Patrick locator map

The Parish is one of two dedicated to St Patrick.

See Parish Index page for description, links to 19th century directories etc.

St Patrick - St Patrick's Isle

Old St Patrick - St Patrick's Isle

The old church is on St Patrick's Isle within Peel Castle - the ruins are still in a fair state of preservation; convocations were still held there as late as the 17th Century

Grid Reference SC242845


St Peter - Peel

see under Peel

Kirk Patrick - Holy Trinity

Kirk Patrick - Holy Trinity

The present parish church dates from 1881 as the old church, dating from 1714 when it was consecrated by Bishop Wilson through whose exertions the church had been built, was in a very bad state of repair- the site of the old church becoming part of the graveyard. Prior to 1714 Patrick and German shared St Peter's in Peel. The site itself must have been of some importance as it is mentioned in 1505 but the land was given by the owner of Knockaloe moar and the church was directly opposite to the entrance to this large farm.
This later rebuild was apparently never intended as the parish church for which a site at Glen Maye had been chosen.

The majority of WW1 graves from the nearby Knockaloe camp have now been removed.

Grid Reference SC245822


Harrison in his introduction to Manx Soc vol XXIX states:

...the foundation-stone of a new chapel was laid on the 30th of April 1879, by Mrs. Hill, wife of the Right Rev. Rowley Hill, Bishop of the Diocese, near the site of the old parish church, to be used as a parish church and as a mortuary chapel until such time as a new parish church should be built on the land purchased at Glenmaye. The old decayed church is to be taken down, and its site used as a portion of the parish burial-ground.

St James - Dalby

St James - Dalby

One of the several Bishop Ward churches designed by John Welch. Consecrated 1839. As in other rural churches it incorporates classrooms which are now used as the church hall.

Grid Reference SC220783


St. Paul - Foxdale

St James - Dalby

Consecrated 1880
Prior to this the National School House had been licensed as a district chapel on 4th Nov 1847.

Grid Reference SC283782



F.Quayle Churches of the Parish of Patrick Shearwater Press Douglas 1975

 Parish Index

see also[Feltham's Tour & Memorial Inscriptions]

Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The Editor
© F.Coakley , 2000