
Manx Genealogy

In Response To: Re: ADAM CAINE ()

Dear Ms. Coakley,
I am going back to post of 25/6/2011:

to fill in a little re Corletts of Ballacurleod
1704 compositon book(#21) other half Ballacurleod-Tho Curlett for the other half quarter of 17s 4 d double rent compounded for in 1643 by Tho Curlett.
In 1691 Thomas Curlett fromerly THOMAS Curlott his grandfather, the composition of 1643 by Thos CORLETT was for sd' Thomas, donald his son, gilbert cannell s.o phill cannell' in 1691 Gilbt was said to be alive in IRELAND,but DECEASED BY1704, The rest of the post I did not write down, Because at this junction, there is no way that this GILBERT was the ANNES GILBERT in her will.

ANNES will is 1738, the GILBERT she speaks of could not have been this GILBERT,, your GILBERT he is dead by 1704.

We must do our research in the right way.

We cannot pull out air families that have no correlation.

I will leave this up to the genealogist as stated.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa