[From Brown's Directory, 1881/2]
Peel (in Manx Purt-ny-Hinshey" The Harbour of Peel Island"), anciently called Holme Town, or Holme Pile (PilePeel, a fortification, or Castle), is a picturesque fishing town at the mouth of the river Neb. Its streets are narrow, winding, and ill-paved, and frequently without side pathsin these particulars resembling the old town of Douglas ; but some fine streets are growing up in the northern suburbs of the town. The town is of very ancient date, being referred to in the Exchequer Book of the Island as early as 1582, as a place of some consequence ; and it derived in those early times importance from the vicinity of the royal fortress or the neighbouring islet. No part of the existing town seems to belong to a period earlier than the beginning of the last century. At that time, when the contraband trade was in full vigour, Peel was a place of considerable importance ; but with the collapse of that trade its prosperity departed, and it is only now being painfully recovered by a persevering pursuit of the neighbouring fisheries. The principal fisheries prosecuted by the Peel fishermen are the mackerel fishery off the south-west coasts of Ireland, from March to June ; the herring fishery off the Manx coasts, from June to September ; and the late or "back" herring fishery off the north-east coast of Ireland, from October to December. In addition, the shore fisheries for cod and fiat fish are vigorously followed during the season. The Manx herring fisheries are generally stated to be declining, though few reliable facts are given in support of this belief. It is certain that the annual value of all the Manx fisheries is very much greater than it was some years ago, and that while the average annual value of the old established, or herring fisheries, has not sensibly decreased, the younger mackerel fisheries which have grown up within the last 20 years are fast approaching them in value. Forty years ago Peel possessed about 70 " scowts," or fishing smacks, of from 13 to 30 tons ; it now owns above 200 first class fishing boats, manned by nearly 2,000 men and boys, and the capital invested in these boats, with their trains of nets, is estimated at above £100,000. Few finer sights can he imagined than the appearance of this noble fleet sailing out of the harbour in line and round the headland on which the Castle is built, on their way to the fishing grounds. Peel is situated in the parish of German. It contains the quaint little church of St. Peter (used as the parish church), erected, it is supposed, about 300 years ago. A clock tower, about 70 feet high, containing a valuable clock presented to the town by Mr. Ward, a native of the town, settled in Montreal, has been added to this church, and forms a prominent object in the town. A new parish church is now (1880) in course of erection. The various dissenting bodies, who are very strong in Peel, have also substantial places of worship. In the matter of education, Peel is favoured beyond any other Manx town through the liberality of the Clothworkers Company of London. It contains a grammar school, founded in 1746, and a mathematical school, founded in 1763 recently united under the same head master. The Christian Endowed School, founded by Philip Christian, in 1652, divided into three depart. mentsboys, girls, and infants. A fine new building has recently been erected for the boys department, and a sum of nearly £300 annually has been devoted by the Clothworkers Company in aid of education in their schools, and in granting apprentice-fees to the pupils of their schools. The Wesleyan Methodists also have a large and well-conducted school in the town. The town has little trade or manufactures except in connection with its staple employment. There are several large net factories and ship yards in the town. The population of Peel is about 3,500. The great attraction of Peel are the ruins of the ancient castle, of the old cathedral of St. German, &c., on the adjoining islet of St. Patrick.
Adams, Geo. Aug., collector of Customs, 7 Peveril-terrace
Anderson, Daniel, joiner, builder & contractor, Strand-street
Anderson, Joseph, joiner, Duke-street
Arnold, William, mason, Kirk Michael-street
Bailey, Alfred, butcher, Lower Market-street
Bailey, Henry, fisherman , Factory-street
Bailey, John, fisherman, Duke-street
Bailey, Margaret, Fountain-street
Bannan, Robert, fish buyer, The Green
Barry, John, carpenter, Stanley-road
Bell, Robert, shoemaker, Station-road
Bell, William, fisherman, Factory-street
Blair, John, leather merchant, dealer in boots & shoes, also
Dicks celebrated gutta percha boots & shoes, Kirk
Michael-street and Lower Market-street. (See advt. p. 595.)
Bowman, Miss Mary, Michael-street
Boyde, George, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Boyde, John, mariner, Bridge-street
Boyde, William, fisherman, Bridge-street
Boyde, William, labourer, Douglas-street
Bridson, Richard, nailer, Michael-street
Broadbent, Mrs. Margaret, china, glass, & earthenware dealer,
Kirk Michael-street
Broadbent, Samuel K., printer, bookseller, stationer, &c., Kirk
Michael-street. (See advt. p. 298.)
Bruce, Davis, & Co., Mona Chemical Works. (See advt. p. 594.)
Buchanan, William, fisherman, Michael-street
Burdin, William, shoemaker, Upper Patrick-street
Butterworth, Henry, painter, glazier, &c,, Lower Market-st.
