[pp 1247-1293 from Cubbon - Bibliography, Vol 2, 1939]
CELTIA : A Pan-Celtic Monthly Magazine. The monthly journal of the Celtic Association, the objects of which were defined as " the furtherance of Celtic studies and the fostering of mutual sympathy and co-operation between the various branches of the Celtic race in "all matters affecting their language and national characteristics. January, 1901-1905. Vol. i, 196pp. ; vol. ii, 190pp ; vol. iii, 168pp. ; vol. iv, 88pp. The Special Congress Number of 1904 (vol. iv, no. 6) has 112pp. and a 16pp. supplement. 278x210. Price 6d. [302-307, L 6.]
The magazine was published by the Celtic Association at their headquarters, 97, Stephen's Green, Dublin. The first two numbers bear the imprint 'Falconer, Dublin,' and the subsequent numbers until August, 1903, when the Association began to print independently, have the name 'Irish Wheelman Co., Ltd.' on the cover.
Topics of Manx interest were as follow:
Anglo-Celtic Dictionary |
i, 5, 22, 39, 46, 55, 71, 87, 103, 119, 155, 171, 187, ii, 7, 23, 39, 56
Blackbird and Mountain Plover . |
i 45
Celtic Studies, Present State of (Prof. Meyer) |
i, 167
Chances of Survival of the Manx Language |
i, 33
Charm Against Fairies (C. Roeder) |
ii, 65
Cormorant and Bat |
i, 31
Development of Manx Spelling |
iii, 12
Folk-Lore Stories |
i, 31, 45; ii, 124
Fournier, E. E. ("Visit to Man") |
i, 192
Gaelic Dialects |
i, 182
Gorry |
iii, 81
Hymns, Manx |
ii, 30, 63
Kneen, J. J. (" Manx Proverbs ") |
ii, 109
Language, Manx, Chances of Survival |
i, 33
Manx Language Society |
ii, 44; 186; iii, 151
Manx Language Movement |
iii, 14
" Spelling |
iii, 12
" Statistics |
i. 91
Law, A New Manx |
i, 148
Lord's Prayer in Manx |
i, 78
'Manx Column' |
i, 95
Meyer, Prof. (" Present State of Celtic Studies " |
i, 167
Moore, A. W. (" Manx Names") |
iv., 20
Morrison, Miss (" National Costume ") |
ii, 44
Myl-y-Charrain |
ii, 136
National Costume (Miss Morrison) |
ii, 44
Oie'l Verree, Revival of the |
ii 14
Pan-Celtic Congress, 1901 |
i, 131, 1904, Special Issue.
Proverbs, Manx (J. J. Kneen) |
ii, 109
Roeder, C. ("Charm Against Fairies" |
ii, 65
Spelling, Development of Manx |
iii, 12
Statistics of the Manx Language |
i, 91
Visit to Man (E. E. Fournier) |
i, 192
A monthly bi-lingual magazine devoted to the Promotion of the Language, Literature and Art of Ireland. No. 10, Vol. xx, new series. New York. October, 1901. 285x200. Price, 3d. [Bound with Celtia, 302-307, L 6.] Reference to the Island in Prof. Kuno Meyer's paper " A Survey of Celtic Philology." Also Pan-Celtic Congress group containing Manx delegates.
Finch Road, Douglas. First printed by S. K. Broadbent, Examiner Office, and later by J. H. Vick at Parkinson's, 47, Duke Street. Printed at the Herald Office since mid-1916. January, 1902. 4pp. 258xl88. Contains a page or so of news of meetings and functions of Church Societies, etc. A note regarding the Centenary of the Church appeared in the issue for April, 1925 (no. 290.) Published monthly
First issued January, 1902. Douglas : Printed by the Norris-Meyer Press, 7 and 8, Walpole Avenue; later the Norris Modern
Press. 1902. 246x183. [5569, 5583, 5584, 5585, E 238.]
The Library copies were presented by Mr. S. Norris, H.K., who for many years edited the magazine.
Former Pastors, Deacons, etc. | i, 3 |
Rev. W. Conn | i, 7 |
Rev. J. H. Fry | iii, 29 |
Rev. D. Inglis, B.A. (Resignation) | x, 119 |
Rev. J. Vivian Davies (Appointment) | xi, 124 |
(with portrait) xi, 125 | |
Rev. J. Vivian Davies (Resignation) | xvi, 190 |
Lieut. J. D. Maitland (Obit.) | xv, 171 |
(Memorial to) | xvi, 182 |
Sunday School Centenary | xii, 138 |
Douglas: Cubbon and Lightfoot, Manx Sun, Victoria Street. 1902-04. 8pp. 260x185. 2,000 issued gratis. [235, L 6.]
Only vol. ii, commencing November, 1903, is ,in the Museum Library. The 'Reformer' was issued monthly until October, 1904.
In the first number of vol. ii the policy of the paper is stated as follows:
" This is the first number of our new issue, and the beginning of our second annual volume. The sole desire of the proprietors
of this journal is to further the interests of the Manx Commonwealth, and for this they seek no monetary reward. Two things,
however, they do seek one, a sympathetic interest in the aims and aspirations of the REFORMER, and so far as is possible
the furtherance by the reader of the principle expressed therein; the other, a practical interest in what our advertisers
have to say . No opportunity will be lost for championing the cause of the workers of our Island, and we shall ever strive
to be in the van of progress and reform."
Items of interest in vol. ii are :
"Dawsey" (poem by W. Gell) | no. 8 |
Electoral System (Reuben Quilliam) | no. 2 |
Police and the Public | nos. 11, 12 |
Public Baths | nos. 2, 4, 5, 6 |
Taxation and Land Values | no. 11 |
Tramways Wages | no. 7 |
Magazine of the Douglas Secondary School (later the Douglas High Schools). Douglas: W. Newby, 58-60, Buck's Road, and from March, 1931, by the Victoria Press Ltd., 45 Victoria Street. April, 1906. 32pp. 218x140, [5802-06, L6.]
Mr. T. A. Greenwood was general editor until his retirement in December, 1930.
A previous short-lived school magazine called " Fragments " (not a printed periodical), which existed about 1895, is referred
to in Mr. Grundey's introduction. to vol. i, no. 1; and some of its features are recalled in an article on p. 33, vol. i,
no. 2.
