[From Pigot's Directory, 1837]
[scanning of the small print and tightly bound pages is very difficult tbc]
DOUGLAS, the most considerable town and seaport in the island, is 10 miles N.E. of Castletown, 11 nearly E. of Peel. 16 s. of Ramsey, 72 N.W. of Liverpool, 40 SW of Whitehaven, 75 N.E. by E. of Dublin, and 144 S. of Greenock. This town is delightfully situate on a river and at the south-eastern angle of a bay of the same name, fronting to the eastward ; and is connected in civil matters with the parish of Onchan, and ecclesiastical with that of Braddan. The old streets are for the most part singularly irregular, crooked and though they contain many excellent houses, shops and inns; all the modern streets, terraces, &c.are however, pleasant and tasteful. The general shape of the town is triangular, and, in this respect, it has been compared to the Manx Arms, which are threelegs, with the appropriate motto of 'Stabit quocunque jeceris' referring to its insular situation regarding the three kingdoms. Douglas is well supplied with water, from a reservoir constructed a little above the Crescent; and brilliantly lighted with gas, by a company whose works are situate on the south quay. The harbour is esteemed the best dry one in the Irish sea, and admits vessels of considerable burthen the depth of spring tides, being from twelve to twenty feet. Several surveys have been made, of late years, with the design of making Douglas bay a harbour of refuge for vessels navigating the Irish sea:. Sir William Hillary, Bart, wrote a pamplet on this important project in 1826; in 1835, Sir John Rennie published the report of his survey of the bay of Douglas recommending the construction of various works; and in the same year captain Denham, of the royal navy, was despatched by the dock trustees of Liverpool to survey the bay of Douglas, and report on its capabilities for being rendered a harbour of the description so wanted : this report proposed the erection of certain works, the immense outline of which seemed to form an insurmountable obstacle to the accomplishment of the desired object; still, however, the more it was considered, the necessity for forming such a haven became the more apparent. It has been proved that a very large amount of property, sometimes exceeding £50,000 annually has been lost between the coasts of Britain and Ireland, from the destitution of an asylum to protect mechandize and life. A new Jetty, from the opposite shore to the harbour is now in progress of execution; it will project about two hundred feet, and extend a sheltering arm to the present port.
In 1833 a Tower of Refuge was erected on St. Mary's rock, as a beacon and also a retreat for mariners shipwrecked in the bay of this coast. (inc of the most attractive features in the contour of Douglas is the beautiful stone pier, erected by government at an expense of £22,000.; it is five hundred and twenty feet in length and forty in breadth, well flagged, and its eastern extremity ornamented by a beautiful and serviceable lighthouse; it is the favourite promenade of the beauty and fashion of the place, and is frequently enlivened by the bustle incidental upon the arrival of steam and other vessels with passengers. At low water the walk along the north shore is extremely pleasant; and at flood tide the goodness of the sands, and the uncorrupted purity of the ocean wave, render it one of the most agreeable bathing-places in this part of Europe. Bathing machines are provided by different parties; hot, cold, shower and vapour baths are constructed, in a neat and comfortable manner, by Mr. Geneste, at Baths-place, and by Mr. Heron at his hotel the latter edifice once the princely castle of the Duke of Athol ; it is now fitted up in a style not excelled, probably, in the empire; it has accommodation for one hundred and fifty visiters at the same moment and the woods, lawns and gardens are proportionately extensive: the castle is nearly a mile north of Douglas, bordering on the beach. The town contains many convenient and respectable inns and hotels; and, for those who prefer private domicile, lodgings of the most genteel and comfortable character may be readily obtained. Douglas supports public libraries, news-rooms and billiard-rooms; and dancing and card assemblies are frequent. The curious may amuse themselves by act inspection of a comprehensive and well selected museum, open in Great George-street; and a closer approximation to English sociality was formed here in 1829, by the establishment of a United Service club. Opposite the pier, on the hill side, stand Fort Anne and Harold Tower, two well situated and agreeable mansions the former particularly worthy of notice as being the property and residence of Sir William Hillary, the humane founder of the Royal National institution for the preservation of life from shipwreck, which has been the means of rescuing upwards of four thousand individuals from a watery grave, since its formation in 1824, and who is also president of the Isle of Man District Association, established for a similar benevolent purpose; a complete set of Manby's apparatus is always kept in readiness at the life-boat store-room, on the pier. The neighbourhood of Douglas is well wooded, and embellished with many elegant mansions affording pleasing and varied landscapes, although limited in extent. Horse-races will in future be held annually, on a course formed in this year(1837), about half a mile above the village of Kirk Onchan, and two miles and a half north of the town. Boating parties are numerous and frequent and a regatta takes place in the spacious bay.
The manufactures of Douglas are not of much importance, except the long-established one for linen and sail-cloth of Messrs. Moore; another, for coarse and fine woollen cloths and blankets, at Union Mills, about three miles on the road to Peel, now worked by Messrs. M'Williams & Co.; and a third for paper, about four miles north. Among the leading branches of trade are an iron foundry, two extensive ship-building yards, seven tanneries, eight breweries, and a soap manufactory; and few places furnish the necessary and essential articles of household furniture, &c., in greater perfection. From the Douglas press issue four newspapers weekly, and one monthly; they are excellently conducted, and deservedly well supported. As this is the only port into which wines, spirits, colonial produce, &c., are allowed to be imported under the present fiscal laws, the town, and especially the pier, and quay, generally present a scene of considerable bustle amid activity. The number of vessels belonging to the port at the present time is 60, registering 2,200 tons, trading with France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Prussia, the Hanseatic towns, &c. The custom-house was formerly the insular residence of his Grace the Duke of Athol, prior to the erection of Mona Castle. The court-house,which is situate on the pier, is a plain substantial ediface : in it the southern deemster holds a court once a fortnight, and the vicar-general once within the same period ; the high bailiff opens his court every Saturday, a chapter court is held in the spring and autumn.