Caine, Caesar, publican, Castle-street
Caine, Daniel, fisherman, Patrick-street
Caine, James, fisherman, Stanley-road
Caine, James, net mender, Factory-street
Caine, Jane, Lake-lane
Caine, John, fisherman, Factory-street
Caine, John, fisherman, Lake-lane
Caine, John, joiner, Patrick-street
Caine, Mrs. J., grocer, Glanfaba-road
Caine, Mrs. Patrick, Stanley-road
Caine, Philip, sailmaker, Athol-street
Caine, Richard, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Caine, Robert, coal-porter, Lower Patrick-street
Caine, Thomas, bark-man, Castle-street
Caine, Thomas, farm labourer, Michael-street
Caine, William, fisherman, Station-road
Caine, Wm., tailor & draper, Athol-place. (See advt. p. 595.)
Caley, James, fisherman, Lower Market-street
Caley, John, fisherman, Hope-street
Caley, Mrs. S., The Green
Caley, Thomas, fisherman, Hope-street
Callin, John, fancy bread and biscuit baker, grocer, &c.,
Stanley-road ; also Shore-road. (See advt. p. 596.)
Callin, John, policeman ; deputy registrar of births and deaths,
Callin, Mrs. W., Derby-road
Callister, Ann, Bridge-street
Callister, Caesar, baker, grocer, wine and spirit merchant,
Callister, Miss Elizabeth, bakery and provision stores, Shore-road
and Fountain-street
Callister, Elizabeth, Bridge-street
Callister, Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, Michael-street
Callister, James, baker, Factory-street
Callister, James, fisherman, Jib-lane
Callister, John, farmer, Douglas-street
Callister, John, grocer and baker ; also, letter carrier country
district, Kirk Michael-street
Callister, Philip, fisherman, Castle-street
Callister, Richard, mason, Bridge-street
Callister, Thomas, mariner, Castle-street
Callister, William, fisherman, Michael-street
Callister, William, fisherman, Peveril-road
Callister, William, mariner, Orry-lane
Callister, William, shoemaker, Derby-road
Callow, Miss Eleanor, dressmaker, St. Peters-lane
Callow, John, fisherman, Mona-street
Camaish, Thomas, grocer, Douglas-street
Cannan, Elizabeth, Douglas-street
Cannell, Charles, fisherman, Shore-road
Cannell, George, mariner, Station-road
Cannell, George, 6 Stanley-terrace, Parochial Surveyor of German
Cannell, James, agent Peel branch of the Isle of Man Banking Co.,
Limited, Athol-place
Cannell, James, hair dresser & tobacconist, Upper Market-st.
Cannell, Thomas, joiner, Lower Market-street
Cannell, William, fisherman, Factory-street
Carran, Mrs . Eleanor, Michael-street
Carran, John, 6 Peveril-terrace
Carran, John, fisherman, Patrick-street
Carran, William, fish-buyer, Shore-road
Cashin, Caeser, fisherman, German-place
Cashin, James, fisherman, Bridge-street
Cashin, John, fisherman, Church-lane
Cashin, John, fisherman, The Green
Cashin, John, fisherman, Shore-road
Cashin, Thomas, fisherman, Fountain-street
Cashin, Wm., fisherman & deputy harbour master, Charles-st.
Cashin, Wm., miller, Michael-street
Cashin, Wm., tailor, Church-lane
Centenary Hall, Athol-street
Christian, Catherine, Market-place
Christian, Charles, fisherman, Jib-lane
Christian, Daniel, fisherman, Douglas-street
Christian, Edward Ewan (Shimmin & Co.), Athol House
Christian, John, fisherman, Duke-street Christian, Margaret, grocer,
Christian, Thomas, tailor, Christian-street
Christian, William, labourer, Derby-road
Clague, Edward, fisherman, Stanley-road
Clague, George, shoemaker, Duke-street
Clague, Henry, drapery, Market-place
Clague, John, sailmaker & grocer, Bridge-street
Clague, Thomas, fancy bread & biscuit baker, grocer, & provision dealer, Kirk Michael-street. (See advt. p. 597.)
Clarke, Eleanor, Ballaquane, near Peel
Clarke, Elizabeth, Peveril-terrace
Clarke, Mrs., Marine Hotel. (See advt. p. 598.)
Clarke, James, mariner, Church-lane
Clarke, Joseph, carter, Lake-lane
Clarke, Miss M., 8 Peveril-terrace
Clarke, Richard, fisherman, Stanley-road
Clarke, William, fisherman, Shore-road
Clinsey, James, fisherman, Shore-road
Clinton, James, fisherman, Tynwald-road
Clinton, William, grocer, Station-road
Clucas, Ann, Church-lane
Clucas, Daniel, mechanic, Orry-lane
Clucas, Eleanor, green grocery, china & earthenware, Lower
Clucas, Hugh, fisherman, Patrick-street
Clucas, Isabella, Michael-street
Clucas, John, grocer, Glanfaba-road
Clucas, Joseph, watch & clock maker, silversmith & jeweller,
Kirk Michael-street. (See advt. p. 598.)
Clucas, Philip, bark-man, Glanfaba-road
Clucas, Philip, German parish clerk, Orry-lane
Clucas, Thomas, fisherman, German-place
Clucas, Thomas, weaver, Patrick-street
Clucas, William, policeman, Glanfaba-road
Clucas, William, roper, Glanfaba-road
Colvin, Thomas, grocer, Bridge-street
Cooil, Richard, saddler, Michael-street
Coole, Henry, fisherman, Castle-street
Corkill, Edward, fisherman, Bridge-street
Corkill, John, fisherman, Shore-road
Corlett, Catherine, Church-lane
Corlett, Mrs . Jane, publican, Douglas-street
Corlett, Mrs. Margaret, grocer, Douglas-street
Corlett, William, fisherman, Stanley-road
Corrin, Robert, ship owner, net manufacturer, &c. ; Shore-road.
(See advt. p. 600.)
Corris, Caesar, farmer and tanner, Athol-street
Corris, Catherine, Lower Patrick-street
Corris, George, fisherman, Michael-street
Corris, Henry, sailmaker, Douglas-street
Corris, John, fisherman, Lake-lane
Corris, Thomas, fisherman, Castle-street
Corris, William, fisherman, Patrick-street
Coshnahan, Mrs. T., Glanfaba-road.~
Costain, William, labourer, Factory-street
Cottier, John, auctioneer, Hope-street
Cottier, John, ferryman, Castle-street
Cottier, Philip, assistant ferryman, Castle-street
Cottier, Thomas A., general draper, silk mercer, tailoring and
outfitting establishment, &c., Market-street. (See advt. p.
Cowell, Henry, carpenter, Strand-street
Cowell, Henry, fisherman, Duke-street
Cowell, James, baker, Castle-street
Cowell, Joseph, fisherman, Fountain-street
Cowell, Mrs. lEE., The Green
Cowell,, Philip, fisherman, St. Peters-lane
Cowell, Thomas, fisherman, Duke-street
Cowell, Thomas, tanner, Douglas-street
Cowell, William, carpenter, Duke-street
Cowell, William, farm labourer, Factory-street
Cowell, Wffliam, fisherman, Upper Patrick-street
Cowell, William, labourer, Lower Patrick-street
Cowell, William, mason, Douglas-street
Cowin, Thomas, blacksmith, Factory-street
Cowin, William G., railway guard, Glanfaba-road
Cowley, John, butcher, Michael-street
Cowley, Mrs. John, mistress Bishop Wilsons infant school,
Cowley, Mary, Market-place
Cowley, Thomas, mariner, Patrick-street
Cowley, Wm., jun., dispensing and family chemist, Athol.. place. (See
advt. p. 599.)
Cowley, Wm., ex-master Christians Endowed National School
(retired) , Mount Morrison
Cowley, William, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Craine, Caesar, quarrier, Hope-street
Craine,~John, mason, Bridge-street
Craine, John K., fisherman, Derby-road
Craine, Joseph, fisherman, Beach-street
Craine, Philip, mason, Factory-street
Craine, Thomas fisherman, Shore-road
Crebbin, Thomas, fisherman, Mona-street
Crebbin, William, fisherman, Stanley-road
Creer, Daniel, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes,
Cregeen, John, fisherman, Peveril-road
Cregeen, John, labourer, Patrick-street
Crellin, Emma, grocer, Beach-street
Crellin, Henry, fisherman, Bridge-street
Crellin, Henry, tailor, draper, and outfitter, Kirk Michael-street.
(See advt. p. 600.)
Crellin, James, fisherman, Stanley-road
Crellin, John, fisherman, Beach-street
Crellin, John, fisherman, Stanley-road
Crellin, Robert, lodging-house, 5 Stanley-terrace
Crellin, Miss Sophia, lodging-house, 3 Peveril-terrace
Crellin, Thomas, fisherman, Christian-street
Cretney, James, grocer and provision dealer, Lower Patrick-st.
Cringle, Miss Ann, Michael-street
Cringle, John, chief constable, Douglas-street
Cringle, Thomas, fisherman, Duke-street
Cringle, William, fisherman, Shore-road
Cringle, William, joiner, Patrick-street
Crinnin, Jane, Church-lane
Crowe, John, fisherman, Orry-lane
Cubbon, Edward, baker & grocer, Douglas-street
Cubbon, Edward, fisherman, Lower Market-street
Cubbon, Edward, mariner, The Green
Cubbon, John, Peel Mill
Cubbon, Leonora, Michael-street
Cubbon, Robert, sawyer, The Green
Cunningham, Charles, fisherman, Lower Patrick-street
Cunningham, Henry, fisherman, Station-road
Cunningham, Peter, fisherman, Lower Market-street
Cunningham, Sarah, Lower Market-street
Curphey, Henry, fisherman, Peveril-road
Curphey, Henry, labourer, Orry-lane
Dale, Sam., grocer, corn, flour & provision dealer,
Dawson, John, general ironmongery and agricultural implements,
household furniture, china, glass & earthenware, &c., corner
Kirk Michael & Douglas-streets. (See advt. p. 601.)
Dawson, John, mariner, Patrick..street
Delany, George, butcher, Market-place
Dening, Rev. Henry T., The Vicarage
Dodd, David, book-keeper, &c., Kirk Michael-street
Dodd, John, joiner, Glanfaba-road
Dodd, Robert, mariner, Charles-street
Dodd, William, carpenter, Douglas-street
Dodd, William, joiner, Stanley-road
Dodds, Stenhouse, 4 Stanley-terrace
Dumbells Banking Company, Limited, Edward C. Gelling, agent for the Peel branch, Castle-street
Deempster, Ann, Lower Patrick-street
Ennett, William, fisherman, Christian-street
Fargher, John, letter carrier, Lower Patrick-street
Fargher, Edward, fisherman, Duke-street
Fargher, Robert, baker, Douglas-street
Fargher, Thomas, labourer, Lake-lane
Fargher, William, fisherman, Factory-street
Fayle, Caesar, fisherman, Derby-road
Fayle, Elizabeth, Lower Patrick-street
Fayle, John, boot and shoemaker, Christian-street
Fayle, John, shoemaker, Lower Market-street
Fayle, John, fisherman, Factory-street
Fayle, Thomas, lodging-house, Shore-road
Payle, Thomas, painter, &c., Upper Market-street. (See advt. p. 602.)
Fayle, William, fisherman, Castle-street
Fenella Hotel, Peel Hill, R. E. Wight, proprietor. (See inset opposite this page.)
Fisher, Patrick, Royal Oak Hotel, Castle-street
Fitzpatrick, John, fisherman, Lake-lane
Fitzsimmons, James, shoemaker, Patrick-street
Garrett, Edmund, fisherman, Jib-lane
Garrett, Jane, Douglas-street
Garrett, John, fisherman, Christian-street
Garrett, Miss Margaret, Michael-street
Garrett, Misses, earthenware dealers, Lower Market-street
Garrett, Thomas, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Gaskill, George, fisherman, Church-lane
Gaskill, George, mariner, Charlee-street
Gawne, James, fisherman, St. Peters-lane
Gawne, Richard, labourer, Orry-lane
Gawne, Thomas, fisherman, St. Pete?s-lane
Gawne, Thomas, grocer, Michael-street
Gawne, William, fisherman, Lake-lane
Gell, Evan, sawyer, Strand-street
Gell, Evan, 4 Stanley-terrace
Gell, Mrs. E., lodging-house keeper, German-place
Gell, Miss Jane, dressmaker, Station-road
Gell, John, fisherman, Back Patrick-street
Gell, Mrs. J., Glanfaba-road
Gelli, Leonora, grocer, Charles-street
Gell, Mary A., 6 Stanley-terrace
Gell, Robert, fisherman, Factory-street
Gell, Thomas, carpenter, Shore-road
Gell, Thomas, fisherman, Bridge-street
Gell, Thomas, grocer & provision dealer, wine & spirit mer.
chant, Athol-place. (See advt. p. 603.)
Gelling, Ann, lodging house, Bridge-street
Gelling, Edward Charles, agent for Peel Branch Dumbells Banking
Company, Limited, Castle-street
Gilbraith, Peter, late of the Coast Guard, Jib-lane
Gill, James, fisherman, The Green
Gill, Miss Margaret, Patrick-street
Gordon, Ann, greengrocer and china dealer, Castle-street
Gorry, Charles, fisherman, Castle-street
Gorry, James, fisherman, Circular-road
Gorry, John, fisherman, Fountain-street
Gorry, Robert, fisherman, The Green
Gorry, Robert, fisherman, Keowns-lane
Gorry, Mrs Robert, grocer, The Green
Gorry, Stephen, fisherman, Fountain-street
Gorry, Thomas, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Gorry, William, fisherman, Castle-street
Grammar and Mathematical School, Hope-street. (See advt. p. 605.)
Graves, Mrs. Catherine, 1 and 2, Peveril-terrace
Graves, Mrs. Elizabeth, Michael-street
Graves, Henry M., carpenter, Glanfaba-road
Graves, Henry T., ship builder, timber merchant, rope manufacturer,
sail maker, &c., officeStation-place ; res., 1 Peveril-ter.
(See advt. p. 602.)
Graves, Mrs. T., 1 Stanley-terrace
Green, Mrs. Maria, 2 Stanley-terrace
Greggor, Ann, Bridge-street
Greggor, Benjamin, mariner, Duke-street
Greggor, George, fisherman, Orry-lane
Greggor, John, mariner, Duke-street
Greggor, Richard, car driver, Bridge-street
Gell, William, labourer, Douglas-street
Hall, James, china & earthenware stores, Factory-street
Halsall, Caeser, mariner, Glanfaba-road
Halsall, William, carpenter, Lake-lane
Halsall, Mrs . Eleanor, Christian-street
Hamilton, Ann, Strand-street
Hannah, John, butcher, Orry-lane
Harrison, John, mason & contractor, Tynwald-road
Harrison, Robert, wholesale grocer & provision dealer, wine &
spirit merchant, Castle-street. (See advt. p. 604.)
Harrison, Win., mineral water manufacturer, Peters-lane. (See
advt. p. 604.)
Haugh, Alexander, labourer, Lower Patrick-street
Higgins, Dr. Henry, Patrick-street
Higgins, Robert, tailor, Castle-street
Hodgson,~James, advocate, Athol-street
Hodson, William, fisherman, Beach-street
Hogg, Geo., weigher, Peveril-road
Howcroft, Rev., Primitive Methodist minister, Stanley-road
Howland, William, fisherman, Fountain-street
Hudson, John, fisherman, Peveril-road
Hudson, William, tailor, Duke-street
Hughes, James, fisherman, Shore-road
Isaac, Mrs. E., lodging-house, 3 Stanley-terrace
Isle of Man Banking Co., Limited, James Cannell agent for the Peel
branch, Athol-street
Jameson, Mrs. G, The Green
Jameson, James, fisherman, Derby-road
Jenkins, John Thos., fisherman, Patrick-street
Johnson, William, car-proprietor, Castle-street
Jones, Henry, fisherman, Castle-street
Jones, Hugh, quarrier, Fountain-street
Joughin, John, H.K. (See inset opposite this page.)
Joughin, John, fisherman, Duke-street
Joughin, Philip, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Joynson, Miss Eleanor C., Douglas-street
Kaighen, Henry, fisherman, Stanley..road
Kaighen, John, labourer, Peveril-road
Kaighen, Robert, labourer, Station-road
Kaye, Thomas, fisherman, German-place
Kaye, William, joiner, Patrick-street
Kee, Daniel, watchmaker and jeweller, Kirk Michael-street. (See advt. p. 606.)
Keig, Ann, Church-lane
Keig, Mrs. Eleanor, lodging-house, Peveril House, Peveril road
Keig, Francis, fish buyer, Stanley-road
Keig, John, fisherman, Church-lane
Keig, John S., butcher, Castle-street
Keig, Robert, car proprietor ; stables, Market-place ; res., Bridge-street
Keig, Wm., fancy bread and biscuit baker, grocer, and provision dealer, Castle-street ; res., 5 Peveril-terrace. (See advt.
p. 606.)
Keig, William, fish buyer, Shore-road
Kelly, Caesar, joiner, cor. Derby-road and Mona-street
Kelly, Caesar, joiner, Upper Patrick-street
Kelly, Mrs. Edward, Derby-road
Kelly, Mrs. Henry, Castle-street
Kelly, Henry, mariner, Patrick-street
Kelly, Henry W., fisherman, Castle-street
Kelly, James, fisherman, Lower Patrick-street
Kelly, Miss Jane, bookseller and stationer, agent for The Isle of Man Times, Station-road and Patrick-street
Kelly, John, advocate, Derby-road
Kelly, John, carpenter, Castle-street
Kelly, John, fisherman, Bridge-street
Kelly, John, fisherman, Douglas-street
Kelly, John, fisherman, Patrick-street
Kelly, John, fisherman, Station-road
Kelly, John, fisherman, Tynwald-road
Kelly, Capt. John, mariner, Castle-street
Kelly, John C., boat builder, Castle-street
Kelly, Miss Leonora, lodging-house, 4 Peveril-terrace
Kelly, Miss M. A., milliner ; also stationery, &c., Michael-st.
Kelly, Radcliffe J., boots & shoes, Douglas-street. (See advt. p. 607.)
Kelly, Robert, fisherman, Bridge-street
Kelly, Robert, fisherman, Bridge-street
Kelly, Robert, fisherman, Jib-lane
Kelly, Robert, mariner, Jib-lane
Kelly, Miss Sarah, millinery, Douglas-street
Kelly, Thomas, commission & insurance agent, general collector, &c., Bridge-street
Kelly, Thomas, fisherman, Michael-street
Kelly, Thomas, fisherman, Shore-road . .
Kelly, Thomas, fisherman, Tynwald-road
Kelly, Thomas, grocer, confectioner, fancy bread & biscuit baker, flour & provision dealer, Athol-pl. (See advt.
p. 608.)
Kelly, Thomas, tailor, draper & outfitter, Kirk Michael-street. (See advt. p. 605.)
Kelly, William, carpenter, Factory-street
Kelly, William, carpenter, St. Peters-lane
Kelly, William, cooper, Hope-street
Kelly, William, fisherman, Christian-street
Kelly, William H., fisherman, Douglas-street
Kelly, William, fisherman, Douglas-street
Kelly, Wm., Peel Castle Hotel, Market-place. (See advt., p. 612.)
Kelly, Wm., tailor & draper, Kirk Michael-street. (See advt. p. 608.)
Kelly, Wm., tinsmith & general ironmonger, Kirk Michael-street. (See advt. p. 607.)
Kelly, Wm. Thos., provision stores & woollen goods, agent for The Isle of Man Times, Upper Market-street
Kenna, John, mason, Shore-road
Kenna, Thomas, joiner, Michael-street
Kenna, Wm., joiner, Peveril-road
Kennaugh, John, fisherman, Beach-street
Kennaugh, William, fisherman, Beach-street
Keown, John, joiner, Bridge-street
Keown, Margaret, Keowns-lane
Keown, Robert, fisherman, Douglas-road
Kermeen, Catherine, Patrick-street
Kermeen, Elizabeth, lodging-house, Patrick-street
Kermode, Dan., mason, Christian-street
Kermode, George, carpenter, Patrick-street
Kermode, Henry, fisherman, Factory-street
Kermode, James, baker and grocer, Lower Patrick-street
Kermode, John, carpenter, Douglas-road
Kermode, john, fisherman, Bridge-street
Kermode, Thomas C., general ironmonger and tinsmith; farming implements ; plumbing, gas and steam fitting, Kirk Michael-street.
(See advt. p. 609.)
Kermode, William, grocer, Michael-street
Kerren, John, fisherman, Circular-road
Kerruish, James, fisherman, Jib-lane
Kettle, Elizabeth, St. Peters-lane
Kewley, John, farm labourer, Glanfaba-road
Kewlëy, Thomas, fisherman, Charles-street
Kewley, Thomas, fisherman, Strand-street
Killey, James, carpenter, Shore-road
Killey, John J., agricultural seeds and patent manure merchant ; also dealer in corn, flour, linseed, cotton-cake, and feeding
stuffs, Lower Market-street. (See inset opposite this page.)
Killey, Mrs. Maria, fish buyer, Christian-street
Killey, Thomas, mariner, Douglas-street
Killey, Thomas, retired fisherman, Lower Market-street
Killey, William, fisherman, Douglas-street
Killey, Wm., joiner and builder, grocer, general provision dealer, &c., Christian-street. (See advt., p. 610.)
Killip, Robert, manufacturer and dealer in hats and caps, fishermens oilclothing, &c., Upper Market-street
Kinley, Miss Ann, tavern keeper, Castle-street
Kinley, Evan, coal porter, Patrick-street
Kinley, John, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Kinley, Robert, labourer, Glanfaba-road
Kinley, William, fisherman, Jib-lane
Kinrade, John, labourer, Derby-road
Kinrade, John, mariner, Glanfaba-road
Kinrade, John, shoemaker, Douglas-street
Kinrade, Thomas, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Kinvig, Miss Eliza A., confectionery, Upper Market-street
Kinvig, Richard, joiner & builder, Upper Market-street
Kinvig, Wm, postmaster, Upper Market-street
Kissack, John, fisherman, Douglas-street
Kissack, Mrs. J., Glanfaba-road
Kneale, John, fisherman, Stanley-road
Kneale, Thomas, grocer, lodging-house, &c, Shore-road
Kneale, William, farmer & dairy keeper, Bridge-street
Lace, Catherine, Douglas-street
Lace, Henry, fisherman, Orry-lane
Lace, Henry M ., fisherman, Stanley-road
Lace, John, fisherman, Bridge-street
Lace, John, joiner, Stanley-road
Lace, Patrick, fisherman, Tynwald-road
Lace, William, fisherman, Circular-road
Lace, William, mariner, Glanfaba-road
LaMothe, Albert, advocate & notary public, Crown-street
Lancaster, Joseph, fisherman, Shore-road
Leece, William, fisherman, Patrick-street
Leece, John, fisherman, Stanley-road
Leece, Wm. E., hatter and general outfitter ; also millinery
establishment, Kirk Michael-street; res., Peveril-road. (See inset
opposite Ks in Peel.)
Looney, William H., draper, Glanfaba-road
Lucas, William, refreshment rooms, Shore-road
Maddrell, Henry, roper, Factory-street
Maddrell, John, fisherman, Christian-street
Maddrell, John, fisherman, Michael-street
Maddrell, Thomas, fisherman, Castle-street
Marine Hotel, Mrs. Clark proprietress. (See advt., 598.)
Marsden, Wm. F, Peveril Hotel, wine & spirit merchant,
Crown-street. (See advt. p. 610.)
Martin, Thomas, mariner, Jib-lane
Meyrick, Wm., farmer, Peveril-road
Milburn, Jane, Patrick-street
Moffatt, John, Royal Hotel and livery stables, Athol-street. (See
advt. p. 612.)
Mona Chemical Works (Bruce, Davis, & Co.), Mill-road. (See advt.
p. 594.)
Moore, Christian, Michael-street
Moore, James, fisherman, Douglas-street
Moore, John, fisherman, Stanley-road
Moore, John, fisherman, Stanley-road
Moore, John, retired farmer, German-place
Moore, Robt. J., H.K., High-Bailiff, Athol-street
Moore, Thomas, fisherman, Bridge-street
Moore, Thomas, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Moore, William, fisherman, Charles-street
Moore, William, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Moore, William, labourer, Lower Market-street
Morrison, Charles, wholesale and retail grocer, tea, wine, and spirit
merchant, bread and biscuit baker, Hope-street ; res., Athol-street.
(See advt. p. 611.)
Morrison, James, harbour master, baker, grocer, and provision dealer,
Beach-street. (See inset opposite Ks in Peel.)
Morrison, John, fisherman, Lower Market-street
Morrison, Thomas, fisherman, St. Peters-lane
Moughtin, John, fisherman, Church-lane
Moughtin, Robert, fisherman, Charles-street
Moughtin, Samuel, fisherman, Duke-street
Moughtin, Thomas, fisherman, Bridge-street
Moughtin, Thomas, fisherman, Jib-lane
Moughtin, William, shoemaker, Douglas-road
Mylchreest, Thomas, mariner, Patrick-street
Mylchreest, Thomas, mariner, Stanley-road
Mylrea, John, grocer, Stanley-road
Mylrea, Mrs. T., The Green
Mylrea, William, fisherman, German-place
Mylrea, William, mariner, Lower Market-street
McCall, William, machine maker, Stanley-road
McCormack, Elizabeth, publican, Castle-street
McDonald, John, fisherman, Jib-lane
McDonald, William, fisherman, Shore-road
McGlashin, Henry, railway refreshment rooms, Railway Station ; res.,
Glanfaba-road. (See advt. p. 610.)
McLeavy, John, fishbuyer, Bridge-street
McMeakin, Edward, fisherman, Orry-lane
McMeakin, Robert, Queen-street
McMillen, John, roper, Station-road
McNab, Jane, Lake-lane
Nelson, Thomas, fisherman, The Green
Nolan, Lawrence, tailor & draper, Douglas-street
Peel Castle Hotel, W. Kelly, Market-place. (See advt. p. 612.)
Perry, John, fisherman, Athol-street
Peveril Hotel, Wm. F. Marsden, Crown-st. (See advt. p. 610.)
Preston, John, boot & shoemaker, Market-place
Quane, Charles, weaver, Tynwald-road
Quane, Henry, shoemaker, Douglas-street
Quane, Thomas, fisherman, Castle-street
Quaye, Manasseh, tailor & draper, Charles-street
Quayle, Charles, labourer, Douglas-street
Quayle, Edward, fisherman, Shore-road
Quayle, Eleanor, dressmaker, Lower Market-street
Quayle, George, fisherman, Church-lane
Quayle & Goodwin, painters, glaziers, paperhangers, &c.,
Upper Market-street. (See advt. p. 602.)
Quayle, James, farm labourer, Castle-street
Quayle, James, joiner, Circular-road
Quayle, John, fisherman, Castle-street
Quayle, John, fisherman, Patrick-street
Quayle, John, fisherman, Stanley-road
Quayle, John, White Lion Inn, Bridge-street
Quayle, John, mariner, Bridge-street
Quayle, John, tailor, The Green
Quayle, Joseph, fisherman, Hope-street
Quayle, Lousia, Lake-lane
Quayle, Margaret, Strand-street
Quayle, Samuel, fisherman, Jib-lane
Quayle, Thomas, fisherman, Douglas-street
Quayle, Thomas, roper, Douglas-street
Quayle, Thomas P., grocer, Patrick-street
Quayle, William, fisherman, Shore-road
Quayle, William, fisherman, Shore-road
Quayle, Robert, fisherman, Jib-lane
Quayle, Robert, mason, Hope-street
Quayle, Robert, Fountain-street
Quiggin, Catherine, grocer, Beach-street
Quilliam, Henry, Christian-street
Quilliam, James, fisherman, Stanley-road
Quilliam, Margaret, Michael-street
Quilliam, Thomas, fisherman, Beach-street
Quilliam, Thomas, publican, Castle-street
Quilliam, William, fisherman, Lake-lane
Quilliam, William, grocer, Shore-road
Quine, John, fisherman, Douglas-street
Quine, John, toys and general fancy goods, Hope-street
Quine, John, lodging house, Orry-lane
Quinney, Thomas, labourer, Factory-street
Quirk, Evan, fisherman, Bridge-street
Quirk, Evan, fisherman, Church-lane
Quirk, James, fisherman, Factory-street
Quirk, James, fisherman, Fountain-street
Quirk, James, policeman, German-place
Quirk, John, farm labourer, Bridge-street
Quirk, John, fisherman, Bridge-street
Quirk, John, fisherman, Charles-street
Quirk, John, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Quirk, John, fisherman, Patrick-street
Quirk, John, fisherman, Strand-street
Quirk, Philip, fisherman, Castle-street
Quirk, Philip, fisherman, Douglas-street
Quirk, Richard, fisherman, Bridge-street
Quirk, Richard, fisherman, Bridge-street
Quirk, Richard, fisherman, Michael-street
Quirk, Robert, mariner, Hope-street
Quirk, Thomas, fisherman, Douglas-street
Quirk, Thomas, fisherman, Patrick-street
Quirk, Thomas, fisherman, St. Peters-lane
Quirk, William, fisherman, Michael-street
Quirk, William, fisherman, Orry-lane
Quirk, William, fisherman, Patrick-street
Quirk, William, fisherman, St. Peters-lane
Radcliffe, Charles, labourer, Douglas-street
Radcliffe, John, labourer, Station-road
Radcliffe, John, shoemaker, Glanfaba-road
Radcliffe, Thomas, fisherman, Michael-street
Radcliffe, Thomas, mason and contractor, Douglas-street
Radcliffe, Thomas, mason, Glanfaba-road
Renny, Robert, mariner, Back Patrick-street
Reynolds, John W., surgeon, Tynwald-road
Rice. Christian, Lower Market-street
Rice, James, painter, Jib-lane
Rice, Patrick, fisherman, Church-lane
Ridge, Arthur J., schoolmaster, Wesleyan Day School, Tynwald-road
Roberts, Mary Ann, wholesale and grocery, Station-road
Rodger, Richard, fisherman, Castle-street
Roney, Elizabeth, Station-road
Roney, Hugh, railway porter, Castle-street
Rothwell, E., lodging house, Shore-road. (See advt. p. 613.)
Royal Hotel, Athol-street, John Moffatt, proprietor. (See advt. p.
Sanderson, William, fisherman, St. Peters-lane
Sayle, Ann, grocer, Lower Patrick-street
Sayle, Claudius, grocer, Shore-road
Sayle, Evan, fisherman, Circular-road
Sayle, James, fisherman, The Green
Sayle, John, fisherman, Shore-road
Sayle, Mrs. J., The Green
Sayle, Thomas, blacksmith, Derby-road
Sayle, Thomas, fisherman, Castle-street
Sayle, William, Beach-street
Sayle, William, fisherman, Beach-street
Sayle, William, labourer, Athol-street
Sharp, John, tailor, Bridge-street
Sheard, Henry, fisherman, Jib-lane
Sheard, John, baker, Circular-road
Sheard, John, farmer, Orry-lane
Sheard, William, grocer, Station-road
Shimmin, Catherine, Duke-street
Shimmin & Co. (Wm. Shimmin and Edwd. E. Christian), general
drapers & outfitters, Athol House, Athol-place. (See advt. p.
Shimmin, George, fisherman, The Green
Shimmin, John, fisherman, German-place
Shimmin, John, grocer, Michael-street
Shimmin, John, fisherman, Peveril-road
Shimmin, Margaret, dressmaker, Douglas-street
Shimmin, Patrick, fisherman, Patrick-street
Shimmin, Philip, fisherman, Stanley-road
Shimmin, Robert, roper, German-place
Shimmin, Robert, sailmaker, Strand-street
Shimmin, Thomas, fisherman, Hope-street
Shimmin, Thomas, fisherman, Stanley-road
Shimmin, William, fisherman, The Sound, Douglas-street
Shimmin, William, fisherman, Orry-lane
Shimmin, William, fisherman, Stanley-road
Shimmin, William, grocer, Lower Patrick-street
Shimmin, William, grocer, Tipper Patrick-street
Skelly, Cornelius, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Skelly, Mrs. C., Jib-lane
Skelly, William, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Skillicorn, Mark, fisherman, Glanfaba-road
Smith, James B., lodging-house, Shore-road
Smith, Neakle, fisherman, Shore-road
Spence, William, mason, Stanley-road
Stephen, Robert, fisherman, Peveril-road
Stevens, Robert, fisherman, Peveril-road
Stevenson, Thomas, fisherman, Douglas-street
Stewardson, Richard, fisherman, Bridge-street
Stowell, Miss E., 9, Peveril-terrace
Stowell, Rev. J. L., retired clergyman
Tasker, Joseph, fisherman, Peveril-road
Tasker, Mrs. Wm., greengrocer, Factory-street
Teare, Edward, mariner, Stanley-road
Teare, Henry, ship agent, Station-road
Teare, John, boat owner, Crown-street
Teare, John, fisherman, Shore-road
Teare, John & Sons, ship chandlers, &c., Quay
Teare, Miss Margaret Ann, Douglas-street
Teare, Robert, farmer, Douglas-street
Teare, Simon, fisherman, Duke-street
Teare, Thomas, roper, German-place
Teare, Mrs. Thomas, St. Peters-lane
Thompson, Godfrey, grocer & baker, Castle-street. (See advt. p.
Thompson, Robert, railway porter, Tynwald-road
Thompson, William, labourer, Hope-street
Vick, William, farm labourer, Shore-road
Wade, Henry, fisherman, Hope-street
Wade, Robert, shoemaker, Castle-street
Wade, Mrs. W., Bridge-street
Watson, William, mariner, Douglas-street
Watson, Samuel, mariner, Glanfaba-road
Watterson, Anna, dressmaker, Factory-street
Watterson, Henry, mariner, Glanfaba-road
Watterson, James, blacksmith, Station-place
Watterson, James, fisherman, Orry-lane
Watterson, John, fisherman, Castle-street
Watterson, John, fisherman, German-place
Watterson, John, fisherman, Michael-street
Watterson, John, fisherman, Patrick-street
Watterson, John, mason, Tynwald-road
Watterson, Margaret, Douglas-street
Watterson, Patrick, fisherman, Lake-lane
Watterson, Thomas, fisherman, Charles-street
Watterson, Thomas, fisherman, Christian-street
Watterson, William, fisherman, Athol-street
Watterson, Thomas, fisherman, Factory-street
Watterson, William, sailmaker, Factory-street
Wattleworth, Miss Eleanor, Stanley-road
Wattleworth, John, painter, Beach-street
Wattleworth, Miss Leonora, Crown-street
White, Miss Catherine, Tynwald-road
Wight, R. E., Fenella Hotel, Peel-hill. (See inset opposite F in
Wilmot, William, fisherman, Charles-street
Wilson, John, fisherman, Strand-street
Woods, Thomas, fish buyer, The Green
Woods, Mrs. W., Stanley-road
Young, Robert, labourer, Derby-road
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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