Among the chief items are the following (asterisk indicates a portrait) :
Armorial Bearings |
Bird-Life (Leech) |
4-7, 9-11, 13-15
Boardman, J. H. |
*Bowles, Mr., B.A. |
*Brew, Miss Mona, B.Sc.. |
*Brocklehurst, Miss Mary |
Brown, T. E., Unveiling of portrait |
"Centenary |
*Gallister, W. E. (Chemistry Master) |
(Obituary) |
*Callow, A. K., B.Sc. |
Carr, Mr., B.A. |
*Chisholm, P. (Art Master) |
Customs, Some Manx |
Directory, Old Scholars |
Douglas High School for Boys, Official Opening |
. 61
Fairley, Alan (Obit.) |
60*, 61
Folk-Lore in the Isle of Man |
" Fragments " Magazine |
.1, 2
Garden, Oscar |
Gaut's Crosses |
Goldie-Taubman, Mr. L. |
*Green, Miss M. A. (Mistress) |
Green, E. Craven (Poem) |
*Green, Paymaster T. F. |
Obituary |
Greenwood, T. A., L.C.P. |
Retirement |
*Griffith, Alan A., B.Sc. |
*Grundey, Mr. Frederic, Principal |
. 4, 19, 46, *77
*Harris, Lieut. Harry |
*Haslar, Miss Grace (2nd Form Mistress) |
*Haslar, Miss K. M. (Senior Form Mistress) |
9, 71
*Hawkins, Mr. B.Sc. |
Heroes and Heroines, Manx |
.1, 2, 3, 17
High School for Boys, Official Opening |
*Humphreys, T., B.A. |
17, 34
Obituary |
*Hunter, Miss A.A.(Headmistress) |
*Keene, Miss M. L. |
*Kidd, Miss H. C. |
Knox, Archibald |
Death |
*Large, Mr., B.A. |
Leech, Frederic |
4-7, 9-11, 13-15
*Lewin, Tom |
Obituary |
Literature, The Isle of Man and |
Mhelliah, The |
*Moore, Ramsey B. |
24, 46,
Nature Diary, 1907-1908 |
5-7, 9, 12, 13, 17, 21, 24
Nelson, Esther (Poet) |
Newbold, A. S., B.Sc. (Chemistry) |
Norse Mythology |
Old Boys in the King's Forces |
29, 30-32, 34, 337, 40, 41, 44
Old Douglas School Days |
. 6, 9, 14, 73
O'Neill, H. J. |
.35, 75
*Prefects, 1913-14 |
*Prefects, 1919-1920 |
*Rankilor, Arnold (French Master) |
*Ridge, Miss M. (Art Mistress) |
. 25, 33
*Robertson, D. M. (Art Master) |
10, 13
Roll of Honour |
.29-32, 34, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44
*Semple, Miss Mary C. |
*Shaw, George, B.A. |
*Smith, Vernon (French Master) |
.49, 57
St. Patrick's Isle |
Sulby Folklore |
Superstitions, Manx |
*Sutton, Miss Winifred, B.Sc. |
. 64
Tom Brown Day, 1914 |
War Memorial |
44, 47
Unveiling |
Wembley, School Visit to |
Women, Manx |
Certain numbers, including 8, 18, 20 and 27, are missing from the Museum collection.
A Journal devoted to Social, Moral and Political Progress in the Isle of Man. NorrisMeyer Press, 7 and 8 Walpole Avenue,
Douglas. October, 1906. pp. 8. 250x155.
2,000 copies issued gratis monthly for the first year, price afterwards 1/2d. [4089, L 6.]
The "Prelude" says: "The Journal will aim at being a critical review dealing with the social, political and moral problems
which confront the Isle of Man, with special reference to the Island's needs in national and municipal affairs.
" We hold the opinion strongly that justice has not been done by the Manx Press, with one exception [The Manx Reformer,
whose successor the Journal is], to the spirit of Reform which has swept over the Island during the last three years. 'The
Patriot' will ally itself with the reform movement and work for such a revision of the Manx Constitution as will give the
people an effectual voice in the conduct of their own affairs. Our duty, therefore, we conceive, will be largely educational,
and from month to month no doubt our readers will find facts recorded which will quicken and stimulate public interest in
the things which concern the progress and good Government of the community."
No. of issue.
Agriculture |
.16, 17
Brown, T. E. |
2, 3, 6, 13, 23
Canada, Manx Government compared with former Government of |
Church Scandal, the Manx |
*Clarke, T. Kingston |
Commission of 1791 |
Common Lands |
Constitutional Reform |
Consumption |
*Corlett, Councillor W. J. (Deputy-Mayor) |
Cretney, R. E. (Boot and Shoe) |
Customs, Some old Manx |
Douglas Docks Scheme |
Douglas Ferries |
20, 21, 33, 34
Douglas Harbour Works |
Douglas, Old (A Page from the Past) |
22, 23
Douglas Playgrounds |
21, 22
Douglas To-day |
Douglas Water Supply |
Drury, Rev. W. T. |
Education |
Executive Council, The proposed |
Gell, W. Poem, the Hero-King |
" Poem, the Patriot-Poet |
15-24, 27, 33, 35
Shorter verses appear in each issue. | |
Hall Caine (Manifesto to the Manx Nation) |
Health |
Hillary, Sir William |
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 23-24
*Holroyd, Messrs. G. & F. B. |
Home Office Petition (S. Norris) |
Home Rule - The Upper and Lower House |
Home Secretary on Manx Reforms |
23, 29
Horne spuns, Manx Ruskin |
*Kermode, W. C. (Tailor) |
Keys, House of |
Keys, House of, What it costs to be an M.H.K. |
Lieutenant-Governor, the position of the |
16, 17, 18
Manifesto to the Manx Nation (Hall Caine) |
Memorials to T. E. Brown and Sir William Hillary |
See B. & H.
M.H.K., What it costs to be a |
Moore, A. W., C.V.O. |
Municipal Progress |
1, 2, 5, 13
Norris, S. (Home Office Petition) |
(Talk on Taxes) |
Oaths of Office |
" Obscene Publications" Bill |
3, 4, 32
Old Age Pensions |
Pleasures and Problems of the Isle of Man (J. A. Seddon, M.P.) |
Press, The Manx (Henry Duke) |
. 4
Printing Industry |
. 2
Prison Reform |
12, 13
Qualtrough, Ambrose, H.K. |
Quine and Shimmin (Boot Industry) |
Raglan, Lord |
19, 36, 37
Rangecroft and Co. (Poulterers, etc.) |
Receiver Generalship |
Reforms, Home Secretary on Manx |
Ruskin Homespuns at Laxey |
Seddon, J. A., M.P. (The Isle of Man: Its Pleasures and Problems) |
Questions Home Secretary |
Straton, Bishop |
Talbot, Rev. T. |
Taxation of Land Values |
37, 38, 39, 40
Thomas, Anne (d. 1862), Will of |
Tower of Refuge |
Tuberculosis |
Unemployed, Manx |
24, 25, 26
Villa Marina, Purchase of |
38, 43, 44, 45
Will of Anne Thomas (d. 1862) |
* Portraits.
An Illustrated Magazine devoted to the Birds on the British List. Editor: H. F. Witherby, M.B.E., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. London:
Witherby and Co. June, 1907. pp. variable. 215x138. Price, 1/9d. monthly. [Natural History Ref. Section.]
Contains the following important contributions to Manx ornithology, the work of Pilcher G. Ralfe, M.B.O.U., unless otherwise
Issue. |
1909 (Dec.) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1905-08 |
1912 (Apr.) do. 1909 |
(In collaboration with F. S. Graves) |
1914 (Apr) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1912-13 |
1916 (Apr.) do. 1914-15 |
1918 (May) do. 1916-17 |
1920 (June) do. 1918-19 |
1921 (July) do. 1920 |
1923 (June) do. 1921-22 |
1924 (Mar.) do. 1923 |
1924 (July) 'The Birds of the Isle of Man, with Supplementary Notes' (Ralfe): Review |
1925 (June) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1924 |
1925 (June) Glaucous Gull (F. S. Graves) |
1927 (June) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1925-26 |
1927 (Nov.) Sandwich Terns and Fulmar Petrel (Charles Oldham) |
1927 (Nov.) Little Gull in Pembrokeshire and the Isle of Man (T. A. Coward) |
. 161
1928 (Jan.) Eccentric Nesting of the Missel Thrush |
1928 (June) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1927 |
1929 (Jan.) Long-tailed Ducks (A. W. Boyd) |
1929 (Aug.) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1928 |
1930 (Feb.) Black Redstart in Winter (Col. H.W. Madoc) |
1931 (June) Manx Ornithological Notes, 1929-30 |
1933 (Mar.) Immigration of Waxwings (F. S.Graves) |
1933 (Apr.) Velvet Scoter (F. S. Graves) |
do. Fulmar Petrel in Summer (F. S. Graves) |
1933 (May) White-winged Jackdaws (W.S.Cowin) |
1933 (July) Notes from the Isle of Man, 1931and 1932 |
1934 (June) Long-eared Owl Breeding (Col. H. W. Madoc) |
do. 'Bird-Life in the Isle of Man' (Col.H. W. Madoc): Review |
. 31
1935 (June) Report on the Swallow Enquiry, 1934 (A. W. Boyd) : Manx information supplied by F. A. Craine, Ramsey |
1935 (Aug.) Notes from the Isle of Man, 1933and 1934 |
1935 (Oct.) do. Correction |
1935 (Dec.) Spoonbill (Col. H. W. Madoc) |
do. Yellowshank Observed (Col. H. W. Madoc) |
This magazine was incorporated in 'British Birds' in January, 1917, so this would appear to be a convenient place to list
those papers published in that journal, prior to the above date, concerning the natural history of the Isle of Man. The
author, unless otherwise stated, was the late Pilcher G. Ralfe.
1892 Birds of the Isle of Man. Pp. 93 et seq.
1893 Contributions to a Vertebrate Fauna of the Isle of Man (P. M. C. Kermode) : Fishes, p. 61; Mammals, p. 61; Reptiles,
p. 64.
1894 Uncommon Birds in the Isle of Man (3rd Series, xviii, pp. 63-64).
1894 A Naturalist's Visit to the Calf (3rd Series, xviii, pp. 161-166).
1894 Sea Bird Colonies in the Isle of Man (3rd Series, xvii, 386-394).
1896. Ornithological Notes from the Isle of Man. P. 470.
1897. On Manx Bird-Names. Pp 71-79.
1901. Birds Observed on the Calf (P. G. Ralfe and F. S. Graves). Pp. 468-471.
For private circulation only: to promote motoring in the Isle of Man. Edited by George. Drinkwater and G. Gillmore. It
had the motto Rapitur Volucri Tortus Ixion Rota. S. K. Broadbent, Douglas. 25th Dec., 1907. pp. 12. 255x160.
It is not known how frequently the Journal appeared, or when it ceased. No. 3 is dated Wednesday, Dec. 25th, 1907.
There are no copies in the Manx Museum.
An Illustrated Review and Magazine for the Preservation of Articles, etc., appearing in Manx Publications; and Original
Contributions. Printed and Published by S. K. Broadbent & Co. Ltd., Office, of the Isle o f Man Examiner, Victoria Street,
Douglas. February, 1907. pp. 70-80. 218x170. Price, 1/-. [1138, G. Fred Clucas Collection, L6.]
Continued to No. 29, November, 1922. With the January no. of 1921 the price was raised to 1/3d.
The Quarterly contained very full accounts of the meetings and functions of English, American and Colonial Manx Societies
and the World Manx Association. In an Introductory Note to the first number the Speaker of the Keys, A. W. Moore, wrote
"The Editors of the Manx Quarterly have asked me to write a Foreword referring to its objects, which are to perpetuate in
book form some of the articles of more permanent interest appearing in the Manx Press from time to time, and more particularly
those relating to the antiquities, traditions, language, customs, folk-lore, and history of the Island. Nor will' the present
be neglected. There will be brief biographies of recently-deceased Manx Worthies, articles of general and scientific interest
- accounts of travel in many lands, letters from Colonial Manxmen, poems on topical subjects, notes on natural history,
reports of debates, lectures, etc. Such a magazine will gradually form a storehouse of information."
(Figures correspond to number of issue. = denotes portrait or other illustration.)
Advocates, Manx, killed in the War, 29.
Anderson, Col. William J., 11.
Apple Culture, 22.
Arthur, Rev. Thomas, 8.
Auctioneer, An Old-Time (C. Rowland Raby), 22.
Backwell, M. J. (Castletown), 5.
Barton, Rev. Father, 4. ,
Baruwlaski, Count, Visit to Douglas, 1796, 16.
Baume's Money (Peter Henry Joseph Baume), 12.
Bawden, Thomas, 17.
Bell, James, 18.
'Ben-my-Chree,' 7; Launch of, 4.
Bible, Centenary of the 1819 Manx, 21.
Bickerstaff, Charles Bowman, 16.
Bird and Plant Life (Rev. J. Davidson), 12.
Blair, John, 17.
'Bounty,' Mutiny of the, Manxmen concerned, 19; New light on, 26.
Brearley, James, 15.
Brown, Harry Ross, =14.
Brown, Thomas Edward, 1; Poems, 5; (S. G. Simpson), 7; Memorial, 7; Unveiling of Memorial, 14; Festivals, 16, 24; (E. A.
Johnson), 25; (Dr. Cowen, of Mel-bourne), 27; 25 Years After (W. Ralph Hall Caine), 28.
Browne, Frederick, 9.
Buxton, Frederick John, =24.
Cain, Captain W. S., Autobiography, 5.
Cain, Hon. William, =15.
Cain, John Nelson, 17.
Cain, Miss Essie, 14.
Cain, Robert (builder), 11.
Cain, Superintendent, Retirement of, 11.
Caine, Hall (The Woman Thou Gavest Me), 13; (Master of Man), 27.
Caine, Miss Lily Hall, =14.
Caine, Mrs. Sarah Hall, 12.
Caine, Sergeant William C., 10.
Caine, William (Glen Auldyn), 10.
Caine, W. Ralph Hall (Book, 'Isle of Man'), 8; (Articles), 12, 13; (Manx Historical. Documents), =25.
Caley, Andrew, =16.
Callister, Joseph, 17.
Callow, Daniel Teare, 9.
Callow, Thomas, =1.
Campbell, Rev. Peter, =23, 24.
Canning, Moses, 12.
Caparn, Frederick John, J.P., 25.
Cartwright, John Lee, 14.
Carvals, Old Manx, 12.
Casement, John, 17.
Cashen, William (Peel), =11; ('Folk-lore'), 12.
Castle Rushen, Contents of in 1650, 25.
Caveen, Thomas, 14.
Celebrated Walks (G. F. Clucas), 12.
Celtic Congress, 1920, 23; in Man, 27.
Celtic Year, 6.
Chadwick, Edmund, 4.
Christian, Miss E. (as Nora in ' Illiam Kodhere's Will'), =13.
Christian, Rear-Admiral Sir H. C., 12.
Christian, William, Derby's Action Against, 3.
Christians of Milntown, 29.
Clague, Dr. John, =5.
Clague, Thomas, =15.
Clague, Thomas Hugh (Douglas), 10.
Clague's Form-Books, Parson, 12.
Clarke, Charles E., 2.
Clifton College, =29.
Clucas, John Frederick, 16.
Coinage (D. Grayl), 4.
Coins, Scottish, Issued for I.M., 25.
Coleburn, Edmund R., 6.
Coliseum, Douglas, =13.
Collister, Captain William T., 16.
Common Law, 18.
Constitutional Reform, Home Office Committee of Enquiry, =10.
Cookson, George Ridgeway, 15.
Coole, Charles William, 9.
Coole, William James, 21.
Corkill, Thomas, 23.
Corlett, Alderman R. (Mayor), =13.
Corlett, Thomas Stephen, M.H.K., 27, =28.
Corlett, William J., H.K., =16.
Cormode, T. H., =24.
Corrin, James, 7.
Corteen, Edward (joiner), 14.
Costain, John, =14.
Cottier, Robert Griffin, 9.
Court House Curiosity (Ramsey), 29.
Cowell, John Thomas, =21.
Cowin, Alderman Robert Daniel, 19.
Cowin, John (Ballachrink), 15.
Cowin, William (Douglas), 19.
Cowin, William D. (Builder), 12.
Craine, Alderman James, =13.
Craine, Andrew, 4.
Creer, W. R. (Cleveland), 29.
Crellin, John Christian, 14.
CrennelI, William Taubman, M.H.K., 20.
Cruickshank, High-Bailiff, _17.
Cubbon, John (saddler), 16.
Cubbon, William, =14.
Curphey, Robert, 7.
Curphey, William Francis, 5.
Cunningham, Joseph, M.H.K., =16.
Davidson, John J., 17.
Davidson, Retirement of the Rev. John, =22.
Davidson, Rev. R., 14.
Dearden, Dr. John Alfred, 11.
Debating Society, History of the Douglas Progressive, 8.
Denton-Thompson, Installation of Bishop, =11.
Derby's Action against William Christian, 3.
Dodd, Thomas Milner, 11.
Dooinney-Oie, 12.
Douglas Baths, 5.
Douglas Prices a Century Ago, 22, 27.
Douglas 200 Years Ago (Rev. S. H. Taggart), 10.
Drama, New School of Manx, 27.
Drinkwater, Sir William Leece, =7.
Drury, Installation of Bishop, 4.
Drury, Rev. William F., 14.
'Eagle and Child' Crest, 16.
Ellan Vannin Disaster, 8. Portrait of Crew and Passengers
Elliot and Thurot, 25.
Elliot, Captain Edward, 14.
Elliot, John Graham, 14.
Ellison, P.S. John, 9.
Ellison, Thomas Phillip, =15.
Enemy Prisoners, British Treatment of (Manx Camps), 17.
Etymologies, English-Manx-Gaelic (Henri M. Leon and W,
Ralph Hall Caine), 15, 16.
Evans, David, J.P., =25.
Fairy Faith, The, 12.
Fairy Hill Excavated (Herdmau), 11.
Fairy Mist (Laxonian), 22. _
Faragher, Edward, =5.
Faraker, Dr. W. Cregeen, 19.
Fargher, Captain. J. J., 11.
Farrant, Mrs. (Ballamoar), 14.
Farrant, Quayle Curphey, 6.
Fayle, Albert Henry, 21.
Fielding, James Rae, 11.
Finch Hill Congregational Church Centenary, 12.
Fish Protection (J. Kelly), 11.
Fitzsimmons, Rev. William (of Edinburgh and Man), 29.
Flying at Douglas, 21.
Folk-Lore tales, 2, 3, 4.
Folk-song (Dr. Lyon), 6.
Forbes, Edward (Dr. J. H. Bailey), 6; Centenary, 15;
Memorial Unveiling, 16.
Fry, Major-General William, Arrival, =21.
Gale, Alderman Frank, =25.
Gell, Captain William, =9.
Gel], James (Douglas), 10.
Gell, James S., (High-Bailiff), 21.
Gell, Miss (Castletown), 5.
Gelling, Edward (The Cooil), 14.
Geography, Aspects of Manx (Canon Quine), 28.
German, Historical Account of the Parish of (Rev. J. Quine), 7.
Gilbert, John, 3.
Gill, Alexander, 20.
Gill, Archdeacon, 11. Gill, Captain, 25
Gill, W. H. (A Manx Composer and his Work), 16.
Goldie-Taubman, Captain G., =16.
Goulden, Mrs. Sophia J., 9.
Great Strike, 1919, 20.
Great Mana Family, The Christians of Milntown, 29.
Gregory, Rev. J. Robinson, 24.
Groome, John (Douglas), 17.
Guernsey, Comparison with Man (C. Copeland Smith), 14.
Gulls and Fish, 6.
Hanby, William, 25.
Hannay, Dr. Harry Percival, 15.
Harris, Rev. W., =11.
Hay, Professor Hanby, 11.
Henry, Robert E., 12.
Herdman, Prof. (Fairy Hill Excavation), 11.
Herring Fishery, 8.
Heyes, Charles Bernard, 29.
Hill, Alexander, 15.
Hillary, Sir William, Memorial to, 5, 26; An Account of the Writings of (G. W. Wood), 14.
Historical Documents, Manx, 25.
Hogg, Theophilus, 12.
Hoggatt, William, Exhibition of Manx Works, 25.
Hundred Years Ago, 13.
Hutchinson, William Arthur (Union Mills), 7.
Hymns in the Manx, 3, 5, 7.
Illiam Dhone at Ronaldsway, 22.
Inglis, Rev. D., Recollections, 10, 24; Visit to Finch Hill, 12.
Insurance Policies, Old Manx, 24.
Isle of Man, Origin and Significance of the Name, 26.
Isle of Man for the Manx (Dorothy Eyre), 25.
`Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor,' Extracts concerning Man, 2.
Johnson, Joseph, 2.
Joughin, J. J. (as Illiam in `Illiam Kodhere's Will'), =13.
Joughin, Victor Charles, 14.
Kay, John, B.A., =10.
Kaye, Joseph, =21.
Keig, Captain Thomas, 16.
Kellett, John Daniel (Douglas), 14.
Kelly, Alderman John, J.P., 25.
Kelly, Caesar (Foxdale), 9.
Kelly, Coun. T. G. (Mayor), -24.
Kelly, Henry (Ballaqueeney), 14.
Kelly, Rev. Charles, 27.
Kennish, John (Kansas), 28.
Kennish, John (Old Pete), 3.
Kermeen, Robert (Agneash), 12.
Kermode, John (Surby), 5.
Kermode, Thomas Cowley, 25.
Kermode, William James, 11.
Kermode, William Karran, 12.
Kerruish, William (Ramsey), 5.
Kewley, Archdeacon, Presentation to, 11.
Kewley, James (builder), 25.
Kewley, John (Ballaragh), 12.
Keys, Chronicles of the House of, 4.
Killey, Edward, =23.
Killip, Captain John (Laxey Mines), 5.
Killip, J. =22.
Killip, Rev. Robert, 14.
Killip, Robert, J.P., =20.
Killip, W. E. (Liverpool Manx), 19.
King, Inspector, 27.
'King Orry,' Launch of, 12.
Kinley, William Clucas, 23.
Kinnish, D. J. (Liverpool Manx), =13.
Kione Prash, or The Brazen Head of Lewaigue, 23.
Kissack, John, 21.
Kitto, Mrs. W. H., 14.
Kneale, John (Andreas), 12.
Kneen, J. J., Songs in Manx, 1, 2; Old Quirk the Antiquary; 13; Trip Round the Island 1,000 Years Ago, 29.
Kneen, Miss K., B.A., 14.
Kneen, Thomas, Clerk of the Rolls, 18.
Kneen, William (artist), 28.
Kneen, William (Rusben), 12.
Knockaloe Aliens' Camp, 17.
LaMothe, Frederick (William Radcliffe), 25.
Language and Nationality in Man, 14.
Language, Conservation. efforts, 20.
Language, Literature, Manx, 10.
Laughton, Alfred Nelson (High Bailiff), 10.
Laxey, Reminiscences of, 13.
Legislative Council, Members 1914, Photographic Supplement, -15.
Lewthwaite, Alexander, =14.
Literature, Manx, 12.
Lonan Reminiscences, 7, 8, 9.
Longden, Tom, 25.
Looney, Joseph Daniel, =2, 21.
Lowey, John, 2.
Lugh Lamfada, The Boyhood of (S. Morrison), 15.
Maitland, Dalrymple (Speaker), =21; Memorial Window Unveiling, 23; Portrait in Keys Chamber, 24.
Man and Guernsey, a Comparison, 14.
Man and the Isles, Kingdom of, 20.
Manannan and Lugh Lamfada (S. Morrison), 15.
Manannan Beg Mac y Leirr, 23.
' Mannin Magazine,' 19.
Manx Choir, 2, 3, 5.
Manx Drama, New School of, 27.
Manx Homestead, 13.
Manx Life 100 Years Ago, 2.
Manx Language Literature (G. W. Wood), 10.
Manx Language Society, 14.
Manx MS. Forms (1760-1809: Parson Clague), 12.
Manx Music, 12.
Manx Nation (W. Cubbon), 19.
Manx Poetry (W. Cubbon's Anthology), 14.
Manx Service, Kirk Braddan, 23.
Manx Wedding (Gill, trans. by H. P. Kelly), 12.
Manxland and its Inhabitants, 29.
Manxland, The Future of (Rev. Copeland Smith), 19.
Manxman and His Baby (W. Ralph Hall Caine), 13.
Marsden, Coun. Arthur Henry, 11.
McCreanor, Thomas, 12.
Meyrick, W. B., =13.
Minorca, Lonan (Old Phil), 8.
Moore, Alderman Robert, 19.
Moore, Arthur William (Speaker), 7; Portrait presented to Keys, 11.
Moore, Canon, 12.
Moore, Deemster, Resignation of, =27.
Moore, George (Castletown), 15.
Moore, G. H. (New Zealand), 15.
Moore, James (Douglas), -9.
Moore, John (Port St. Mary), 9.
Moore, Lieut.-Col. George, 21.
Moore, Mrs. W. F. (Cronkbourne), 15.
Moore, Ramsey Bignall (Manx People in America), 24; Attorney-General, =25.
Moore, T. H. =15.
Morrison, Miss Sophia, =18.
Moughtin, Captain Robert, 21.
Mutiny of the Bounty, Manxmen concerned in, 19.
Mutiny of the Bounty, New Light on, 26.
Mylechraine, William Edwin, 17.
Mylechreest, Thomas (Douglas), 6.
Mylechreest, Thomas Horseman Parker, 15.
Mylechreest, Thomas Moore, 6.
Mylrea, John Allen, 10.
Nelson, John (Ramsey), 9.
Nicholson, John Miller, 12; Pictures, 20; The Art of, 20.
Nicholls, R. H. (Postmaster), Retirement, 29.
Noble's Hospital, Opening of the New, 11.
Norris, S. (Manx Government), 10.
November-May Year, 6.
Old Douglas, 7.
Old Pete (John Kennish), 3.
Old Quirk the Antiquary (J. J. Kneen), 1.3.
Owen, R. Vocal Music in Man, 2.
Page, Arthur, =13.
Parliamentary Reform, 19.
Paton, Rev. George, 18.
Patrick Churchyard, 26.
Peel Castle Contents, 1650, 25.
Peel, John Wesley's Visit to, =22.
Pension, Old Age, First Recipients of, =25.
Pinnock, Rev. T. Mostyn, 17.
Pitt, Rev. S., on Bishop Wilson, 5.
Pitts, Herbert (Our Lady of Rushen), 16.
Place-Names, Curious Manx, 28; A Trip Round the Island a Thousand Years Ago (J. J. Kneen), 29.
Pleigner, Victor Phillipe, 17.
Police, History of the Manx, 5. .
Pollack Fishing from Port Erin, 2.
Poulter, Frederick Charles, 21, 24.
Preston, George (Builder), 9, 10.
Preston, Miss A., =13.
Prices, Douglas, a Century Ago, 22, 27.
Proctor, William, J.P., 18.
Proverbs, Manx, 27.
Qualtrough, Edward (Port St. Mary), 14.
Quayle, William, C.P., 2.
Quayle, George Harrington (Castletown), 14.
Quayle, Robert (Poor Law Guardians), 2.
Quiggin, Professor Edmund Crosby, 27.
Quiggin, Rev. W. R., 12.
Quilliam, Lieut. John, =13.
Quine, Rev. John, Historical Account of the Parish of
German, 7; Bishop Hildesley, 11.
Quine, William, M.H.K., 2.
Raby, Charles Rowland (Auctioneer), 22.
Radcliffe, Alexander, 2.
Radcliffe, William James, J.P., 17.
Raglan, Lord and Lady, =13; Resignation of Lord, 20; Obit., 28.
Ramsey Cottage Hospital, 3.
Reddicliffe, Captain, 14.
Red Pier, Memories of the old, 19.
Rhodes, Paul (Contractor), =13.
Ridge, A. J., =26.
Ridgeway, Lady West, 3.
Rigby, Armitage, M.H.K. =9.
Ring, George Alfred, Resignation as Attorney-General, =25.
Robertson, Alexander (Town Clerk), =13.
Robertson, David M., 6.
Robinson, John (Ramsey), 28.
Robinson, Percy, -13.
Roeder, Charles, =10.
Rogers, Joseph Drake (Secy, Laxey Mines), 11.
Ronaldsway and Illiam Dhone, 22.
Roney, John (Ganga), =14.
Rostron, Rev. Isaiah, =28.
Royal Hotel, Douglas, =17.
Royal Visit to Man, 1920, =23.
Rushen Place-Names (J. J. Kneen), 15.
Rushen, Our Lady of (The Abbey: Herbert Pitts), 16.
Rushworth, Rev. W. A., =12.
Ruskin, John, Association with Man, 20; ( F. Gale), 22.
Rylance, J. Frederick, 7.
Rydings, Egbert, 11.
St. Mary's, Douglas, Jubilee, 7.
St. Matthew's, 3 ; Story of, 16, =28.
St. Maughold's, The Cross of, 17.
St. Ninian's Church, -12.
Sansbury, John (Ballachrink, Rushen), 5.
Sansbury, John Caesar, 16.
Santan War Memorial Unveiling, 22.
Savage, Canon E. B., Resignation of, 14.
Scottish Coins issued in the Isle of Man, 25.
Sharp, Coun. Joseph Cowley, =5.
Shimmin, Christopher R., =13.
Ship-building in Klan, 22.
Simpson, S. G. (T. E. Brown), 7.
Skillicorn, W. N. (Cheltenham), 17.
Smith, Rev. Copeland, Future of Manxland, 1.9; War-work, 21.
Smuggling, 21.
Snaefell, S.S., 8.
Songs in Manx (J. J. Kneen), 1.
Spicer, Rev. Canon, 21.
Spittall, James, 14.
Standish, Myles, Birthplace of, 24.
Stanley, The Great, 15.
Steam Packet Co., 80th. Anniversary, 9; 90th., 25.
Stenning, Rev. E. H.., (Sermon), 24.
Story, Anthony Brown Herbert, =9.
Stowell, Canon, 17.
Stowell, Flaxney, =4, 18.
Stowell, Supt. J., =15.
Straton, Bishop, Translation of, =3.
Straton, Mrs., 1'i
Superstitions, 5, 9.
Swinnerton, Charles, 2.
Swynnerton, J. W., 9.
Talbot, Rev. Theophilus, 4; Bequest, 6.
Taggart, Canon, =6.
Taggart, John Joseph, 15.
Taggart, Rev. Hugh S., =6.
Taggart, Rev. H. S. (Douglas 200 Years Ago), 10.
Taggart, Rev. 'P. A., 11.
Taylor, John (Public Librarian), 11.
Tavern Sign, 13.
Teare, Robert, M.H.K., 11.
Thomson, William, 18.
Three Legs of Man, 21.
Thurot and Elliot, 25.
Tombstones in Six Languages (Patrick), 26.
Tourist Trophy Race Winners, =26.
Tynwald, 1907 Acts in Manx and English, 3.
Tynwald, Origin and Antiquity, 25.
Victoria Hotel, Reminiscences, 16.
Villa Marina Opening, =13.
'Vixen', Adventure of the, 16.
Vocal Music in Man, (R. Owen), 2.
Waid, William, =6.
Walks, Three Celebrated (G. F. Clucas),, 12.
Walpole, Sir Spencer, 'Studies in Autobiography,' 2; Obit. 3.
Walsh, Rev. Dean, =15.
War Memorials in the Island, 26, 27, =28, =29.
Ward, Hon. James Kewley, =9.
Ward Public Library, Peel, 3.
Watterson's Bank, California, 5.
Wesley, John, and his Times, 22.
Weston, Thomas, 5.
White Boys, The, 25.
Williams, Henry, =23.
Williamson, David (Laxey), 18.
Wilson, Bishop (Rev. S. Pitt), 5; ('The Island Speaks'), 10.
Wilson, Canon, Address at Unveiling of T. E. Brown Memorial, 14.
Women, Notable Manx, 27.
Wood, Dr. T. A. (Knocksharry), 14.
Wood, G. W. (Account of the Writings of Sir William Hillary), 14.
Wood, Miss M. L., =9.
Woodhouse, Rev. D. C., =12.
Woodman, Miss Flora, =23.
Woods, Captain William, 18.
World Manx Association, =11, 12, 13.
Wraick Harvest, 22.
THE MANXMAN, the Three-Legged Magazine.
Editor: T. E. Edwardes. Liverpool: Provincial Publicity Coy., 26, Drury Lane. May, 1911, to August, 1914. pp. 32. Profusely
illustrated. 245x150. Price, one penny. [206, L6.]
Coloured cover from drawing by William A. Bradley of a three-legged Manx dancing girl.
The final issue, in Sept., 1914, is Number 16. 'The Manxman ' was only published in the summer months, June to August. In
addition to the matters mentioned in the brief index below, there are also a great many miscellaneous notes referring to
the Isle of Man. The greater portion of the contents are concerned with the Steam Packet Company.
"Ben my Chares", Three, 15.
Bregazzi, J. =16.
Bridson, Harry, =10.
Brown, Harry Ross, =13.
Brown, T. E., His Poetry and Prose, 8; on Manx Character, =5.
Cain, Captain, =12.
Cannell, Captain W., =7.
Captains, Manx (with portraits), 1, 2, 3, 7.
Carine, Mark, M.H.K., =15.
Casement, John (Engineer), =10.
Cashen, William (Peel), =16.
Channel, Discovery of Mersey, by Captain Gill, 4.
Cojeen, Captain W. H., =7.
Cowell, Mrs. (Chief Stewardess), =10.
Crawford, Captain, =7.
Crellin, Mrs. =8.
Derbys and the Island, 5.
Douglas, Old, 5.
" Douglas II," =10.
Drury, Bishop, Landing on Calf, =11.
Edwards, William, =10.
Ellis, Lister, =8.
Gill, Captain William, =1; Discovery of Channel by, 4.
Gill, Rev. William, 12.
Heatherington, Capt. William, and his Manx descent, =8; the Oldest Passenger, =7.
Hutchinson, John, M.P. ('Memories of Mona'), =2, 3, 4.
Joste, Captain J. E., =12.
Joughin, Miss Eleanor Tynwald, =7.
Keig, Walter, =7, =10.
Kelly, Det.-Serg. =10.
" King Orry I," 1842, =12.
" King Orrys," The Three, =9.
Kermode, Captain J., =7.
Madden, Archdeacon, Landing on Calf, =11.
Manx Fleet, 12.
Manx Marine Club, 8, 10, 11, 12.
Marsden, S. H. (Ramsey), =13.
McQueen, Captain A., =10.
Midwood, T. H., =15.
Minutes, Steam Packet Coy., 5.
Moore, James, =7.
Moughtin, Captain R., M.H.K., =15.
Napier, Robert, =8.
Old Douglas, 6.
Orford, Thomas, =5.
Penwill, Captain T. (Tynwald), =2.
Pigott, Arrival of Governor (1861), =12.
Passengers, Oldest Manx, and their Reminiscences, =1, =2, 3, 4, 5.
Qualtrough, Thomas (Port St. Mary), =7.
"Queen Victoria", =9.
Quine, of Quine and Shimmin, =14.
Quine, Rev. J. (Manx Sketch), 1.
Race between "Monarch" and "Queen of the Isle", =11.
Roney, R. (Boatman). =12.
Ruthven, Captain W., =10.
Steamers, How they began, 1, 2.
Steam Packet Coy., 80th. Birthday, 4; 87th. 7.
Steam Packet Coy. Minutes, 5.
Thomson (Douglas Auctioneer), =10.
Tongue, A. W., =10.
Wattleworth (Chief Eng., "Viking"), =8.
= denotes portrait or other illustration.
Ramsey, at the Courier Office. Dec., 1912. pp. 16. 320x248. Price, one penny. [H. 326.]
The only one published. It contains, on page 5, a short story by the Rev. Canon Quine entitled " A Christmas Story," and
a poem, " Nanny's Christmas," by Cushag.
MANNIN : a Journal of Matters Past and Present relating to Mann.
Published by Yn Cheshaght Gailckagh, the Manx Language Society. Editor: Miss Sophia Mor- rison. Printer: L. G. Meyer, Douglas. May, 1913, to May, 1917. pp. 570. Several half-tone plates. 222x146. Price, one shilling. [1125, G. F. Clucas Collection, L 6.] Next to the Manx Note-Book, this is the best attempt at the production of a literary publication in the Island. Mannin was issued twice in the year, 'in the spring on Laa Boaldyn, and in the autumn on Laa Houney.' The Museum series is complete with the nine numbers and index, pp. 571-578. In the Foreword to No. 1. Dr. Drury, the Lord Bishop of Ripon, wrote: "It is most important to take steps with- out delay to preserve what is of value and interest in connection with the history, language and antiquities of the Isle of Man. As Manxmen like Archdeacon Gill and Dr. John Clague pass into larger life, we lose treasures of old story which can never be regained. It is impossible to save all that such old veterans stand for, but much may be done if only there are organised channels into which the abundance of their ripe memories may be turned. Such, I take it, will be one object of MANNIN. . . . There is still an abundance of tradition that lies hidden away in humble cottages and lonely farms, and which care and digilence may collect and put into per- manent form . . . and I trust that those who control the destinies of MANNIN will speedily and wisely organise the means of doing it."
The following is a brief summary of the index:
Arbory Parish Cradle-Song, Arrane y Clean, 52.
Bairstow, Dr. E. C., On Manx Language and Music, 55.
Ballaugh, Life in, in the Forties (Ellie Shimmin), 269.
Borrow, George, Expedition to the Isle of Man, 197, 263.
Brown, Thomas Edward, 53; Anniversary of his birth, 491; Letters to Egbert Rydings, 505; New Letters to C. Roeder, 519.
Brown, Tom, In touch with (W. H. Gill), 354.
Caine, P. W., Dorothy Mona Kermode, 569; Sophia Morrison, 499; Manx Carvals and their Writers, 77,
Carvals, Language of, and Literary Manx (E. C. Quiggin), 35; Manx, and their Writers (P. W. Caine), 77;
Clague, Dr. John, Collection of Folk Airs, 57; Old Manx Airs, 75, 149, 279, 370, 493.
Clucas, G. Frederick, Should Our National Legislature be Abolished? 475; Sir William le Scrope, 257.
Coal and Salt in the Isle of Man (W. Boyd Dawkins), 28.
Corna dale, In (P. M. C. Kermode), 9.
Cregneash Folk-lore notes (E. Faragher), 176.
Cubbon, William, On the Forbes Centenary, London, 310;
Ballad of Mannanan Beg Mac y Leirr, 40.
" Cushag," Folklore Notes, 52, 294, 364; Verse, 24, 64, 138, 504, 516.
Dawkins, Ella Boyd, Two Charms, 124.
Dawkins, W. Boyd, Coal and Salt in Man, 28.
Douglas, Mona, Lezayre Notes, 416; Verse, 247, 369, 562.
Douglas Folk-lore, 124; George Sheffield in (A. Knox), 184.
Drama, 63, 97, 439.
Expedition to the Isle of Man (George Borrow), 197, 263.
Fairies (W. H. Gill), 87, 242.
Falcons, Manx, at the Coronations (G. W. Wood), 524.
Folk-lore Notes, 124, 253, 294, 360, 416; (" Cushag "), 52; (E. Faragher), 176; (J. J. Joughin), 486, 530; (S. Morrison),
Folk-Song, Manx (A. P. Graves), 91, 170.
Forbes, Edward, 301, 310.
G.G., Old Peel, 318.
German Language, Manx Grammar in the (G. W. Wood), 181.
Gill, W. H., Manx Miniatures (Fairies, Tom Brown, Music), 87, 242, 354, 385.
Graves, A. P., Folk-Song, 91, 170; Portrait, facing p. 91.
Joughin, J.J., Peel Street Games, 486, 530.
Juan Priest (P. M. C. Kermode), 9, 67, 151, 229, 391, 542.
Kermode, P. M. C., Viking Ship on a Manx monument, 178; Raven's Nest, 335; Juan Priest (see 'J'); Swallows and the Wrens,
Kerruish, J. D., Wesley and Mann, 511.
Kirk Andreas Folk-lore, 52; Kirk Bride Folk-lore, 52.
Knox, Archibald, George Sheffield in Douglas, 184; His Work (W. T.), 381; John Miller Nicholson, 25; Pewter Designs by (illus.),
f.p. 382, 383; Portrait, 381.
Legislature, Manx, Should it be abolished? (G. F. Clucas, 475.
Literary Manx and the Language of the Carvals (E. C. Quiggin), 35.
Lonan Folk-lore, 126, 360.
Mannanan Beg Mac y Leirr, Ballad of, (W. Cubbon), 40.
Manx Grammar in the German Language (G. W. Wood), 181.
Manx Miniatures (W. H. Gill), 87, 242, 354, 385.
Marown, the Saint's name in Wales (Sir John Rhys), 61.
Morrison, Sophia, Appreciations, 499, 502, 562, 564; Folk-lore, 564; Portrait f.p. 499; Ruskin and Egbert
Rydings' letters, 164, 407.
Music in the Isle of Man (M. L. Wood), 33.
Nicholson, J. M., 53; Biographical Note (A. Knox), 25;
Portrait, f.p. 1.
Old Peel (G.G.), 318.
Peel Street Games (J. J. Joughin), 486, 530.
Proverbs, 495.
Quiggin, E. C., Literary Manx and the Language of the Carvals, 35.
Quine, F., White Lady, 363.
Ralfe, P. G., Between Fleshwick and Dalby, 81, 139; Manx Coast Sketches, 347, 399, 534.
Raven's Nest (P. M. C. Kermode), 335.
Rhys, Sir John, Saint's Name Marown in Wales, 61.
Roeder, C., New letters from T. E. Brown, 519.
Rydings, Egbert, and John Ruskin (Sophia Morrison), 164, 407; Letters to T. E. Brown, 505.
Scrope, William le, 375; (G. F. Clucas), 257; Portrait, 255.
Sculptor, Manx, and his Work: J W. Swynnerton (F. Swynnerton), 129.
Sheffield, George, in Douglas (A. Knox), 184.
Shimmin, Christopher R., The Smuggler, 41; Third Boat, 422.
Shimmin, Ellie, Life in Ballaugh in the Forties, 269.
Swynnerton, F., A Manx Sculptor and his Work, 129.
T. W., Archibald Knox, 381.
Wesley, John, and Man (J. D. Kerruish), 511.
White Lady (F. Quine), 363.
Wilson, Ven. J. M., T. E. Brown, 250.
Witches in the Isle of Man, 205.
Wood, G. W., Manx Falcons at the Coronation, 524; Manx Grammar in the German Language, 181; Old Manx Music, 330; Sir William
le Scrope, 375.
Wood, Miss M. L., Music in Man, 33; Portrait, f.p. 33.
New Series. Douglas: Brown and Sons. May, 1915
[more to be added]
First published December, 1923. Published twice yearly. Douglas: Brown and Sons, Ltd. World Manx Association. pp. 406.
Several half-tones and portraits. 215x140. Price, 1/3. Cover by Frank S. Graves. Editor, Leigh Goldie-Taubman, President
of the W.M.A., assisted by the Speaker, G. F. Clucas, and J. N. Oates.
In the foreword to the first number the Lieut.-Governor, W. Fry, M.G., says " Ellan Vannin is a further effort on the part of the World Manx Association to foster the Manx spirit and to keep in touch with those Manx people who have settled in Great Britain, in the Dominions of the British Empire, in the United States of America, and, indeed, throughout the world."
Anglo-Manx Dialect (W. Cubbon), 2.
Armorial Bearings of the I.M. (P. M. C. Kermode), *8.
Australia, Manx Pioneers in: Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk, *7.
Barbary, A Christian Slave in, A.D. 1699 (W. Cubbon), 4.
Bird-Life (P. G. Ralfe), 3.
Bonaparte, Prince Lucien, Visit to Man (Bishop Drury), 2.
Brown, Thomas Edward: Festival, 1923, 1; His Forbears, 9; Personal Reminiscences of (Rev. H. S. Taggart), 1, 2.
Cain, Robert Cobbold: Manx National Flag, 7.
Caine, P. W.: Manx Folk-Songs, 7.
Christian Names (J. J. Kneen), 1.
Clarke, A. E.: Marown Old Church, 3.
Clague, H. Granville: Short Story, 3.
Clucas, George Frederick: Dr. W. E. Quine, *1; Robert
Quayle, *3; Bishop Drury, *6; Mrs. F. H. Laughton, *9.
Cruinnaght (M. Creer), 9.
Cubbon, William: Anglo-Manx Dialect, 2; Idiomatic Sayings of Lonan, 3; A Christian Slave in Barbary, 4; Manx Herbs, Flowers
and Plants, 4, 5.
Douglas, Mona: Juan the Desert, A Manxman, 8.
Douglas 100 Years Ago (J. A. B.), 2.
Drury, Rt. Rev. Thomas Wortley, *6.
Farrant, The Deemster, R. D., 8; (and Miss Paton) The Manx Nation, 9.
Folk-Songs (P. W. Caine), 7.
Goldie, Sir George (J. E. L.), *4.
Goldie-Taubman, John Leigh, *9.
Graves, Miss E.: Tommy Quayle's Will, 7.
Herbs, Flowers and Plants, Their Uses for Medicine and Dyes (W. Cubbon), 4, 5.
Hill, Governor Sir Claude, *6.
Hillary, Sir William, *2.
Homecoming, 1927, 9.
Honey, Wild, from Manx Hedges (Rev. Christopher Bell), 9.
House Names, Manx (J. J. Kneen), 9.
Idiomatic Sayings of Lonan, 3.
Juan the Desert, A Manxman (Mona Douglas), 8.
Kelly, H. Percy: Orry, 2; A Night at the Herrings, 5.
Kermode, P. M. C.: Tynwald, 8; Armorial Bearings of Man, 8.
Kewley, Archdeacon: Rambling Memories, 1.
Kneen, J. J.: Christian Names, 1; Manorial Roll, 2; Salutations in Manx, 4; Manx Lessons, 5, 6, 7; Manx House Names, 9.
Laughton, Mrs. Florence Holford, *9; Memorial, 9.
Law-Making, 1.
Leece, Joseph Edwin (William Radcliffe), *8.
Leech, Frederick: Sketch, Old Douglas Harbour, 5.
Lessons in Manx (J. J. Kneen), 5, 6, 7, 8.
Lonan, Idiomatic Sayings Common in (W. Cubbon), 3.
London Manx Society, Annals of the (William Radcliffe), 4, 5.
Manorial Roll (J. J. Kneen), 2.
Manx Nation (R. D. Farrant and Miss Paton), 9.
Marown Old Church (A. E. Clarke), 3.
Meyrick, William Benjamin, Obit., 6.
Mona's Relief Society, Cleveland, U.S .A., 6, 7, 8.
Moore, Ramsey B.: Law-Making, 1.
Music Festival, The 35th (Mrs. Laughton), 6.
Music in the 'Sixties and 'Seventies (M. L. Wood), Flag (R. C. Cain). 7. , 3.
Night at the Herrings (H. P. Kelly), 5.
Orry (H. P. Kelly), 2.
Pastoral Staff of the Diocese of Sodor and Man (J. B. Quayle), *8.
Place-Names, Kneen's Work on (W. Cubbon), 6.
Quayle, John R.: The Pastoral Staff of the Diocese, *8.
Quayle, Wilfred: Pencil Sketches, *8.
Quirk, Mr. and Mrs. John, Manx Pioneers in Australia, *7.
Quayle, Robert (G. F. Clucas), *3.
Quine, Dr. W. E. (G. F. Clucas), *1.
Radcliffe, William: London Manx Society Annals, 4, 5.
Ralfe, Pilcher George: Manx Bird-Life, 3.
Salutations in Manx (J. J. Kneen), 4.
Slave in Barbary, A Christian, A.D. 1699 (W. Cubbon), 4.
Songs of the Manx Nation, 9.
Taggart, Rev. H. S.: Reminiscences of T. E. Brown, 1.
Teare, A. H.: Queen Victoria's Visit to Ramsey, 3.
Thornton-Duesbury, Rt. Rev. C. L., *4.
Tommy Quayle's Will (Miss E. Graves), 7.
Tynwald (P. M. C. Kermode), 8.
Victoria, Queen, Visit to Ramsey (A. H. Teare), 3.
War Services of the Manx (R. D. Farrant and Miss Paton), 9.
White Boys, The, 6, *7.
Wood, M. L.: Music in the 'Sixties and 'Seventies, 3.
Published quarterly by the Manx Museum and Ancient Monuments Trustees. Douglas : Victoria Press. December, 1924. Vol. i.
260x200 ; vol. ii. 250x200 ; vols. iii., iv., 258x205. Plates, 121 to end of vol. iii. Price, 4/- per annum. [6087, A 365]
Vol i.. Nos. 1-24. Dec., 1924-Sept., 1930. 192pp.
Vol. ii. Nos. 25-41. Dec., 1930-Dec., 1934. 224pp.
Vol. iii. Nos. 42-53. Mar., 1935-Dec., 1937. 246pp.
Vol. iv. Nos. 54- . Mar., 1938-
The Journal of the Manx Museum was initiated by Mr. B. E. Sargeaunt, F.S.A., one of the Museum Trustees; he not only founded
the Journal, but was the editor throughout the first six years of its career. He retired from that position at the end of
1930, and since that date the editorship has been held by Mr. William Cubbon, the Director of the Museum since 1932 and
Librarian since its formation in 1922. For the first six years the Journal was an eight-page publication without illustrations,
but since then has expanded as shown:-
No. Date. Pp. Plates.
1. ... Dec., 1924 ... 8 ... -
30. ... Mar., 1932 ... 12 ... 1-2
33. ... Dec., 1932 ... 16 ... 2-3-4
41. ... Dec., 1934 ... 20 ... 6-8
Since December, 1930, four to eight pages of each issue have been devoted to the publication of historic documents in the possession of the Library of the Manx Museum, this being regarded in many ways as the raison d'etre of the Journal. Articles bearing upon such subjects as Manx history, natural history, archaeology and biography are also included in most issues, as well as notes with regard to Museum affairs. Full indexes of the three voll. of the Journal completed to date are available, but the more important papers and documents are given below:-
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The
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