The places of worship are numerous and respectable. St. Matthew's church was built in 1711., and contains nearly three hundred sittings ; St. George's, situate on an eminence behind Athol-street, will accommodate a congregation of upwards of eight hundred; St. Barnabas', erected in 1833, and ornamented with a handsome spire, one hundred and forty feet high, possesses twelve hundred sittings, seven hundred being free; and an old man of war., fitted up as a mariner's chapel, affords convenient room for two hundred hearers : the livings are all curacies, in the gift of the bishop. The dissenting chapels are for. independents, primitive and Wesleyan methodists, and presbyterians ; the Roman catholics occupy a spacious room in Athol Street formerly used for the purpose of theatrical representations. The educational institiutions of Douglas are most efficient, particularly the boarding and preparatory schools : the national school, built in 1810 is capable of accommodating one thousand pupils : a school of industry for boarding and educating eight girls was established in 1836, and an excelent infants' school the present year. There are many other benevolent and charitable institutions in the town, which evidences the philanthropic spirit that exists among the inhabitatants of Douglas. The house of industry, or workhouse, is a handsome and extensive structure, with a square tower in the centre ; it was completed in 1837, partly by means of a grant from government and partly by subscriptions. The market-place, erected by a company in the same year, is very spacious,with an extensive range of stalls on each side a spacious area ; over the latter it is intended to form a commodious room. The market, which is held on Saturday, is well supplied with provisions of all kinds and fish may be obtained any day in the week at a very reasonable price. An annual fair is held on the 12 of November
POST OFFICE, Post Office lane, Susan Grave, Post Mistress Letters are despatched to and arrive from LIVERPOOL (by steamer) daily (Sunday excepted) in summer the hour according to tide, and in winter they are despatched every Tuesday and Friday evening, and arrive every Monday evening and Friday morning. Letters are despatched to CASTLETOWN, PEEL, RAMSEY, &C. (by foot post) daily (Sunday excepted) in summer and every Tuesday and Friday morning in winter, and arrive both winter and summer in time for their despatch to LIVERPOOL
Abbott Mr. Christr.. Athol terrace
Abbott Mr. John, Athol terrace
Adams Mrs. Samuel, Athol court
Alderson Lieut. John, Prospect hill
Alexander Mr. John, Woodville
Anderson Mr. John, E. I. S. Bay view crescent
Andrews Mss Bethia, Athol st
Ashley Mrs. Margaret, Wellington square
Ashton Mrs. George, Villa Marina cottages
Atkins Major Thomas,Harris terrace
Atkinson Capt. Ballachrink
Atterby Rev. Samuel, Athol court
Attwood Mr. Geo.Taubman terrace
Aylmer Rev. Charles, Athol st
Bacon Captain Caesar, North quay and Seafield
Banks Mr. John, Kink Onchan
Banks Mr. Robert, Mona terrace
Barker Mr. Samuel, Athol st
Beach Miss Phoebe. Mount pleasant
Bell Mrs. John, Harris terrace
Bonnyman Mrs. Portecree
Bower. Mr.William (solicitor) Athol St
Bradbridge Mr. Thos.Wm. Athol st
Bridson Mr. Hugh, Athol st
Bridson the Misses Mary, Ann, Sarah and Alice, Athol street
Brooks Mr. Richard, Coulclay
Brotherston Mr.James,Marion villa
Brown Rev. Robert, Braddan vicarage
Buckingham Mr. George, Barrack st
Byne Mr. Francis Basil, Burleigh
Cage Mr. William, Marina terrace
Cain Mrs. James, Nunnery
Cain Rev. Thomas Ardwhallan
Caine Mr. John, Bibaloe
Caine Mr. Matthias, Strand st
Callow Mr. Charles, Mona terrace
Cannell the Misses Margaret and Elizabeth, Duke street
Cannell Mrs. Thomas, Athol st
Carlton Mrs. Jane, Athol st
Carpenter Rev. Wm.A. M. Finch road
Chapman Mr. George, Prospect hill
Charlton Lieut. Hy. Great George st
Christian Mrs Catherine,North quay
Christian Mr: William, Finch hill
Chubb Mr. Charles. Kirk Onchan
Clague Miss Dorothy, Athol terrace
Clarke Mrs. Joseph, Parade
Clucas Mr. John, Society lane
Cochrane Mr. Robt. St. George's pl
Coke Mr. D'Ewes Crescent
Cookson Mr.John, Castle mona lawn,
Corlett Mr. Robert Athol St
Corran Ms.. Paul., Corran's place
Cox Col.Thomas,Bay view crescent
Craig Mrs.Capt E, Bay view crescent
Craigie Mr. Laurence, Villa Marina Cottages
Craine Rev. Edward, Kirk Onchan
Craine Mrs Lucy Ann, Kirk Braddan
Crellin, Mrs Deemster, North quay
Crery Mrs William, Finch road
Cubbin Capt Thomas Fort st.
Curran Mr Joseph, Mount Vernon
Dale Mr Thomas, Leece Lodge
Darcey Mr Anthony Byrnne, Athol St
Day Mr George, Finch road
Dickenson Mr James, Prospect hill
Doolin Mr James, Spring Valley
Drinkwater Sir George, bart (justice of the peace) Kirby
Drinkwater Mrs Wm Leece, North quay
Drury Mr Thomas, Snugborough
Dumbell Mrs Johnathan, Athol St
Edwards Mrs John, Thomas St
Fargher Mrs Quayle, Athol St
Fell Misses Ann & Bethia, Athol st
Ferguson Mr. John, South quay
Finlay Mr. John, Ballachrink
Freer Lieut Thos Algare, Braddan
Gardiner Rev.Jas.Wm.1 Stanley terr
Gelling Mr. Edward, Queen st
Gelling Mr. John, Great Nelson st
Gelling Mr. Richard, Woodburne rd
Geneste Mrs. Lewis, Prospect hill
Gibson Mrs. Wood, Prospect hill
Gilliard.Mr. John, Ballacain
Going Rev. Richard Shirley, Mount pleasant
Goldie Lieutenant Genl. Alexander,Nunnery
Grant Capt. Lachlan, Shaw's brow
Greenway Mr. Charles, Finch road
Grellier Mr. James, James st
Haining Rev. Samuel, Athol st
Hale Mrs. John M Atlhol st
Hampton Mr.Matthias,Southampton
Hanby the Misses Maria & Sophia, South quay
Harding Mrs. Sarah, Wellington square
Hargrave Mr. Joseph, South quay
Harrison Mrs. John, Athol court
Harrison Mr. Thomas,Woodbourne
Harisson Mrs.Thomas,Woodbouruue
Hartwell the Rev. Vicar General Francis B. A. B. Finch road
Haslam Mr. Wm. Lark hill, Onchan
Hay Mr John, South quay
Helmsworth Lieut. Christr.Kawague
Heywood Captain Calcott, Glencrutchery
Heywood John Joseph (the Hon. Deemster) Bemahague
Hibbert Mrs Rbt Strathallan cres
Highton Mr. Geo. Hampton court
Hillary Sir William Bart. (Justice of peace), Fort Anne
Holder Mrs. Moore, Derby castle
Hodgson Mr. James, Athol st
Horsley Lady Hunnah,Harris terrace
Horton Mr.Thos, Taubman terrace
Howarth Mr. Robt. Harcroft house
Hutchinson Mr. John, Mill mount cottage
Hutchinson Mr. Henry, South quay
Johnstone Mr. William, 4 Strathallan cres
Jones Mr James, 1 Strathallan crescent
Jones Lieut. Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Jones Capt William, Shaw's brow
Kelly Mr. John, Wellington square .
