the 5th January. the other on the. 12th May

POST OFFICE Castle-street, CASTLETOWN, Mary Joyner, Post Mistress—Letters to DOUGLAS and all parts are despatched (by foot post) every day (Sunday excepted) in time for the mail, and airrive in the morning in summer; in wniter they are despatched every Tuesday and Friday afternoon about two, and arrive the same morning at ten.

POST Receiving House, BALLASALLA.—'l'he postman calls at Charles Hudson's to leave and receive letters on his way to and from DOUGLAS



Bell Miss Sophia Arbory st
Bennet Major Charles B. Arbory st
Berry, Rev. John, Croft crescent
Blundell Mr. Bryan, Malew st
Bridson Miss Eleanor, Ballagarey
Bridson Mr John Ballavarvane
Cain Mrs. Elizabeth, Malew St
Cambell Capt Donald,Croft crescent
Carlton Mrs. Harriet, Arbory st
Carter Mrs.Benjamin, College green
Christian Rev. William, Malew st
Crellin. John Thomas, St Marks glebe
Colomb Major George,Rushen abbey
Crellin Mr. John C. Bowling green
Cubbon Mr William, Malew st
Cudd Mrs. Eliza, Malew st
Canning, Lieutenant-General James Paradise lodge
Edwards Mrs. Sarah Malew st
Fellows Mrs Catherine,Ballasalla
Gell Rev John Ballasalla
Gick Mrs. Jane Malew st
Gill Rev William, Malew vicarage
Hamilton Capt. Thos.Scarlett house
Hamlin Mr. Latham B. Ronaldsway
Harpur MajorWilliam Conway Seamount House
Hatton Mr. John Gordon, Ballasalla
Hunter Mrs Mary, College green
Jabet Mr Richard Sadler Millroad
Jeffcott Mrs. Catherine Malew st
Kelly Mrs. Maria Parade
Killey Mrs Matthew, College green
Kitchen Mrs. Eleanor Malew st
Lace Miss Catherine, Parade
Latham Mrs. Betsey College green
Lloyd Mrs Mary Ann Ballasalla
Lucas Mr John, C P. Knock rushen
Marsden Mr. James, Big meadow
Mason Mrs.Jane Malew st
Monkhouse Mr Thomas Arbory st
Moore Mrs Jane, Parliament sq
Moore Mr William, Dreemfresie
Morss Mrs Elizabeth Arbory st
Oldridge Mrs Mary Arbory st
Palmer Mrs. Ann, Bridge st
Parsons Rev George Stickler parade
Pontefract Rev Jeremiah, Arbory st
Quayle Mr. Robert, West hill
Quayle Misss Sarah, Douglas street and Creggans
Quilliam Mrs Margaret Christian, Parade
Quirk Mrs.Jane Gawne, Arbory st
Ready His excellency Colonel John (Leutenant Governor) Lorn house
Sherratt Mr George Red gap cottage
Simpson Mr John Whitestone house
Smalley Mr Baron Arbory st
Stowell Mrs Anne College Green
Stowell Rev John LaMothe B.A. College Green
Taubman Mrs Catherine, malew st
Wilks Miss Eliza Eleanor, Arbory st
Wilks Mr james, Arbory st
Wright Mr Robert, Ballasalla



Clarke Rev. John James (gent's boarding) St. Mark's glebe
Fitzsimons Jane Malew st
Gale Robert, Grenaby
Gick Edward, Arbory st
GRAMMAR SCHOOL, College lane-Rev. George S. Parsons, master
Gray Frances (ladies' boarding) College green
HALSALLS SCHOOL, College lane -Harriet Finnigan Mistress

Rev. Edwd. Wilson,A.M.principal
Rev.Robt.Dixon,A.M.vice principal
Rev. John L. Stowell thirdmaster
Gilmour Harvey, fourth master
Frederick Ulysse Grisel, teacher of French and grammar
Augustus Watts, teacherof drawing

NATIONAL SCHOOL, College green -Thos. Kewley, master; Isabella Joyner mistress
Oldridge Eliz.(ladies brding) Arbory St
PAROCHIAL, Ballasalla - William Cowley, master
Quayle Robert, Malew st
Ray Mary Anne, College lane
ST. MARK'S, Dreefreaiee-Philip Killey master
TAUBMAN'S SCHOOL, Bowling green -John Norris, master
Thompson Catherine Malew st


Gelling Frederick LaMothe, Castle st
Harrison Richard, Parade
Kelley John Parliament square
Moore James Wm Parliament square


Brine Thomas (& agent to Lloyds )Arbory street


Bridson Philip Malew st
Cain John Parliament square
Clague Robert, Arbory st
Cubbon Thomas, Malew st
Fargher John, Malew st
Gelling Stephen, Malew st
Harrison Richard, Malew st
Kinnish William Malew st
Leyland Daniel, Parliament square
Wood James, Malew st


Boyd Thomas, Bridge st
Bridson Richard, Ballasalla
Bridson William, Ballachrink
Collister Thomas Ballasalla
Corkill Lewis, Mill road
Costain Henry. Grenaby
Cowell James, Malew st
Curry Thomas, Ballasalla
Moore Thomas, Cleighrouyr
Quayle Thomas, Douglas st


Clague Richard Derby haven
Dinwoody William jun. (and ship chandler) Bowling green
Kelly John, Derby haven
M'Greavey Charles, Mill st
Moore John Derby haven
Turnbull Robert, Derby haven


Cannell Robert, Mill road
Clucas Thomas, Malew st
Corrin William, Malew st
Corrin William Arbory st
Costain John Douglas st
Cubbon Thomas Malew st
Cubbon Thomas & Son, Arbory st
Fell Edward, Malew st
Garrett John Mill st
Harrison James, Mill st
Kelly Edward, Malew st
Kelly John Mill st
Kennaugh Edward Ballasalla
Kermode Henry Malew st
Kinvig John Ballamauder beg
Kinvig John Arbory st
Kinvig Thomas (and clog & pattern) Arbory street
Qualtrough Henry Grenaby
Quine Thomas, Ballasalla
Shimmin Edward, Ballasalla
Waterson William, Grenaby


Bell Thomas, jun. Ballakilley
Faulder Primrose, Arbory st
Kermode John Ballasalla
Quayle John, Douglas st


Beedon William, Arbory st
Cubbon Richard, Malew st
Gell Thomas, Queenhithe st
Jackson Richard, Arbory st


Bell William Quay
Green John Quay
Quayle Frank Mill road


Harrison William, Grenaby
Martin John Quay
Moore Charles Cordeman
Quayle Thomas & John, Malew st


Drennan Ellen, Arbory st
Harpur Catherine, Malew st
Kelly Henry, Malew st


Cain John Parliament square
Mylchreest James Quay
Rothwell George, Malew st


Cowin Ann, Douglas st
Johnson Margaret, Bridge st
Kermode Catherine, College green
Rothwell John, Malew st


Clague Robert Derbyhaven
Clague William Queenhithe St
Curphey Edward,Mill st
King John Bridge st
M'Gurk Edward ,Douglas st


Bell John Mill st
Bell Thomas, Ballakilley
Benson Johnathan ,Big meadow
Bridson Philip, Ballasalla
Bridson Robert, Ballagranjey
Bridson William, Ballavaredgin
Bridson William, Ballachrink
Cain Charles, Ballajerai
Cain John, Rensheant
Cain Thomas, Ballajorai
Cain William, Arbory st
Cambell Isabella, Glassin
Cambell John, Harrisdale
Casement John, Ballawilley
Clague Charles, Dray
Clague Thomas, Malew st
Clark Marg, Malew st
Clark Thomas ( farm steward) Ronaldsway
Clarke Edward, Moneymoar
Clucas.John Barlule
Clucas John, Kerrookeiyll
Clucas Thomas, Cleighchorbeg
Collister John, Shenvalley
Collister Paul, Knockranney
Cooil William, Grenaby
Crellin John, Cleighchormoar
Cretney Thomas,Totaby
Curphey John, Ballahick
Davidson Isabella, Cordeman
Faragher Peter, Ballawetson
Faragher Thomas, Derby haven
Fargher William, Ballacrockey
Gelling Richard, Balown
Gick William, Ballaquaggin
Hampton Matthias, Ballagranjey
Jefferson Thomas, Ballahott
Kegin John, Close clerk
Kelly John, Balown
Kelly William, Ballachrink
Kennaugh John, Ballatrolling
Kennaugh John, Ballawerlogue
KennaughWilliam, Ballawinnin
Kenneth William,.Baltain
Kennish Thomas, Cordema
Kinnish Daniel, Mullinarogh
Kneale John, Mount pleasant
Kneale Philip, Ballachrink
Maddrell John, Grenaby
Moore Thornas, Billown
Morrison Philip Ballahick
Mylchreast Humphrey, Ballamoaa
Mylchreast Robert, Ballarge
Preston Henry, Lhergay
Quayle John, Balown
Quayle John, Giatt
Quayle John, Kerroomoar
Quiggin John, Ballavell
Quine Henry, Ballabeg
Quinney Robert, Ballastrang
Quinney Thomas, Ballangon
Radcliffe Margaret, Malew st
Shimmin William, Ballabeg
Stephen John, Cleighroyr
Taggart William, Ballagilbert
Taggart William, Gildale
Taylor John, Crossack
Teare John, Ballawilley
Teare Thomas, Silverbourne
Waterson John, Ballarobin


Cain John, Parliament square
Holmes John, Derby haven
Turnbull Robert, Derby haven


(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
Carter James, Arbory st
Downes Willian, & Co. Castle st
Duff John (& tobacco manufacturer) Castle street
Ferguson John, Malew st
Harpur Ann, Malew st
Kegg John, Arbory st
Kewley Ann, Parade


Corlett Edwaid, Arbory st
Kelly John Bridge St
Kewn Edward, Parade


Hore Henry, Red gap
Rothwell John, Malew st


George, Thomas Kneen (and livery stable keeper) Parade


Carter James, Arbory st
Mills Thomas, Arbory st


Cain John, Arbory st
Cannell Thomas, College green
Gelling John, College lane
Gelling Robert, Quay
Hudson Charles, Ballasalla
Kelly William, College green
Kermode Thomas, Ballasalla
Kneale John, Ballasalla
Quayle Francis, .Malew st
Shimmin Robert, Malew st
Stowell Richard, College lane


Jefferson Thomas, Ballahott
Jefferson William Burrow, North Abbey cottage
Moore Thomas, Billown


Cubbon Henry,Thos. & Wm. Parade
Taubman John & Co. Castle st
Wilson Thomas & John, Castle st


Bateman Joseph, College green
Cannell Leonora, Malew st
Cains Margaret, College green
Christian Catherine, Arbory st
Harrison Christian, Malew st
Kermode John, Douglas st
Kerruish Eliza, Parade
Killey Maria, Arbory st
M'Gray Jane, College green


Anderson Robert, Craig mill
Cowley Robert, Arbory st
Maddrell Robert, Grenaby
Simpson William, Castletown mill
Taubman Kermott, Ballasalla .


Chesterman Anna, Arbory st
Corlett & Corrin, Malew st
Curry Sarah, Ballasalla
Drennan Ellen, Arbory st
Harley Ann, Bridge st
Johnson Jane, Ballasalla
Joyner Catherine, Castle st
Kinvig Cath. (straw hat) Arbory st
Kirk Sarah, Malew
Kitchen Elizabeth, Malew st
Quine Mary, Queenhithe st


Brine Thomas, Arbrory st
Harrison Richard, Parade
Kelly John, Parliament square


Christian Wm. (& plumber) Malew St
Corrin John, Douglas st
Smith Andrew, Malew st


Underwood Thomas, Parade


Dinwoody Wm. jun. Bowling green


Karran John. Castle st
Kermode & Harrison, Malew st
Kinvig Thomas, Arbory st


Jones Joseph. Rock, Douglas st


Blackburn John, Ballasalla
Cain Jane, Ballasalla
Caugherday Henry,Ballasalla
Clague Charles, Arbory st
Clague Isabella, Ballasalla st
Clague William, Malew st
Comish Robert, Malew st
Corkill Ann Ballasalla
Cowlay William, Ballasalla
Creer Jane, Derbyhaven
Creer John, Arbory st
Creer William, Ballasalla
Cudd Edward, Malew st
Dinwoody Jane, Malew st
Gale Thomas, Queenhithe
Holmes Ellen, Malew st
Keig William, Bowling green
Kelly John, Arbory st
Killey John, Queenhithe st
Kirk William, Malew st
Kneale Catherine, Ballasalla
Preston William, Malew st
Rankin Robert, Malew st
Ratcliffe William, Malew st
Rothwell George Malew st
Shimmin William, Ballasalla
Wood Charles, Queenhithe st


Cannell William, Bridge st
Comish Robert, Malew st
Crageen James, Douglas st
Crageen James, jnr Douglas st
Creech Hugh Mill st
Kelly Henry, Malew st
Kelly John, Malew st
Quilliam Thomas, Mill road


Cain Robert Ballasalla
Cain Robert, Quay
Costain John Malew st
Costain.John, jnr, Malew st
Costain Richard, Bowling
Costain Robert Bridge st.
Kelly Robert, Mill st
Kelly Thomas, College green
Quayle Thomas Malew st
Quayle Thomas & son , Malew st


Creggeen John, Arbory st
Fell James Parliament square
Jones Rowland John, Malew st


Bridson Thomas, Ballasalla
Cain John, Ballasalla
Cannon John Queenhithe st
Caveen Thomas, Malew st
Collister Thomas, Malew st
Crellin Thomas, Ballasalla
Fargher William, Bridge st
Gale. Robert, Malew st
Gale William, Mill st
Quayle Robert, Malew st
Shimmin Thomas, Malew st
Slephen Philip, Douglas st


Dinwoody William & son, Mill road
Kermode John, Ballasalla
Kinvig Thomas (& oil & colourman) Arbory st


Anchors Thos (Manchester) Mill st
Bell Charles, Ballasalla
Brew Ann, Bowling green
Buchan David, College green
Cain Jane, Ballasalla
Cain William, Malew st
Clague Charles, Cross fourways
Collister John, Cross fourways
Corvin John, Arbory st
Corrin William, Arbory st
Costain Robert, Red gap
Cowley Robert (Whitestone) Ballasalla
Cubbon Richard (Wheat sheaf) Malew st
Cubbon Thomas, Derby haven
Dinwoody James (and nail maker) Arbory st
Farrell James (Globe) Malew st
Gell Dorothy, Quay
Gibson David, Quay
Harrison Edward, Malew st
Harrison John, Malew st
Harrison Richard Malew st
Kelly John, Derbyhaven
Kermode Catherine, Douglas st
Kinvig Daniel, Ballamaudetbeg
Kneale Catherine, Ballasalla
M'Greavy John, Orrisdale
M'Lachlin David, Quay
M'Laren Andrew, Queenhithe st
M'Leod Murdoch, Queenhithe st
Maddrell Robert, Grenaby
Moore Samuel. Ballachrink
Mylchreest James, Quay
Quayle Thomas, Ballaquaggin
Radcliffe William Malew st .
Radcliffe Wm.(Temperance) Malew st
Rothwell Geo.(Temperance) Malew st
Taubman Elizabeth, Arbory st
Turnbull Robert, Derby haven
Varley John, Castle st
Wilton William, Castle st


Dinwoody John, Bowling green
Fitzsimons John, College lane
Quiggin Wm. & Co. Queenhithe st


Qualtrough William, Ballasalla
Quayle Thomas & John, Malew st


Kneale John, Malew st
Muncaster & Son, Arbory st


Downes William & Co.Castle st
Duff John,.Castle st
Ferguson John, Malew st



BARRACKS, College green -Capt.George W. DeRenzy, barrack master, . William Thompson, barrack serjeant
Boscow Nicholas, corn dealer Quay
CASTLE RUSHEN—Philip Caley, gaoler
Chesterman Jno chief constable, Arboryst
Colquitt Stanley.road surveyor, Douglas st
Gelling Elizabeth, stationer and fancy repository, Castle st
Grellier Jas. & Co. umber & ochre manufacturers, Ballasalla—Thos. Pearson, agnt
Harrison Edward, court keeper, Malew st
HOUSE OF KEYS, Castletown—Edward Colquitt, keeper
Kermode John, plasterer, Douglas st
Kewley James, ship broker, Arbory st
Lace John, clerk, Mill st
Leah Miles, chymist & druggist Malew st
M'Donald William, auctioneer, Malew st
Mills Thos. brazier & tinsmith, Arbory st
Mullen Robert, cloth scourer, Ballasalla
ROLLS OFFICE, Castle Rushen—John Hutchin, clerk


ST. MARK'S CHAPEL, Dreemfreaie—Rev John Thomas Clarke
ST. MARY'S, Parade—Rev. Geo.S Parsons
ST. THOMAS's, King William's College
INDEPENDENT, Chapel Market buildings —Rev. John Berry.
PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPELS Mill road, Ballasalla, Clogher & Llt. Foxdale
WESLEYAN METHODIST, Arbory st, Ballasalla, Ballamoda, and Kerrookeyll.



Collector—Edward Corlett.
Comptroller,Landing Waiter&c.—William Henry Carrington.
Tide Waiter & Boatmen- Wm. Archer, Wm Callow, Hugh Jones & Philip Kewley




High Bailiff—John Kelly
Clerk—Samuel Moore Looney.
Chief Constable and King's Messenger— John Chesterman.


To DOUGLAS, Coaches, from the George Hotel, every morning (Sunday excepted} at ten, twelve at noon, five afternoon, and eight evening; go thro. Ballasalla.


To DOUGLAS, William Collister & John Jenkins, from Malew st, Thomas Kelly, from Mill street, and John Varley, from Castle street, daily.


To LIVERPOOL, the Betsey, Cadiz, John Quayle, Hannah, and Flower of the South trading vessels occasionaly

To WHITEHAVEN,the Express, Dasher Friends, Lady Gordon, and Map trading vessels occasionally.


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