This page includes all the other nonconformist churches which have played only a minor role in Manx Society. 20th Century imports of largely American based churches, for example Mormons and Pentecostals, are totally ignored though a few Manx have played important roles in the Mormon church.
The Baptists, so called from their belief that Baptism should only be administered to adult believers, was an important dissenting sect in England with many members playing key roles in commerce. Another, more liberal dissenting group, the Unitarians, though politically strong in Northern England seemed to have no part in Manx affairs. During 1822 an advertisement appeared in the Manx Sun stating that the clubroom in Society Lane would open as a Unitarian Church. This would appear to have taken place in January 1823 but it closed six months later as on the 3rd June 1823 Mr Gaskell announces that owing to lack of supporrt he has closed the Unitarian Chapel that he had established in Society Lane in January of that year; by September a Mr Prince was advertising dancing lessons in the room previously used as a Unitarian Meeting House. Towards the end of the 19th century for a brief period Unitarians used the ex-Congregationalist chapel in Circular Road, Douglas (1884-1896).
Two main sects, the Congregationalists and the Presbyterian, were present in Mann from the early 19th Century. Congregationalists, who have their roots in 16th Century England, took their name from the substitution of 'Congregation' for 'Church' by these English reformers. Each Congregation was independent in the management of its own affairs hence the common epithet 'Independents' with some chapels known as 'Independent Chapels'.
Presbyterians have a Scottish background and rejected the Episcopal arrangement of the Established church. They were governed by Presbyters in which no higher order than 'Elder' was recognised. However each congregation was governed by its Session (Minister plus Elders) which was subordinate to the Presbytery which was subject to Synod which in turn could be overruled by the General Assembly.
Moore quotes five such churches as existing in 1900: 2 Presbyterian, 2 Congregationalist and 1 Baptist.
The Presbyterian and Congregationalists later merged in 1972 to become the United Reformed Church.
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