Kelly Mr. Robert. King st
Ker Mr Richard, Mill mount cottage
Kewley Mrs. John, Finch road
Keir Mr. Robert, Crescent hotel
King Mr. John, Finch road
Kinsley Lieut Daniel, Finch road
Lace Mr. Stanley, Finch road
Lucy Col - Crescent
Loughton Mr Edmnd.Harris terrace
Lidwell Mr. Thomas, Harris terrace
Layken Mr. John, Summer hill
Lyster Lieut.Col.Anthony,Sth. quay
M'Crone Mr.James (crown agent) Rock Villa
M'Gill Rev Thomas, Athol st
Mackie Mr. Robert, Finch road
M'Lean Rev. Walter, Finch road
Main Mrs. Christopher, Wellington place
Martley Mr. John, 6 Strathallan crescent
Moore Miss Catherine, Athol St
Moore Mrs Jane, South quay
Moore Mr. John, Pulrose
Moore the Misses Margaret and Catherine, North quay
Moore Mrs. Mary, Athol st
Murray Col Rd. (magistrate) Athol st
Murray Mrs Robert, North Quay
Muter Capt, Robert, Finch road
Newton Mr. James, Harold tower
Nicholls Mrs.Col.John,Prospect hill
Nicholson Mr. Edward, Marina
O'Rielly Mrs 17 Stanley terrace
Ormsby Mrs.Major John,Finch road
Oswald Mr. Alexdr. Harris terrace
Patterson Lieut. Thomas, Woodbourne road
Perrie Mr. Adolphus, South quay
Pizey Mrs.John Rt. Taubman terrace
Pollock Capt.Saml.Strathallan lodge
Pooley Mr. Henry, Victoria
Putnam Mr. Jno. , Strathallan crescent
Quane Mr. William, Ballapadeg
Quayle Mr. Thomas, North St
Quillin Miss Ann, Athol st
Quirk Mr. Daniel, Ballacottier
Rea Mrs. Strathalan crescent
Reed Col. Sand. Woodbourne road
Reeves Lieut. Lewis Buckle, Stanley terrace
Richmond Mr. Frank Hall, Glendhoo
Richmond Mr. Silvester, Athol ter
Rickards Capt. Henry, North quay
Rigby Mr. Peter, 2 Stanley terrace
Rigby Mr. Thomas, Athol st
Ritchie Mr. James, John st
Ritchie Mr Writ. John st
Rollings Mr. John Cacchumnayd,Ballastole
Roskell Mrs. John, North quay
St John Miss Maud, Taubman terr
Schaw Mr. John S. Laureston
Sewell Capt. Ballantine,Ballacubbon
Shepherd Mr. Wm. Spring valley
Shoar Rev. James, Harris terrace
Shum Lieut.Col. Henry, Marina terr
Smallman Mrs. Castle mona lawn
Stephens Mr. John, Duke St.
Stephenson Mr. William, King st
Stowell Mrs. Thomas, Ballacretch
Stowell Mr. William, Ellenbrook cottage, Ballacreggan
Stowell Mrs. Capt. Wm. Parade st
Tallan Major Joseph, Athol St
Tattersall Mr. Thomas, Cronkbane
Templeton Mrs. Maria, Castle st
Tenison Capt Barton, Athol st
Tennant Mr. William, Athol st
Thompson Mr. Richard, Athol st
Thomson Mrs. Eleanor, South quay
Thomson Mr. Samnl. Glencrutchery
Timperley Capt. William Thomas Postles, Athol St
Tobin Major Caesar, Athol st
Tupper Mr. Carre Cook, Hague Kirk Onchan
Tupper John, esq. Pebble cottage
Turner Capt.William, Mona terrace
Wade Lieut. Col. Thomas, Athol st
Wanton Rev.Jos.Brenton,The Hills
Wardell Mr. John, Stanley terrace
Weatherby Mrs. Willians, South quay
Weston Mr. Edward, King st
Wilson Miss Eleanor, Athol st
Wood Lieut.George Horsley, Woodbourne road
Wood Mr. Peter Cranke, Glenlyon terrace
Wood Mr. William, Prospect hill
Wright Mr. Edward, Wellington p
Wulff Mr. Gustavus, Athol st
Wulff Mr. John, Ballaughton
Yale Miss Frances, Finch road
Younghusband Col.Charles, Marina terrace
Armstrong Frances, Market place
Bewley William, Bigwell st
Cain Matthias, Baldwin
Christian Margaret, Nessey and Isabella, Muckles gate
Corteen Robert, Prospect hill
Costain Charlotte, Athol court
Cowan Catherine, Queen st
Cowley Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Cubbon -, Society lane
Cubbon William, Post Office place
Dutton Eliza, Athol St
Dutton Misses (ladies' boarding) Villa Marina
Forrester Walter, Shaw's brow
GRAMMAR School-New Bond st
Garvin John Anson, A.M. (gentlemen's boarding), Oak hill
George Mrs. Edw. S. (ladies' boarding), Glenlyon house,Castle
Hodson Mary Ann (ladies' boarding) Athol street
INFANTS' SCHOOL, Cattle market st Agnes Kelly, mistress
Kay James, Strang
M'Gee Julia, Baldwin
Moffat Samuel, Baldwin
NATIONALSchool, Athol st
James Cretney, master; Jane Kneale, mistress
PAROCHIAL (Braddan) Ballakennish John Creer, master
PAROCHIAL (Onchan) Kirk Onchan Thomas Killy, master
SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY, Finch road Ellen Scarborough, mistress
Steel Alexander (gentlemen's boarding), Crescent academy
Stowell Ellen & Bellanne (ladies' boarding), Athol st
Thompson Margaret. & Mona (ladies' boarding), Athol st
Wilson James, Thomas St
Bluett & Christian, Athol st.
Carrington Horatio Nelson, Sth.quay
Dumbell George William, Athol st
Haining Thomas, Athol st
Head Edmund George,Cambrian pl
Heywood John Joseph (Hon.Deemster commissioner for taking
affidavits in the English Court of Queen's Bench), Bemahague
Kelly Robert, Fort st
Kelly Robert Jss. (& commissioner for taking affidavits in the
Irish Court of Queen's, Bench), Fort st
Kewley William, Ballanard
Moore .Iohn George, Great George St
Moore Philip, Heywood place
QuayleMark Hildesley,Gt.George st
Quirk & Stephen, Market place
Quirk James (& high bailiff & resident Attorney
Genrl.)Barnabas sq
Watts Hy. Bloomfield, Stanley terr
Wilson Senhouse, Fort st
Marked thus* are Steam Packet Agents. (See also auctioneers and
also Fire &c Office.Agents.)
*Boardman Robert, North quay
*Clark John, North quay
Duggan John, North quay
Kneale Daniel, Well rd
May Edm. (land) Fort st & Crescent cottage
Moore Edward, North quay
Moore John (to Lloyds) Bridge st
Cain, Thomas(&millwright)Athol St
Jones Richard, Fort st
Lane Luke, Fort st
May Edward, Fort st
Bridson Robert, Great Nelson st
Bridson Thomas, James st
Cain Edward, Strand st
Cain Matthais, New Bond st
Christian Edward, Duke lane
Christian William, Strand st
Clucas William, Barrack st
Corkhill Edward, Bigwell st
Croughan John, Strand st
Douglas Robert, Church st
Kayll Charles, Bigwell st
Kinrade Hugh, King st
Kneale Thomas, Hanover st
Kneen Thomas,Strand st
Moore Samuel, Lord st
Moore William, King st
Rankin Alexander, Lord St
Rankin David & Thomas, Strand st
Stephenson John, King st
Thomson -, Chapel row
Holmes Henry & Sons, South quay (draw on Masterman,
Peters & Co. London)
William, Deacon & Co London) Edward Forbes, manager
on Prescott & Co. London) William Dickie, manager
SAVING'S BANK, Great George st (open every Saturday from 1 to
2 and from 7 to 8) William Geneste, secretary
Geneste William, Bath place
Heron George, Castle Mona hotel
Hackman John, Strand st
Heron George, Castle Mona hotel
Ruler Eleanor, Strand st
CIGAR DIVAN, Luke Lane,Nth. quay
Graves Henry, North quay
Bridson Christopher, Strand st
Collister William, Kirk Onchan
Costain Henry. Castle St
Clucas William, Strang
Cottier Walter (& coach spring maker), John st
Cubbon Thomas,jun.Kirk Onchan
Lewthwaite John, Fort st
Millburn Isaac (chain cable & anchor), North quay
Quayle Thomas (& bell hanger) Bigwell st
Quayle William, White hall
Stephen John, Heywood's place
Cain John, Great George st
Cochrane John, Duke St
Dillon William, North quay
Stewart Rt. (& paper ruler) ,Church St
Cain John, Great George st
Dillon William, North quay
Jefferson George, Duke st
Quiggin John, North quay
RELIGIOUS TRACT DEPOSITORY, Duke st Kirkham & Robertson
Shipley John, North quay
Braid Thomsas, Lord St
Bridson John, Fancy st
Cain Robert, Duke st
Callow Matthias, Kirk Onchan
Carefull William, Great. George St
Christian John, Strand St
Clague Thomas, Fatucy st
Clucas Robert, New Bond st
Comish William, Strand St
Corlett John, Great Nelson st
Corran William. Duke st
Corrin Daniel, Kirk Onchan
Craine Charles, King st
Cubbon Edward (& leather cutter) Duke st
Cubbon John, Thomas st
Douglas Thomas, Duke st
Fargher Charhes, Bigwell st
Gelling Thomas, Cattle market st
Gick Robert, Strang
Gick William, James St
Howgate Joseph, Union mills
Isedale Charles, Prospect hill
Kelly John, Duke st
Kelly Robert, Lord st
Kermode Robert, Church St
Kewley Thonsas, King st
King William, Great Nelson st
M'Mullin William,Cattle market St
M'Quire William, Duke st
Quiggin James, Barrack St
Quiggin William, Bigwell St
Taggart William, James st
Ward John, Duke st
Wood Robert, Fancy St
Gelling Thomas, Market place
Ormerod Peter, Duke st
Seddon Thomas, North quay
Cain, Shimmon & Co. Kewague
Curphey Edward & Co. North quay
Garrett Thmos. & Son,Cattle market st
Kayll John James, Castle st
Kelly William, Shaw's brow
Killey Philip, Castle St.
Nelson John, Hanover St
Radcliff John, Strand st
Young Charles, South quay
Cain Robert, North quay and St George's place
Robinson Jno. (& architect) Athol st
Shimmin John, North quay
Thurburn John, North quay
Thurburn William, Dummgold st
Alexander John, Fancy st
Davis Henry, Fancy st
Kewley Eleanor. James st
Procter John, Church st
Quayle Philip, James st
Redfern George, Duke st
Redfern Thomas. James st
Sayle William, Strand st
Spencer Robert, Fancy St '
Teare John, Duke st
Bell John & James, Castle St
Carran John, Bridge st
Cleator Charles (& upholsterer & venetian blind maker) ,North
Griffiths Wm. (carver), Athol court
Maxwell Joseph, Thomas st
Moore Philip, Bridge st
Kelley Robert, Barrack st
Kelly Thomas, Strang
Quirk Edward, Fancy st
Cashen Philip, North quay
Clague William, Duke St
Kermode John, Duke lane
Layhield Richard, Strand st
Radcliff George, Lord st
Thompson William Henry, Duke st
Atkinson Wm. Neale, North quay
Gell William, North quay
Gelling Daniel, Duke st
Kelly Robert Gordon, Market place
Moore & Taubman, 2 Market place
Douglas Robert, James St
M'Kerown, Patrick, Muckles gate
M'Parlin Hugh & David, James st
Polin Stephen, Lord st
Templeton Patrick, James st
See Ship Owners, &c.
Brown Betsy, Fancy st
Callow Amelia, Duke st
Duff Eliza, Bigwell st
Halliiburton John, Duke st
Jordan Richard, Lord st
Shipley John, North quay
DANISH,James Moor,Factory Lane
SWEDISH AND NORWEGIAN J. Stephens, Woodbourne road
Eaton John, Strand st
Henry Isaac, James st
Kaighan Philip, Barrack s
Quine Samuel, North quay
Boscow Nicholas, Church st
Cain, Shimmon & Co North quay
Shimmin Robert, Bridge St
Grandin Stephen, Church st
Wright George, Great Nelson
Balden William, Sulby, Onchan
Benson Mary, Pulrose, Braddan
Cain John, Eyremona, Onchan
Cain Thomas,Ballacruden,Braddan
Cain William, Ballachrink,Onchan
Cannell Thos. Ballaskilly, Onchan
Cannell Thos. Ballarriew, Braddan
Christian Daniel, Clepts, Onchan
Christian Edward, Ballakillmartin, Onchan
Christian James, Begode,Onchan
Christian John, Begode, Onchan
Clague Daniel, Strensby, Braddan
Clague John, Strensby, Braddan
Clague Wm. Ballacutshal, Braddan
Corkhill Robert, Ulican, Braddan
Corkill Edward, Begode, Onchan
Cowen & Quirk,Ballacottier,Onchan
Cowen Robert, Langahon, Onchan
Cowen Thomas, Comlork, Braddan
Cowen Thomas, Langahon,Onchan
Craine Thomas, Cowan, Braddan
Craine William, Ballaloney, Braddan
Craine Wm. Ballacottier, Braddan
Creer John, Clepts, Onchan
Creer Thomas, Ballashig, Braddan
Creer William, Ballamoda, Braddan
Cubbon Wm. Ballavriew, Braddan
Curran Wm. Ballamanach, Onchan
Dalrymple James, Strathalloo and Union mills
Dalrymple William, Ballastole, Braddan
Dickinson Joseph, Ballacreggan, Braddan
Fell William, Ballacashen, Braddan
Freer John, Ballacrink, Braddan
Gelling James, Ballacottier, Braddan
Gelling John , Ballacruden, Braddan.
Gelling Wm. Blackquarter, Onchan
Hampton Esther,Ballough, Braddan
Hampton Geo. Colooneys, Braddan
Hampton Rbt. Ballacutshal, Braddan
Hampton Thos. Ballabunt, Braddan
Kelly John, Ballaquine, Braddan
Kelly John, Renscuilt, Braddan
Kelly William, Ballachrink, Onchan
Kelly William,Ballaashugal, Braddan
Kermode Christr.Cloybane, Braddan
Leece John, Ballamona, Braddan
Lewin Robert, Ballargey, Onchan
MTaggat Matthias, Ballavachadan, Braddan
Moore Robert, Bahrenney, Braddan
Oates Edward, Kirk Bradan
Quilliam Mrs. Thos.Richmond Hill
Quine Edmund, Balling, Onchan
Quine Edward, Ballig, Braddan
Redfern George,Springhill, Braddan
Skillicorn John, Stegoly, Onchan
Stratton Catherine, Kirby
Thomson Archibald, Mount Murray
Waterson John, Tromode, Onchan
NORWICH UNION, Mrs Grave, Post Office lane
PHOENIX, Wm. Quiggin, Bridge st
SUN Jas Moore & Son, Factory lane
Bevan James, North quay
Kewin Thomas, Factory lane
Marked thus * are Wholesale.
(see also Shopkeepers, &c.)
Bewley William, Bigwell St
Cain Daniel, New Bond st
Calvin John, Duke st
Christian Wm. Strand St
Clague John, Chapel row & North quay
Clague Norris, Strand st
Clark John, North quay
Clarke Archibald (& wine) King st
Cowen Thomas (& wine) Lord st
Crebbin Lewis & George, Duke st
Croughan Andrew, Duke st
Curphey Edward, Chapel row
*Duff Robert, Market place
*Duff William & Co. Duke St
Fell John, Post Office lane
Gelling Edward, New Bond St
*Green Henry Birkett, Parade
Heelis Leonard & Samuel, King st
Hogg John, North quay
Kelly John, Hanover st
Killey John, Queen st
Lawrence Henry, Duke st
Lawson Edward, King st
Lewin James, James st
Moore Emma (and smallware, &c. dealer) James Street
Moore Nicholas, King st
Radcliff John, Strand st
Roney Roger, Duke st
Roskell Robert and Joseph & Co. quay
Tate John, Hanover st
Torrance Gavin & Co. Duke St
Braw Robert, North quay
Cubbon Robert, James st
Ellison Joseph, North quay
Fielding James, North quay
Kewley Charles, Factory lane
Moore John, New Bond st
Young John, Quayles lane
Younghusband Joseph, James st
Callow Thomas, Lord st
Cannell John, King st
Kenrade Thomas, Queen st
Kerruish James, Duke St
Clague Norris (and coal dealer) Strand street
Curphey Edward, Chapel row
Holmes Henry & Son, South quay
Stowell Hugh, Post Office lane
Albion, Davies & Craven, Parade
British Hotel, Hannah Dixon, North Quay
Bulls Head, Philip Quayle,Quayles lane
Butchers' Arms, Thomas Redfern, James Street
Castle Mona Hotel, George Heron,Crescent
Crescent Hotel. John Cloke, Crescent
Cross Keys, Edmund Moore, Parade
Cumberland Inn, Isaac Hodgson, Heywood's place
Cumberland Tavern Thomas Braid, James st
King's Arms Thomas Crelley,Church st
Plough, Robert Miller, Duke st
Saddle, Phillip Cain, Queen st
York Hotel, James MKenzie,Parade
Gelling Thomas, South quay
M'Ghie John, (brass) Bath st
Gelling Thos.(furnishing) Market pl
Ormerod Peter, Duke st
Sherwood Richard, Duke at
Cannell Edward, Baldwin
Christian John, Strand St
Cowell Thomas, Lord St
Cowen Thomas, Kirk Onchau
Cowin Daniel, Prospect hill
Cubbon John, Athol St
Hay Robert, Prospect hill
Karran & Quiggin, Prospect hill
Kelly James, Strand St
Kelly Thomas, South quay
Killip and Cain, Kirk Onchan
Kneale Daniel Drumgold st
Morris John, Finch road
Quayle Thomas, Castle st
Quirk John, North quay
Dillon Wm, circulating) North quay .
ISLE OF MAN, Duke streetJohn Calvin, librarian
Jefferson Geo. (circulating) Duke st
Cubbin Henry, Thomas & Richard, Duke Street
Harris Samuel, North quay
Nowlin William, Duke st
Smith Frances, Duke St
Stephen & Kissack, Duke St
Thompson William Henry, Duke st
Wilson Thomas & John, Duke St
Woods Michael, Duke st
Braid Thomas, James st
Cain Philip, Queen st,
Cloke John, Crescent
Crelley Thomas, Church st
Dixon William (& horse & carriage repository) Parade &
North quay
Dillon Patrick. (& horse & carriage repository) Castle Mona
May Edmund, Fort St
Redfern Thomas, James St
Starkie Patrick, Church st
Andrew John, 12 Stanley terrace 3
Barker Jane, North quay
Bayley Ann, Wellington square 3
Bishop James Chinn, Athol St
Blake Elizabeth, Post Office lane
Brannon Eleanor, Shaws brow
Broadfoot Mrs. Fort St
Cain Nelson, Barrack st
Cannell Robert, Great Nelson st
Carran Christopher, King St
Castletine Samuel, Shaws brow
Christian Margaret, Shaws brow
Clark Mary, 4 Stanley terrace
Clucas David, Muckles gate
Corteen Robert, Athol st
Cowle Robert, Lord st
Cubbin Esther, King st
Curphey Ann, North quay
Curphey Isabella, Athol st
Curphey Peter, North quay
Davidson David Haeris,Gt.Nelson St
De Chair Mrs. Henry W. Finch road
Duff Mrs. George, Athol terrace ~
Fargher Robert, Athol at
Garret John, Parade
Gawne Ann, James St
Gill William, Parade
Glendinning Mary, Thomas st
Grave Mary, Mount pleasant
Hannay Bartha, North quay
Harris John, Mount pleasant
Harrison Elizabeth, Hanover st
Hart Mary, Athol st
Haworth Robert, Thomas st
Hodson Samuel, Athol st
Hudson John, St. Georges place
Imeson Christopher,Stanley terrace
Ivie Ann, Castle st
Jowitt George, Parade
Kelly Catherine, Finch road
Kelly Leonora, Fort st
Kennaugh Ann & Amelia, Queen st
Kenrade John, Nunnery
Kermode John (& sail maker) Fort st
Kewley James, Finch road
Kewley Thomas, King St
Kneale John, Drumgold st
MCaughern Andrew, North quay
Maxwell Joseph, Thomas st
Meldan Sarah, North quay
Moore Ann, Barnabas square
Moore Emma, James St
Moore Robert, King st
Oates Robert, Athol st
Pearson Mary, North quay
Place John, Druingold St
Pritchard Richard, Almshouse lane
Procter John, Hanover St
Quaggan Mary, Thomas st
Quayle Isabella, South quay
Quirie Thomas, Great George st
Quirk Jane, Fort st
Robinson Mrs. Athol terrace
Sandford Nathan, Finch road
Scott Margaret, Bridge St
Simpson Margaret, Fancy at
Stewart Edward, Factory lane
Taggart William, Muckles gate
Tattersall Margaret, Shaws brow
Teare Elizabeth, Athol st
Thompson Matthew, Church St
Walls William, New Bond St
Watson Robert, Finch road
White John, Mount pleasant
Whitfield Anne, Prospect hill
Williams Margaret, Parade
Connor Isaac, James st
Lewthwaite Anthony, Fort st
MLean Thomas, Cambrian place
Broome Alexander, Mount rule
Cannan Michael, Kirk Onchan
Cottier James, Cattle Market st
Cowen William, Strand st
Gelling James, Kirk Onchan
Gelling Robert, Athol court
Moore Robert, Shaws brow
Quirk John, Church st
Radcliff Philip, Drumgold at
Burrow John, Fort st
Duggan John, North quay
Fleetwood Edward, North quay
Matthews Francis & Son, Nth.quay
Spittall Alexander, North quay
Boscow Nicholas, Church st
Clague Thomas, Baldwin
Cottier Thomas, Pulrose mill
Dalrymple James, Union mills
Donaldson John, Bahlaughton mill
Lewin Robert, Corrans mill
Oates Edward, Little mill, Onchan
Oates John, Ballacretch, Onchan
Oates Robert, Groudle, Onchan
Tate John, Nunnery mills
Taubman Kermott, Kawague
Alexander Nessy, Great George st
Bishop Margaret Cthrn, Athol st
Bonnyman Maria, Athol st
Cain Isabella, Shaws brow
Cain Mary Ann & Jane, North st
Callister & Corlett,.Poat Office place
Cannon Jane, New Bond st
Clague Jane, Shaws brow.
Clucas Margaret & Esther, Duke st
Creer Jane, Shaws brow
Cretney Catherine, Thomas st
Currin Elizabeth, North quay
Fenton Olive, Great George st
Johnston Ellen, Fancy St
Kean Helen, North st
Kelly Christian, Bigwell st
Kneale Catherine, Lord St
Lewin Mary, Fancy st
Meldan Mary, North quay
Quirk Ellen, Fancy st
Stephen Isabella & Margaret, Great George st
Tattersall Eliza, Sarah & Ellen, Shaws brow
Tyson Margaret, Bigwell St
Woods Margaret, Fancy st
ISLE of MAN, FoxdaleWm. Beckwith,acting partner,Athol
LAXEY, LaxeyJohn Tupper, acting partner, Pebble cottage
MANX ADVERTISER (Tuesday) Geo. Jefferson, Duke street
MANX LIBERAL (Saturday) ,Penrice and Wallace, Great Georee St
MANX SUN (Friday),John Quiggin, North quay
MONAS HERALD (Tuesday), Walls and Fargher, Post Office lane
TEMPERANCE GUARDIAN (first of every month),Walls and Fargher, Post
Office lane
Bluett John Courtney, Athol st
Burrow John, Fort st
Kelly Robert, Fort st
Quirk James, Barnabas square
Adams Maurice, North quay
Caren and Hudson, Prospect hill
Corkill William, Athol st
Cottier & Quine, Duke st
Crelley Thomas, Church st
Gell Matthew, Hanover st
Hudson Charles, Fort st
Kneale Johim, Drurngold st
Quilleash & Kay (& paper stainers) North quay
Sutherland James, Athol st
Wallace Hy.(& plumber)Gt. George st
Lewthwaite Alexander, North quay and Mount Rule Paper mill
Toplis William, North quay and Laxey Paper mill
Hulme Henry Pritchett, Athol st
Short John Quirck, Athol st
Garrett John, Parade
MKenzie William, King St
Moore Robert, Society lane
Tyson Thomas, Bigwell st
Jefferson George, Duke st
Penrice & Wallace, Great George St
Quiggin John, North quay
Walls & Fargher, Post Office lane
Damor Thomas(music) ,Castle lawn
Davies Jos. (organist) South) quay
Hatafeld John Martin (French), Shaws brow
Moore,Wm. (dancing), Finch road
Watts Augustus Frederick (drawing) Stanley terrace
Wells Benjamin (dancing) Church st
Croughan Andrew, Duke St
Moore John & Co. Bridge st
Quiggin William & Co. Bridge st
Cubbon Robert, Market place
Cubbon Robert, jun. North quay
Kennaugh Charles, Strand st
Leece John Market place
Miller Thomas, Duke st
Quine William, Duke st
Aiken James, Bath placeJohn Winram, manager
Moore John & Co. Bridge st
Quiggin William & Co. Bridge st
Christian William, Strand St
Clark Thomas, North quay
Creer Edward, North quay
Gill William (steamer) Parade
Kermode John, Duke lane
Quayle Edward (steamer) King st
Redfern John, King st
Curphey & Hogg, Fort st
Torrance Gavin, Duke St
Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.
(See also Grocers & Spirit Dealers.)
