
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Calling All Manxophiles
In Response To: Calling All Manxophiles ()

Hi Jerome,

Your question is insightful and your desire to learn and understand about the Manx and the culture is delightful and refreshing. The question has more than an element relating to genealogy/family history although I do agree with Frances that the prime purpose of this particular BB is for genealogy and family history information exchange rather than full and outblown discussions. A little wouldnt hurt however.

The fact that you have posed such a question highlights the need for a BB where such questions can be posed and discussed in an intelligent and purposeful manner with the idea being to inform, learn and share. (Not one like the general BB as it was 2 years ago where other intentions pervaded)

It is unfortunate that the original responses to your question were so reactionary rather than from a viewpoint to assist you in your genuine desire to understand and learn. However, be that as it may, they have occurred but at least later ones have attempted to balance the responses/attitudes out.

May I suggest that you join the Isle of Man mail list at Yahoo Groups where you can then pose your question/s and perhaps generate a wonderful and fruitful discussion. Go to www.yahoo.com, click on Groups (under personal)and create for yourself a Yahoo ID, search for Isle of Man in the directory and apply to join this moderated group which currently has 200 members world wide.

Also the following website URLs may prove informative (it is not exhaustive and I have not included France's site as I am sure you have visited her wonderful respository at A Manx Notebook):


Having given you these, it may be that I am making an assumption here that you have not already been doing your own research... if so, my apologies.

Now to perhaps give my view to your question.

I love my Manx heritage (my ancestors left in 1859 and went to New Zealand). I believe that pro-rata, the Isle of Man has probably become one of the most global nations of all nations as one seems to meet the Manx culture everywhere one goes. Rather than finding I have to explain where the Isle of Man is, I seem to meet people who know of it and are informed enough to be able to discuss it.

Going back to one's origins is very much part of the journey of life I believe as it brings into focus and balance where one has come from in order to stabilise one in the present to make considered and reasoned choices for one's future.

I was lucky enough to visit the Island in 1980 for short period and my immediate feeling at the time of arrival and while I was there had me promising to myself that I would be back someday to live on the Island for a period to absorb its feeling, beauty and culture, which I knew was mine even though I lived at the other end of the globe. I am blessed and grateful for the fact that my promise to myself is about to come to pass, 23 years after that original intent was set in 1980. I guess after this experience I will be able to answer your question perhaps with more "inside" information.

Kindest regards
Elizabeth, Australia