The Manxman - the three-legged magazine

Published 1911-1914 during the summer months (May, June, July & August)- aimed at the tourist trade and in particular at the passengers on the IoMSPCo ferries. Issue #16 (Sepember 1914) was effectively the last, though a reduced sized 17th issue appeared in 1923.

Editor was Liverpool based T. E. Edwardes, who had published a similar paper, The Tourist, between 1897-1900 from which more than a few of the items were re-cycled.

The illustrated cover was by William A Bradley, each issue consisted of 32 pages, well illustrated, with the majority of articles relating to the IoMSPCo.

Scanned Articles


W. Cubbon Bibliography of works relating to the Isle of Man Vol II section L6 pp1267/8 Douglas:1939


 Manx Note Book


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