Banks Catherine, Lord St
Bridson Jane, Rigwell st
*Broom Catherine, Strand St
Cain James, Heywoods place
Christian Eleanor, Strand st
Christian Hugh, Great Nelson st
*Christian John, Strand st
Christian Philip, James st
Christian William, Strand st
Clague Thomas, Great Nelson St
Colquhoun Helen, Fairy ground
Corlett Eleanor, Strand st
Cottier William, Bigwell st
Cowin Daniel, Strand st
Cowlay Charles, Strand st
Crain William, Cattle Market st
Cretney Caesar, Castle st
Dixon Mary, Church st
Flits Susannah, Water lane
Gale Isabella, Cattle Market St
Gelling Isabella, James St
Gick William, James st
Graham Elizabeth, Bigwell st
Healiss Thomas, Church St
Hotchkiss Elizabeth, Church St
*Jack Margaret, North quay
Kelly James, Strand St
Kelly Robert, Great Nelson st
*Kelly Thomas, Queen st
Kewley Isabella, Barrack st
Kewley John, Hanover St
Kneale Daniel, Drumgold st
Linghin Jane, Bigwell st
MLimant Mary, Bigwell st
Mercer Mary, John st
Mosley Jane, South quay
Powell William, Hanover st
Quilleash John, North st
Quirk Thomas, Lord st
Quirk Thomas, Strand St
Radcliff Esther, Lord St
Shimmin Margaret, Bigwell st
Shimmin William, Crescent
Shimmon Robert, Great Nelson st
Starkey Patrick, Strand St
Dixon Margaret, King st
Teare Catherine, Great George st
ISLE OF MAN, North quayEdward Moore, agent
ISLE OF MAN & LIVERPOOL, North quayRobert Boardman,
Marked thus * are also Toy Dealers. (nb Toys were small cast metal
Carran Ann, King St
Clucas Dorothy, Society lane
*Clucas Margaret & Esther, Duke st
Croughan Ellen & Ann, Duke st
Davidson Esther, Duke st
Harris Margaret Sarah, Duke lane
Hart Margaret Eliza, Duke st
Kelly Margt.& Isabella,New Bond st
*Kirkham & Robertson, Duke st
*Lewthwaite Elizabeth, Duke St
Maxwell Judith, Lord st
Quane Jane, Strand st
Roles Agnes, Strand st
Stewart Ellen, Church st
Stowell Elizabeth and Catherine, Heywoods place -
*Taggart Jane, Isabella, Mary and Eliza, Duke street
*Wilson Margaret, Duke st
Elliott Philip, Athol st
Garrett & Harrison, Athol st
Garrett Philip, Athol st
Harrison John Berkly, Athol st
Nelson Thomas, Market place:
Oswald Henry Robert, Finch road
Quine William Frederick, Church st
Shields Wade, R.N. Finch road
May Edmund (& land agent) Fort st and Crescent cottage
Cowin Thomas (road) King st
Cain Jonathan, New Bond st
Cain Robett, Factory lane .
Cain Robert, Lord st
Cain Thomas, Muckles gate
Carran John (& draper) Duke st
Christian Thomas, King st.
Cottier James, Kirk Onchan
Cottier Robert, Kirk Onchan
Creer William (& draper) King st
Cretney James, Thomas st
Curphey John, Great Nelson st
Gamble John, Strand st
Hales James (& draper) Duke st
Kelly Robert, Factory lane
Kelly Thomas, South quay
Kelly William, King St
Kerruish Hugh (& draper) Duke st
Kinley William, Union mills
Kneale Henry (& upholsterers) King st
Kneale James, Duke st
Moore Edmund, Parade
Taggart & Callister(& upholsterers) Muckles gate
Haining John, Prospect hill
Kelly William (and soap boiler) Hanover street
Caine Thomas, Finch road,,
Corran John, Drumgold
Craine Charles, King st
Curron Mary, Thomas st
Gell Robert, Cattle Market
Kennaugh Charles, Strand st
Killey Philip, Castle st
Atkinson John, Almshouse lane
Baines William (Manchester Arms) North quay
Bridson Christopher, Strand st
Bridson John, Strand st.
Cain Amelia, Post Office place
Cannan Michael, Kirk Onchan
Carstorphin John Glasgow, James st
Christian Eleanor, New Bond st
Christian John (Smack) Chapel row
Clague John (White Horse) King st
Clague Joseph, New Bond st
Clague Norris, Jun. (Red Lion)Wellington place
Clark Ellen (Castle tap) Castle Mona Lodge
Clark Thomas(Hoylake) North quay
Clucas William, Strang
Collister Thomas, Ballacreggan,
CottierWalter, John st
CowenWm. (Black Lion) Duke st
Cowen William, Strand st
Cowin Thomas, King st
Creer Edward, Strand St
Crellin Elizabeth (Builders Arms) Bigwell street
Crellin John (Three Cups) Lord st
Cringle James (Farmers Arms)Kewaigue
Cubbon Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Edwards Rowland, Strand st
Fargher John, Strand st
Fell Esther, Hanover St
Flood Samuel, Heywoods place
Foreman Isabella, New Bond st
Forster George, Bigwell st
Gell Robert, New Bond st
Gelling Elizabeth (Coach & Horses) Chapel row
Gelling James, Kirk Onchan B
Gelling Robt.(Smack)Quayles lane
Gelling William, Baldwin
Hackman John, Strand st
Henry Matthew(executors of),Pier
Hill Jane, (Plough) Union mills
Hodgin John, Heywoods place
Hodgson Edward (Union) Kirk Braddan
Joughin James (Richmond Hill) Ballrenney
Joughin Jane (Union) Lord st
Kaighen Thomas, Bigwell st
Kelly Joseph, Quayles lane
Kelly Wm.(Bird in Hand) Castle St
Kennaugh Philip, North quay
Kennedy Moses (Prince of Wales) Northquay
Kenrade Thomas (Hatters Arms) Queen st
Kerruish Thomas, South quay
Kidd Joseph, Quarter Bridge Inn
Kneale William (Royal Oak) Great Nelson Street
Lane Luke, Fort St
Lewis William (Crown) Duke lane
Loughin John (Ship) Drumgold st
Lowe Abraham (Rose and Crown) Richmond hill
Lowe Thomas (Manx Coffee House) Duke lane
McClelland William, Queen St
McEnvoy James (Shamrock) Great Nelson street
Marlow Philip, Peel road
Mather James (Talbot) Crescent
Milburn Isaac, Bigwell st
Mitchell George, North quay
Mollineux Elizabeth, Quayles lane
Moore George, Mount rule
Mylrea Daniel (Ramsey) New Bond st
Postlethwaite Ann (Brown Bobby) Peel road
Quayle William, Whitehall
Quinney Robert, Bridge st
Redfern William (Ship) North quay
Robinson John, Society lane
Seddon Thomas (Liverpool Arms) Fairy ground
Sheard John, Ballaquale
Skillicorn Jno(Anchor)Fairy ground
Spring James, Fairy ground
Stephen John, Heywoods place
Tinion Thomas (Temperance) Gt.Nelson St
Toplis William (Lancashire House) Quayles lane
Wallace Alice, Strand st
Wells Benjamin(Steam Mill) Church st
White James, North quay
Wilkie Jane, Ivy cottage
Moore John & Co. Bridge st
Quiggin William & Co. Bridge st
Bridson William, Strand st
Lewin John Factory lane
Tear John Strand st
Tear Robert, Queen st
Clucas William, North quay
Curphey William (& dentist) Duke st
Lamon Abraham & Morris, Duke st
MuncasterWilliam & Son , Factory la
Clague John, Chapel row
Crebbin Lewis & George, Duke St
Curphey Edward, Chapel row
Duff Robert, Market place
Duff William & Co. Duke st
Garrett Thomas & Son, Duke st
GraysonWilliam Fleming,Duke lane
Green Henry Birkett, Parade
Harris Samuel, North quay
Roskell Robert, Joseph and Co. Market place
Torrance Gavin & Co. Duke st
Bell Hugh (& carder) Castle ward
MWilliam Adohphus and Co. (and dyers) Union mills
Ashton and Sidebotham, soda water and makers, Church st
Bell William, coach maker, Fort st
Bowden Wm. Jas. artist, &c. North quay
Brew Jno.custom house brokr. Shaw's Brow
Brown Jas. civil engineer, Victoria crescent
Cain Hugh, mattress maker, Fancy st
Cannell Mr. John, coroner, Barnabas sq
Cayley John Lace, cashier, Shawls brow
Faulder John, cattle dealer, James st
Fell James, tobacco pipe maker, Duke st
Geddes John, store merchant,South quay
Gillespie John, poulterer. DukeSt
Hill Wm. commercial.traveller.,Mount pleasant.
Jolly James, gardener, Peel road
Kearns Sarah, embroiderer, Gt. Nelson st
Kelly Thomas, flax dresser. Queen st
Kelly William, town crier, Gt. Nelson st
Killey Philip, gun maker, Lord st
Levingston William. sexton, Barrack st
Lewen Clifford,customhousebkr.South qy
Lovell Joseph, editor of Manx Advertiser Newspaper, Duke street
Mackenzie Jas. fishery officer, South quay
M'Quillin John, bookkeeper, Athol terrace
Mearns John, shipwright, Bath place
Moore James & Son, linen and sail cloth manufacturers, Factory
Overton Ths. bookkpr.coach-office, Market place
Perry John, coach trimmer, New Bond st
Porter Joseph, basket maker, John st
Preston Eliz. greengrocer, Post-office lane
Stead Joseph, cow keeper, Shaw's brow
Stephenson William, pawnbroker,King st
Stowell William, clerk. Athol st
Taggart Henry. sexton, Barrack st
Tear Thomas, shoe-tip maker, Strand st
Wade Joshua, fellmonger & woolstapler, South quay
White Dominic,jeweller & barometer mtkr North quay
Williams Owen,seedsman King st
Winram James, shipwright,Bath place
BRADDAN (parish) Rev. Robert Brown.
ONCHAN (parish)) Rev. Edward Craine.
MARINERS', Bridge,st Rev.Thos. M'Gill.
ST.BARNABAS', Fort street Rev.William Carpenter.
ST.GEORGE's, St. George's place Rev.Vicar-General F. B.
ST LUKE,s, Baldwin Rev. Thos. Cain.
ST: MATTHEW'S, Market place Rev. John Cannell.
INDEPENDENT, Athol st Rev. Samuel Haining.
PRESBYTERIAN Finch road Rev.Walter M'Lean.
PRIMITIVE METHODIST, Factory lane and Balibig.
WESLEYAN METHODIST, Thomas street Well Road Kirk Onchan
Baldwin, Croil and Ballakillmartin.
ROMAN CATHOLIC Athol street Rev. Charles Aylmer.
Collector George Jones.
Comptroller Robert M'Guffog.
Clerks Robert Douglas Clague and Edward Greenhow.
Searcher & Landing Waiter Jos. Dickenson.
Tide Surveyor John Chatterton.
Tide Waiters & Boatmen Arcbld. Fraser, John
Johnston, Evan Jones, John Moore. Edward Skillicorn & Isaac
BLACK HOLE, Pier Thomas Cleator Drumgold st, chief
constable; Thomas Christian and John Lee,
CORONER'S OFFICE, Barnabas square Mr. John Cannell,
DOUGLAS GAS WORKS, South quay J. R. Wallace, agent.
HARBOUR MASTERS OFFICE,North quay George Callow, harbour master.
HARBOUR OFFICE, Fairy ground Richard Quirk, deputy receiver
HIGH BAILIFF'S OFFICE, Barnabas sq James Quirk, high
LIFE BOAT STORE Room Thomas Cannell, store keeper and coxswain.
MARKET HOUSE, Duke street William Fine Moore,
MUSEUM, Great George street Joseph Ritson Wallace,
,Secretary SUBSCRIPTION King's Arms, Church
RECORD OFFICE, Barnabas square James Quirk, record keeper
and seneschal to the crown.
TIDE SURVEYOR'S OFFICE,North quay John Chatterton
WEIGHING MACHINE, Bridge St Quiggin & co. proprietors
WORK HOUSE, a little above Finch road.
To CASTLETOWN, Braid's Coach, from the Cumberland Tavern,
every morning (Sunday excepted) at ten and Gordon's Coach,
from the coach office, every afternoon (Sunday excepted) at six in
summer and five in winter ; both go through Ballasalla.
To RAMSEY, the Bee Hive, from the coach office, every morning
(Sunday excepted) at nine in summer, and every Tuesday and Thursday,
and Saturday forenoon at eleven in winter and the
Native, every afternoon (Sunday excepted) at four in summer,
and every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, forenoon at eleven in
winter; both go through St. John's, Kirk Michael, and Ballaugh.
To CASTLETOWN & BALLASALLA, WM. Colliston, John Jerkins and
Thos. Kelly, from the Market place, daily.
To PEEL & ST. JOHN'S, Torry Fitzpatrick and William Murray, from
the Market place. every Mon..Wed. & Fri, John Casement, every
Tues. Thurs. and Sat. and Thos. Caig. every Wed. & Sat.
TO RAMSEY & LAXEY, John Christian and James Redhead, from Strand
St, and John Gale, from the Ramsey Tavern, every Tuesday, Thursday
& Saturday, taking goods and passengers.
To DUBLIN, the Earl of Lonsdale steam packet (from
Whitehaven), every Monday evening or Tuesday morning J. Clark,
,Agent, North quay.
To LIVERPOOL, the Isle of Man Steam Packet Co., steamers, the
Queen of the Isle and Neptune (carrying the mail),
daily in summer, and every Tuesday and Friday evening in winter
Edward Moore, North quay, and Moore and Christian, Liverpool,
agents; and the Henry Holmes, Phoenix, Mona
Castle, Earl of Surrey, and the Eleanor sailing
vessels, once a week.
To WHITEHAVEN, the Earl of Lonsdale steam packet (from
Dublin), every Wednesday evening J.Clark agent North quay; and the
Fame, Margaret, Sisters, and several others
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
Editor |